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Woman's Club To Hear Panel Discuss Library Community Service For City

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[image]:  PLAN PROGRAM: Library service for the community will be the topic of a panel discussion before the Woman’s Club of Ann Arbor Tuesday afternoon. Planning the discussion are panel participants, (seated, left to right), Mrs. Jack Hogan, representing the Friends of the Library; Charles Metzner, past president of the Friends of the Library; and Mrs. Edward Stasheff, president of the Library Advisory Council; and (standing, left to right), George Curtis, county librarian; Mrs. Leslie Kish, president of the Ann Arbor Board of Education; and Homer Chance, chief librarian of the Ann Arbor Public Library.

Woman's Club To Hear Panel Discuss Library Community Service For City

The Woman’s Club of Ann Arbor will hear a panel discuss “Library Community Service for Ann Arbor” at a 2 p.m. meeting Tuesday in the Ann Arbor Public Library.

Charles Metzner, professor of public health economics at the University and past president of the Friends of the Library, will serve as moderator. 

Panel member, include Mrs. Leslie Kish, president of the Ann Arbor Board of Education; Homer Chance, chief librarian of the Ann Arbor Public Library; Mrs. Edward Stasheff, president of the Library Advisory Council; Mrs. Jack Hogan, representing the Friends of the Library; and George Curtis, county librarian.

Miss Elizabeth Slack is program chairman, and Mrs. Leon Warren is chairman of a Christmas tea and bazaar table.

Hostesses will be Mrs. Nicholas D. Falcone, Mrs. C. H. Griffitts, Mrs. Arthur E. Yost and Miss Henricka B. Beach.