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Phone Call's Two-Way Surprise

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Phone Call’s Two-Way Surprise

Ann Arbor High School exchange student Morag (Morry) Campbell enjoyed a happy Mother's Day, thanks to the efforts of her fellow students.

Morry was surprised with a gift of $30 collected secretly by her friends so that she could call her mother and other members of her family in Burton-on-Trent England. 

The financial campaign was hastily resumed this morning, however, because the allotted 15 minutes of phone call time grew into 22.

The call was made from the home of Prof. and Mrs. Charles W. Joiner at 2132 Brockman Blvd., where Morry has been living since August. Under the exchange student program, Morry, 18, is a "sister" of the Joiners' daughter Nancy. Both are seniors. 

Morry spoke to her mother, Mrs. David Campbell, since it was Mother's Day. Then she talked to her father and 15-year-old sister, Linda. Her brother, Graham, 10, attends a private school and was not at home. Mr. and Mrs. Joiner also spoke with the Campbells. And Kelsey Beardsley, a sophomore at Ann Arbor High School, who will be living with the Campbells next year, spoke with Linda Campbell, her future "sister".