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Group Asks Hearing On Slaying-Probe 'Incompetence'

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By Pat Materka sympathizers, told councilmen s to p p e d at the fir st floor throw of the government. I cilmen on the issues immedi' they have needlessly interroeat- Inent 01' fright of that member _
Charging local P01iCe agen- there is a crisis, to expose the searched by the local pigs (po- ten them back.” A. Cappaert, Fifth Ward coun- haven’t been blessed with a riot A University student who _
eieS with “inC0n1PetenCe, Vin- stupidity of. the existing rules lice), and then told to get out Because of their success in cilman replacing Mayor Robert yet, but unless you can express said he was member-at-large on
diCtiVeneSS and C0n1PetitiVe- and change the system; We because there was no Council obtaining city cooperation for J. Harris who is attending the an ability to drop protocol, it’s the Student Government Coun-
ness” in their attempts to S01Ve want a hearing to make it clear meeting that night,” Taube the holding of Sunday rock con- National Mayor’s Conference. in going to happen. It’s just the cil with an itemized- program /”`
six area murders, a group of te .the police that they are read, certs in the parks, having gone Pittsb ur g , replied that all wayB follows A,” he said. for improved lighting in such ' '
young Pe0P1e is demanding a responsible to the people, not in “The Ann Arbor pigs consis- through legitimate legal chan- points will be answered and “Maybe there is a need to campus areas as S. University, e
Pllhiie hearing of their grieV- control of the people. tantly come by the 'Trans-Love nels, the Trans-Love group that he would be in touch with clarify rules here,” Third Ward Washtenaw, Hill St., the library
_ ances before City Cnnneii- “Police are using the murder Communes on Hill Street late wants to become more active in Taube- “directly.” Later, anoth- Councilman Nicholas D. Kazar- and Women’s Pool. “We will be ~ ` *
Milton (Skip) Taube of Trans- investigation to harass people at night and put their search oth er democratic processes er member of the audience, inoff said. “Under the previous presenting this to the regents _
Love Energies told city council- who smoke marijuana. It is a lights all over our houses. We such as jury duty, etc., Taube Steve Bober of 335 E. Huron, council there had been no this week also,” he said. “It is
men last night that Wednesday ' waste of the taxpayers’ money surrounded a pig one night, said. He asked that voter _regis- lashed out at council for its means for response to audience the city’s and the University’s ` _
Night Free Community Council to enforce these harsh, selec- confronted him and demanded tration booths be set up m the “discourteousness” in not comments. Under new rules joint responsibility to do some- _
meetings at 1510 Hill have pro- tive laws when police should 'be an explanation for such obvi- parks on Sundays and that affording a response. there is such a provision, if the thing about lighting,-not by
duced clues and leads the Putting their tetai e¥1ergieS inte ously attempted intilnidatien- tr11CkS Comb City neighb01‘h00dS “I can’t imagine that your mayor or any one up here has fiscal year ’71 but by this fall.” “
police do not bother to investi- solving the n1l1rderS»” Taube All he had to oink WaS that he in the evenings and on Week- time is so valuable. The crisis facts available to clarify points Another member of the audi- _
gate. “Girls say they are being went on. He circulated a sheet was looking at our grass. ends to sign UP Pe0lJ1e_ Wh0 in Ann Arbor doesn’t concern raised. ‘ ence, Mrs. Walter B. Niles of
attacked on the streets at night, from the “White Panther News “A few weeks ago, two White “do,nZ~t_ want to _be intimidated housing or any of the other “In not setting up a dialogue 325 E. Jefferson, suggested that
and when they try to report Service” citing other instances Panther Party members were by 'éifilot of questions at the City things on the agenda tonight procedure We were reagting to City Cgungil Start a We11_pub1i_ 3
this, th e y can’t find anyone of alleged police harassment or walking down South University Clerk’soff1ce.” _ _ What we need was 3 frank and the timjdity with which most cized campaign to get campus
interested,” he said. ' ` indifference. when Sheriff Harvey’S g00HS Already 15 in-1nnteS 0Ve1f h1S candid discussion.” Bober also persons approach the micro- area residents to leave their » `
The 22-year-old s p e a k er , “A couple of young citizens pulled up and stole their rolled allotted _10-minute “aud1ence ` expressed anger with the way phone to address. us. It would porch lights on at night in the
backed by a cheering section of attempted to go to a City Coun- up White Panther flags, saying part1c1pat1on” ti m e , Taube police were eendueting their be too easy for us to engage in meantime.
some 30 to 40 hippies and other cil meeting June 2, and were they advocated violent over- asked for a dialogue with coun- jnvestigatign, charging t h a t Sharp debate’ to the embdn-ass- (Other Cguncil news on pg 3) _