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3.5-Mile Pathway Plan Outlined

3.5-Mile Pathway Plan Outlined image
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Plans for recreational development of some 3.5 miles of land along the Húron River were presented to the City Planning Commission at yesterday afternoon's meeting. As prepared by University landscape architecture Prof. Kenneth J. Polakowski, the plan calis basically for a pathway along the river from the Arboretum-Dow Field área to the área of Dixboro Rd. P a r k s Department Supt. George Owers told commission members various groups have been involved in development of the plan, including the State Fisheries Department and the I local Natural Resources Cummittee. The city has applied for state recreation bond funds to cover part of the cost of the project. Ann Arbor is eligible for about $235,000 in state bond funds, Owers said, and "phase one" of the Huren River project would cost about $350,000. Owers says no estimate has been made on the total cost, but he would expect it to exceed $1 million, depending on alternative approaches taken. Polakowski said the primary intent of the plan is to establish a pedestrian and bicycle path along the river, adding that "many things" block this route includ'ing the railroad tracks, private land holdings, marsh land and other items. His plan calis ío,r walkways beneath railroad tracks as well as beneath roadways. Along the 3.5 mile trail would be scemc overlooks and fishing sites. To get over the marshy áreas encountered, Polakowski calis for construction of a boardwalk. Other features would include a cbildrens' fishing pond at Gallup Park and the ability to place ninc holes of the Hurón Hills Golf Course on one side of Huron Parkway. Evcntually, Polakowski said, the trail would go all the way t o t h e Eastern Michigan University campus in Ypsilanti. Commission members were not asked to take any action on the proposal, which will be presented to City Council in the near future. __ _ In other business yesterday, the commission recommended approval of a technical amendment to the R5 motel zoning classification to peimit nursing homes as a primar use. This amendment is for the Great Lakes Recreation ftrm which plans to open a nursing home in the former Inn America at Washtenaw and Huron Parkway. Also yesterday, the con.mission failed to adopt an aïgnment for Eisenhower Bhd. (Maple Rd.) which saw the roadway connecting with the I existing Maple Rd. to the south of Liberty. There were four altérnate 'routes presented, and the Planning Department staff rccommended the one which follows the route of 1-94 from Scio Church Rd. to the connection with Maple south of Liberty. Further information on the various routes will be presented to the commission for future action. No vote was taken on the three other routes which would èxtend Eisenhower Blvd. north of LibertyL__M