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(OFFICIAL. I COUMl'IL CHAMBER. (. Asn Arbok, April 24, 119:3. 1 Special session. The council was called tü order by President W. W. Watts. Roll cali. Quorum present. Absent- Aid. Wagner, Herz, Taylor. -3. COMMÜNICATION FBOM THE MAYOR. Mayor' s Office, ) April 22, 1893 i 2b Aldennen of the City of Ann Arbor and the President of Common Council: By virtue of the power in me vested, I hereby cali a special meeting of the Common Council of the city of Ann Arbor, to be held at the Common Council rooms, on Monday evening next. April 24th, at 7:30 p. m., to take into consideration the amendments to the charter of this city now pending in the legislatura of this state. 13. M. TlIOMPSON, Mayor. The cali for special meeting liaving been read by the clerk, the following business was transacted: On motion of Aid. Manly, the council extended a hearing to a number of citizens of the city and township on the proposed extensión of the city limite. By Aid. Manly: Resolved, That the mayor be autborized to appointa committee, of which he shall be chairman, f rom this couucil and citizens as he may deern best, to visit Lansing to meet with the committee of the senate of the state of Michigan, with full power to make such changes as they tbink best as to the proposed boundary of the city of Ann Arbor. Yeas. - Aid. Schairer, Martin, Snow, Fillmore, O'Mara, Ferguson, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts. - 10. Nays- None. On motion the Council adjourned. W. J. Milleb, City Clerk. CorNCii. Chambek, t Ann Albor, April 28, 1893. f Adjourned session of April 17, 1893. The Council was called -to order by the President, W. W. Watts. Eoll called. Quorum present. Absent - Aid. Schairer, Fillmore, Ferguson- 3. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. BOND COMMITTEE. To the Comnwn Coimcil: Your Committee on Bonds would respectfully report that they have exarnined the following bonds of liquor dealers and would recommend their acceptance with the sureties named, as follows: PRINCIPAL. . SCRETIE?. Anton Brahm Herman Hardinghaus. John Laughlin. Abram S. Folhemus Jacob A. Polhemus. Hiram Kiti-edge. Fred Besimer Henry Matthews. Warren E. Walker. William L. Frank Miohael Stabler. Jacob Luubengayer. William H. McIntyre.-GeorgeClarken. William Walsh. Jobn Goetz & Son Fredorick Kirn. Jacob Bissinger. Oswald Dietz Herman Hardinghaus Fred Besimer. Ann Albor Brewing Co. Herman Hutzel. Frederick Brown. E. T. McClure Herman Hardingbaus Caspa r Kin6ey. [frederick Brown GeOrge F. Stein. Ernest Kehberg. J. Jacob Koch John Koch, Ernest Kehberg. Jacob Dupper... John Steeb. F.Frey. Jobn Maulbetech John Widmayer. GeorgeJ. Waidelicli. William Walsh GeorgeClarken. William H. Mclntyre. Maet& Stiegelmaier... William Walsh. William H. Mclntyre. Christian Gauss August Herz. G. Henry Binder. John Goetz, jr ...John Goetz, sr. Amblóse Kearney. Bngene Oesterlln, jr.-.Gcorg-e Broas. John Maulbelsch. Geo. S. Nixon Wesley Hicks. Gustave Brehm. August Herz ChfWian Gauss. John Hagen. Gottfried Schoettle John Heinzmann. Chri6tian ïchlenKer. Gottfiied Gokenbach. .Gustave Brehm. J. Fred Stabler. Charles Binder John Wal.. Albert Miinn. John Berger Emanuel Wagner. John Wagner. Martin & Fischer Charles Binder. Jacob Laubengayer. Michael F. and John Scbaible John Hagen. Mathaeus Fiseher. oseph Parker Warren E. Walker. Fred Besimer. Adam Ritz Herman Hardinghaus. Emil Golz. ouis Betz Gustave Brehm. CharlesJGrossmann. veck & Walker E. A. Dieterle. Thos. Hauschenberger. Chrisüan Spaeth Michael Staebler. Emanuel Wagner. Gottlieb Jlaulbetsch...George A. Waidelich. Xaver Zachmann. George A. Waidellcb ...lohn Maulbetsch. Albert Mat8ke. . Frederick Heimold. Gustave Brehm. John Fflsterer. August Schneider. Herman Hardinghaus Christian Helber. [ugb I". Shields Henry C. BxingeT. John Wagner. Villiam A. Gwinner. ..Gottlob Luic'li. Emanuel Luick. Adolph Kemper. Henry Apfel. Matheus Fit-her. Emil Golz Gottlieb Bucliolz. John Heynold. Respectfully submitted, II. G. Prettyjiann, J. O'Maka, ('IIRISTIAN MAETIN, Bond Committee. Aid. Prettyman moved that the report be accepted and adopted and the jonds approved. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Herz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Taylor, Manly, l'rettyman, Kitson, and Pres. Watts- 10. Nays- None. tEFOKT OF THE COMMITTEE ON KULES To the Honorable Comnwn Council: Your Committee on Balea, to whom was referred the question of rules of ,he Common Council fqr the ensuing year, respectfully beg lëave to report: .■■hat the rules of the preceding Counil be adopted, with the following ceptíons and additions: That in Rule 3 committees on Bonds and on Sewers be added to the "Reports of Standing Committees"; tliat in Rule 17 committees on Bonds and on Sewers le added to the list of standing committees; that the closing phrase of Rule 20 shall ' be stricken out, and iñ its place substituted "unless by a vote of two-thirds of the niembers present.'' Respectfully submitted. V. W. Watts, W. L. Taylor, Ciii;itian Martin, Arthur J. Kitson. Aid. O'Mara moved that the repprt be and the same is hereby approved and confirmed. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Herz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, and Pres. Watts- 10. Nays- None. By Aid. Prettyman: Resolved, That the City Clerk be instructed to obtain bids for priuting the Council proceedings for the coming year, and present the same to the Council on the flrst Monday in May, at 7:30 o'elock p, m. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Wagner, Herz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Taylor, Manly, Prettyinan, Kitson, and Tres. Watts - 10. Nays - None. President Watts begged leave, and appointed the following Sewer Committee: Aid. Martin, Prettyman, Ferguson, Snow, Wagner. Ou niotion the Council adjourned. VV. I. Miller, City Clerk. Council Chamber, Ann Arbor, May lst, 1S93. Regular eeeeion. The council was called to order by Pres. Watts. Roll called. Quorum present. Absent- Aid. Fillmore- 1. The journal of the last regular aud special sessious approved. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR. To the Honorable the Common Coundli Gentlemen- There is no Drovisiou in the charter or ordinance for the appointment of a City Physician. I therefore reeommend that you eraploy Miss Anna Flynn, M. D., or some other suitable person as City Physician, for the period of one year from this date. . May 1, 189S. B. M. THOMPSON, Mayor. To the Honorable the Common Gentlemen- I have made tbe following appointmeuts subject to your approval : Parris Banfield, Marshal of the city. George H Pond. Treasurer. Thomas J. Keech, Member of the Board of Public Works. James E. Harkins, Member of the Board of Fire Commissiouers. Gottlob Luick, ) Warren E. Walker.S Members of the Board Herman Krapf, ) of Building Inspeetors. I have uot appointed any member of the Board of Health. It has been eustomaryheretoiore for oue member of that ]ioard tq act as Inspector, and to be paid for such special service. I suggest that it is advisable to have the Board emp'Ioy an inspector, so that the Board may have the power to change their inspector at any time. If this euggestion meeta your approval and you uithorize the board to employ an Inspector at a salary to be flxed by you. I theu make au appointment with your action in view. If you desire to continue the present system I will then make an appointment of some persou who will perform the duties of Inspector. May 1, 1893. B. M. THOMPSON', Mayor. Alil. Prettyman moved that the appointments of the mayor be received and confirmed. Aid. O'Mara moved that the appointments of the mayor be reíerred to a special committee of five. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aids. Herz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Prettyman and Pres. Watts- 8. Xays- Aids. Schairer, Wagner, Kitson- 3. Aid. Prettyman moved that the appointments of the mayor be separately passed upon in their regular order. Jxst as 'follows : Yeas - Aids. Schairer, Wagner , Prettyman, Kitson- 1. Xays - Aids. Herz, Martin, .Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Pres. Watts- 8. The motion to commit now bcing put, prevailed as follows : Yeas - Aids. Herz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, President Watts- .7 Nay - Aids. Schairer, Wagner, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson- 5. PETITIOXS AMD COMMUNICATIONS. A petition signed by Richard Kearns and others asking that perrnission be granted to Richard Kearns to erect a frame dwelling house on Xorth Main street, cast side, between Kingsley and C'atharine streets. Aid. Kitson moved that the petition be referred to he board of lire commissioners. Aid. Martin inoved, as an amendment, to refer said petition to the committee on fire department. Adopted. The original motlon au amended, prevailed. A petition signed by the property owners adjoining the court house square, asking that the council order the sprinkling of the streets adjoining the court house square. Referred to finance committee. WMJAL KI5P0RT )K BOAED OP HEALTH. 5TÍS llinior, Un Mayor aüd Common Council of Uu dly 'i i .1 ii a. Albur: The Board of Health, and Health Officer ubmit thelr annual report. Whole number of , deaths during the yjast year, one huudrud and hirty-si.. Tlie diseases causing death and ;he number of deaths íroni eacíi disease are as ollowe, viz: Coneumptlon, 19 ; heart disease, :!; oíd age, 11; pneumonia, 7; la grippe, (; cáncer, ó: infant diseases, not classiiied, 7; lropsy 5; cholera inl'untum. ö; apoplexF, f: laralysis, 4; scarlet fever, 4; blood poisÖu,4; ■bildbirth, 4; rheumatism. 4; peritonitis, 3; roup, 2; convulsions 4; brights disease '2: diphtheria, 2; soitemng of the braln, 2; jaundice2; accidents, 2; brain disease, 'i ; poisoncd romeating cannedflsh.l. Inliamation of the tomach, nervqus prostration, uicer, billious ever, typhoid fever, spinalsofteninc. pleiirisy, Uabetee melltus, sunstroke, drowned, burn, one each ; making a very lovv death-rate comparing with other cities" We would recommeud that your honorable and wise Conncil should make an appropriaion or créate a fund to be nsed by the Board, of Health, in emergencies ; and by tbe consent of the Common Council, Board of Public Vorks, and Fire Department, to pay for proprty destroved by lire; by the order ol the ; Board of Health, ta prevent the spreading of , diseases daugerous to the public health of Ihe city of Aun Arbor; also to defray nuy other ; expense necessary to renovate o'r disiniect. . Ihe time is fast approaohlng when the cholera "acare" will muke lts appearance. With a prospect of au unusial amoiiiit of travel : through our city duriiig the summer and [ autumu, with a posslblllty of contaidous diseases being brought to us from foreigu countnes. we would recommend that auotber 'thorough house to house inspeetion be made at once, and the wliole city be thoroughly renovated before the hot weather commencea In order to do this it will be necessary to lacrease the salary of your health inspector who dia mm-h for the city the past year f or a very small salary. The Board of Health wlsh tó recognize the eourtesj and efficiency of the Pólice Department during the pust yeai for their promptness in the exeoution of the dutte tinposed on them by the board. The question of sewers'does not need agitatiou, but tlie health and cleanliness of the city needs constant care and watchiug. Respeoefuüy, ELI V. MOORE. President of the Board. Dated Aun Albor, May lst, 1893. JOHN KAPP, _ „ „ I Health Officer. 1'. S. One hundred and flfty dollars is too small a salary for a competent" Health ollieer. t ive hundred is my price Aid. Taylor moved that the report be received and spread on the Journal. Adopted. AKNUAL REPORT OB CITY ril Ysiei.vx. To the .Vaior aml Coum il, Geutlemen-I beg leave to submit toyou my report, as City physician for t.Ue year ending May the lst, 1SU3. It is as follows Ordinarj visits at homes of the slok 7S Two cases ot labor, with total of visits 8 Total visita S(! Preeoriptlons illied ut the homes ol'sicïIII 8 " '■ " my oltice 113 Total preserlpüons i2 I reñíalo, eutlemen, Your obedient servant, B. A. CLARK. Received and ordeved printcd. REPORT ÚV SAHtTARY IXSI'ECTOKS. First Ward- Martin Clark, Inspector. Condensed Sanltary Report from house to house. Number of resldencea and busiuess places visited 539 Number of vanlts found 4sio JS'umber of water closets found 58 Number of earth and draver closets fouud p3 Kumber of vaalts- earth, elosets and drawers ordered eleaned 90 The average distatice of residences aud business places from vanlts- . S9ft The nearest distance from house to VJHllt _ _ 2" The furtherest from house to vault ._ 125" The average distance of cisterus from vaults 35" The average distance of wells from vaults 68 " The nearest distance of a well to vault 20" The furtherest " ' " " " " 175 Number of places where hydrant water is drank 312 Number of places where well water is drank 75 Kumber of places where cisiern water is drank 15 XuniDer of places using boiled water 68 Number of nffTsances found lOti .Number of contagious diseases within two years 13 Adii Arbor, MIcb., September, 1SH2. Second Waiíü-L. P. Kahp, Inspector. Condensed Sanltary Reporl, trom house to house. Xumber of houses and stores visited 407 Number of vaults found 402 " water closeis found 2 ■' ' earth closets " 1 " vaults ordered eleaned 26 Average distance of vaults from residences and business places 43ft Average distance of vaults from cistern to vault 25 " Nearest distance from house to vault 5 " Furtherest ' " cistern " " 150-' Number of places drinking hydrant water 77 Number of places drinkingwell water 310 " cistern " none. " " nuisances found 35 "' " contagious diseases within two years uone Aim Arbor, Micli., September, 1892. Third Ward-W. 3. Clark, Inspector. Condensed Sanitary Keport from house to bouse. Xumber of rosidences and business places visited 416 Xnmber of vaults and eaath closets visited 392 Xnmber of water closets visited 10 Xumber of vaults and eartli closets oidered cleaned 41 Xumber of nuisances found 54 Average distance from liouses to vaults 12 f Average distance from cisterns to .vaults 44 ■ Nearest distance from house or store to vault 4 Furtherest distance from house or store to vault 100 ' Nearest distance irom cistern to vault 4' Furtherest " " " " 100' Xumber of places drinking well water 879 hydrant " 40 cistern " 2 Nnmber of contagious diseases within two years - 5 Aun Arbor. Mich , September, 1892. Foürth AVakd- Frank C. O'Hearn Insoector. Condensed Sanitary Report from house to bonse. Namber of residenees and business places visited 511 Xumber of vaults found 470 " " water closets found 23 ' " earth and drawer closets found 18 Xumber of vaults, drawer and earth closets ordered cleaned . 52 Average distance from vault to house 48 ft Xearest " " " " " 10 " Furtherest " " " " 100" Average " " cistern " vault 41 " " wells " " 41 " Nearest " " " " " 10 " Furtherest " " " " " 85 " Number of nuisances found 73 X umber of con tagious diseases within two years 29 nn Arbor, Mich., September, 1893. 'ifth Ward- John S. Carroll, Inspector, Condensed Sanitary Keport from house to house. Xumber of housesand business places visited 186 Number of vaults found 178 Average distance of houses and stores from vaults 28 ft Average distance of wells from vaults 27" Average distance of cisterns from vaults :i] " Xumberer of nuisances found 19 Xumber of papers served to abate nnisances 19 Xearest distance from well to 18 ft " " " spring " " __ 16" " " " cistern ' " .. 15 " Furtherest" " well " " ._ 48" " " " spring " " ._ 45 " " " " cistern " " .. 45 " Xumber of places drinking well water 7H Xumber of places drinking spring water 55 Number ol places drinking hydrant water 154 Xumber of places drinking cisiern water 16 Xumber of contagious diseases in two years none Xumber of slanghter houses 7 Number of hogs at slaughter bouses 71 These slaughter houses are declared a perpetual nuisance and shoukl be abatcd at once. Ann Arbor. Mich., September, IS'.tt. sixTii Ware- Isaac Nobles, inspector. Condensed Sanitary Keport from house to house. Namber of places visitcd 414 Number of vaultsfonnd 819 " " water closets found 27 " " earth " " 6i Namber offfaults ordered cleaned 29 Number of nuisances ordered ubated MI Average distances frora housen to vauits 52ft Average distanee from cisterns to vauits 54" Nearest cii.stance from houses to vault 2 " Furtherest distance from liouses to vanlt 160 " Nearest distance from cistern to vault 2" Furtherest distance from eistern to vault Htí" Number of place drinking hydrant water 270 Number of places drlnking well water 56 Number of places drinking spring water 30 Number of places drinking eistern water M rnri)ber o' places uslng hoiled water 46 Numberof contagiousdiseaseswiMiiii two years „none. Anti Arbor, Mich., September, 1892. A11 Taylor moved the report be received and spread on the journal. Adopted. The following bids were received : ANN ARBOR SAVINGSBANK. Ann Aebor, May lat, 1893. Wm. J. Miller, City (,'lerk, Ann Arbor, Mich. Dear Sir.- In response to your circular letter of the 19th uit., asking bids for city monies, I bef? to submit the following: This bank will pav interest on daily balances at the rate of iive and 17-100 per cent., and will charge the same rate on overdrafts. By order of the Board. CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. OFFICE OF STATE SAVINGS BANK. Anx ARBOR, Mich., April 29th, 1893. To the Common (,'ouncü ol the City oí Ann Arbor: Gentlemen:- In response to your ïnvitation to quote terms relative to the disposition of the City's funds ior the ensuing year, we beg leave to submit for your consideration the following proposition : We will pay on daily balsnees 4 and 1-5 (four and one-flfth per cent.) and upon overdrafts we would charge you 4 and 9-10 per cent. (four and nine-tenths per cent.). We would be glad to be favored with the City's business, and eau assure you of every cóurtesy. Respectfully yours. ROBISRT PHILLIPS. Cashier. Aid. Taylor moved that the bids be received and ordered filed. Aid Prettyman moved as an amendment, that the bids be referredto the finanoe committee. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. Schairer, "Wagner, Herz, j Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 12. Naye - None. The following bids were received ov printing the council proceedings for the coming year : Washtenaw Evening Times, 28 cents per thousand ems ; Ann Arbor Argus, 30 cents per thousand ems ; The Democrat and The Register, 40 cents per thousand ems, in two papers, and printing pamphlet, form usual size, 28 cents per page ; The Ann Arbor Courier, 30 cents per thousand ems ; The Ann Arbor Courier and The Ann Arbor Argus, joint bid 20 cents per thousand ems to each paper. A1U Taylor moved that the bids be referred to a special committee of three, to report at our next meeting. Aid. Martin moved as an amendment, tliat the bid of the Washtenaw Ëvening Times be accepted as being the lowest bid. Iost as follows : Yeas - Aids. Martin, Snow - 2. Nays - Aids. Schairer, Wagner, Herz, O'Mnra, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, rrettyman.'Kitson, Pres. Watts- 10. The original motion being put, prevailed by a yea and najr vote as follows : Yeas - Aids. Schairer, Wagner, Hen. .Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly j.Prettyman, Kitson, President Watts- 10. Niiys- Aids. Martin, Snow - 2. Tvvo Communications were read, relative to the conditlon of East University Ave. Iïeceived and referred to the committee on streets. BEPOKïS OF STANDING COMMITTEE. FIKANCE. lo the Common Counal: Your Committee on Finance respectt'ully report that they have had the following bilis under consideration and would recommend tbeir allowunce at sums stated CONTINGKNT FÜND. w, J. Miller, salary $tifi 6ö E. B. Norrifi, salary 25 00 Mrs. Jacob H. Stark,.ianitor (i 26 Dr. John Kapp, salary Health OfRcer 8 months 100 00 Eli W. Moore, salary Board oí Health H months 25 00 Martin Clark, salary Inspector 3 mos.. 25 00 8. W. Beakes, salary, Treas., 3 mos 25 00 Dr. E. A. Clark, salary City l'hysiciiui 8 months 35 00 W.J.MUler, supplies 5 40 Ann Arbor T.-H. Electric Co., Street lightin? 62S 33 Ann Arbor T.-H. Electric Co., office lights - 2 00 Wm. G, Snow, team and carrlage 1 50 Est. R. A. Beul, couneil proceedlngs .. 23 07 Ann Arbor Argus "' " .. 23 07 .iHtnt'S Sinalley, buryingcow and dog4 50 Wm. Herz, painting 7 50 E. B. Norris, court fees 5 00 David Rinsey, office rent lyear 57 00 Telepbone & Telesjraph Construct ion Co., to 7 telephone rental from April lat to.Tuly lst 43 75 The Ann Arbor Argus, printinir 24 00 Richmond& liackus Co. .supplies 49 40 Louis J. Liesemer, printinaelecnotice 2 10 P.O'Hearn, supplies 5 80 Wm. G. Dieterle, table, lith ward en; house _- 5 50 Geo. Wahr, supplies 26 48 Wm. H. Mclntyie, matches I 00 Roba Puleipher, copying: ordinances.. 7 00 Robison & Howlott horso and busrgy.. 2 00 Est. K. A. Beal, council p;unphlets 23 70 W. J. Miller, committee expense-, to Lansing 42 30 L, P. Hall, election com's'n services.. 5 OU W.J.MUler " " ' .. 5 00 S. W. Beakes " " 5 00 '. Frank O'Heam " " .. 5 00 JohnR. Mlner, " " " .. B 00 Wllliam üerz, painting 2547 Total Ï1.38S 44 STREET FDND. T'elson Sutherland, salary 66 fia Geo F. Key, salary 60 00 Frederick Radke. labor 22 72 Frank Duíidale, labor . 23 85 Micbael Williams, labor 29 17 Charles Colgro ve, labor 8 17 llarry Kajuska, labor Jl 77 Frank Sehulz. labor , 17 77 Herman Bucholz, labor 75Edward Barnctt, labor :H) Patriéis McUaüe, labor 24 15 Andrew .ieKlcr, labor 75 Gustave Waltere, labor 2 10 Jonathan Dra kc, labor 7 7 Petir Hindcrlonir, labor 75 Autrust Kettich, labor 10 : Jacoo Knapp. labor... 1 35 Jacob Mlohellelder, labor 10 72 ' James Wilcox, labor t... 2 25 I John Steloke. labor t :7 Charles (janoske, lubüi' ■; s;, Albert Shoommen, laooi'. 3 ;!7 John K. Mansfield, labor : ;n ; Edgar Warner, labor 1 80 Richard Burns, teamin 30 tü C'bariee O Nalll, teamlutf 82 (ni Michuel UHry, toamlug íifi 60 Martin Nosrto, leamiug 2!j 27 Chaunc&y Xhompson, teamlng ló -4 Daniel Crav. lord, toaminf; 7 ,s, Israel Clark, teamlng 77 90 Andrew Dupsloír, teaming 7 87 N. Sutherland, liorsc and cart 23 68 Seybold & AUmendlnger, repairs 20 Grossman & Sehlonker, supplies 3 5ó K. J. Koiiors, supplics ' 95 Essllnger Bros., supplies 0 80 James Smalley, dráylng - 4 10 SohuB 6: Muenllg, supplies 19 25 Hiram Kittredge, jf nivel 59 58 Kembert Jones, labor 8 10 Wm. Rosencians, labor H $0 Total $ 881 3c BHIDOE, CULVERT AND C1ÍOSSWA1.K KOND. Jamos Tolbert, lumber and sewer pipo 119 815 Charles Stevens, labor 975 Christian Eberbach, suppUes S 40 Willüim Kuelin, labor ]6 1 Willis Clark, labor 18 8 Lawrence Hughs, labor Jg Wood Sc Son, lumber .-. 4 9 P. L. Bodmer, lumber 20 '■ Total 209 8 FIKE DEPARTMENT FCND. Fred Sipley, salary Í eo 00 C. A. Edwarda, salary bou Henry McLaren, salary 50 01 Louis Hoelzle, salary 50 01 Charles Carroll, salary 4-, 01 Max Wittlinger, salary 45 x Frank Kapp, ealary " 4001 Albert West, salary ' 40 (H Herman KIrn, salary 00 John Kenny , salary g o( Morgan Williams, salary .„„ g Of Sam McLaren, salary a ni Wm.Rettloh, 8 00 Fire & Water, fire Journal .' ;) OU l'redciiapin, hay and stiaw 2Í 7L Mrs. B. Heam, washing 5 ó( HuelHMi Armbruster, oats 1 21 Y Swathel, Kyer & Peterson, oats, ........ i(i &. Total ï487 6" POLICB FnND. James R, Murray, salary 65 00 David Collins, salary. 50 00 C. Tice, salary so 00 Win. G. Suow, horse and buggy 2 00 Total $ 167 00 CEMETERY BTND. EliS. Muuly. labor. y oo Mathew Luippold, labor 5 25 Total 11 25 POOK FÜKD. Fred Sipley, salary 10 00 Eberbach Drug Co., medicine fio John Ei8ele, groceries 3 27 Mrs. Ann Evans, aid 5 (K) John Goetz & Son, groceries 2 31 Sqodyear & Co., medicine 1 05 William F. Lodholz, groceries !) 01 William H . Mclntyre, groceries 13 til! O'Hara & Boyle, groceries 2 66 Caspar Rinsey, groceries 8 99 Hlusey & Seabolt, groceries 7 92 W. Salyer, groceries i 15 Louis Rhode, coal 1 75 Fred Stein, meat 2 75 Total t 70 09 RECAFITULATION. Contingent Fund I1.33S U Streot Fund 68136 Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund. 209 82 Fire Fund „ 4n7 67 Pólice Fund i7 00 Cemetery Fund 1125 Poor Fund- 70 09 Total -,$2,965 63 Kespectfully submitted. "w alter l. taylor, William Her, Finance Com. Aid. Schalrer moved that the report be accepted and adopted, and warrants ordered drawn ior the sums stated therein. Adopted as foííows : Yeas - Aids. Schairer, Wagner, Herz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Ivitson, Pres. Watts- 12. Nays - None. SlPl'LEMENTARV REPORT. Ann Arbor Thompson-Houston Electric Company, street llghting from April 28th to May lst, $79.05. Aid Kitson moved tliat the bill of the Ann Arbor Thompson-Houston Electric Co., be accepted and adopted, and warrant ordered drawn to the amount of $79.05. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aids. Schairer, Wagner, Herz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Ititson, Pres. AVatts- 12. Xays - None. REPORT OP BOXD COMMITTEE. Chairman Prettyman reported that the bond committee had examined the folio wing bonds : William Herzog', principal, with Matthaeus Fischer and John George Seyfried sureties; Eberbach Drug and Chemical Company, principal, with Leonhard Gruner and Edward Eberbach sureties ; recommended their aeceptance with the sureties named. Aid Prettyman moved that the report be accepted and bonds therein specified, be approved. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. Schairer, Wagner, Herz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Ivitson, Pres. Watts- 12. Nays - None. Chairman Ferguson, of special committee on mayor's message, asked ïor further time, which was granted. EEPORTS OF CITY OFFICERS. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT FOR TUE MONTH ENDING APRIL 30, 1893. To the Commoii Council of the City of Ann Arbor: Balance on hand ns per last report $ 15,4415.09 MONF.y ItECEIVED. Contingent Funcl - Miller, llcenses 6.00 Street Fuml- Orders canceled 11.05 Fire Fund,- Sipley, Duildinj! permits 4.00 Pólice Fund- Pond, flues 1.00 Total f.í 32.05 ï 15,478.14 MONEY UISBDBSED. Contingent Fund $1,231.06 Street Fund 312.39 Fireuien'8 Fund 40:j.tiij Pólice Fund 172.25 Poor Fund 181174 Soldiei-s' Relief Fund 43.00 Total Disbursemcnts $ 2,412.04 rotaion nana ío.Utíti 10 BALANCE ON HAND. Contingent Fiiud. overdrawn 3,084.83 Street Fund, overdrawn 1,078.59 Firemen's Fund 4,G!)4.54 Pólice Fund l)4U.]ü i PoorFund :.. l.Hil.88 i Water Fund 3,178.31 I Cemetery Kund &"íí.tS7 , Soldiers' Relief Fund.. 1,048.60 University Hospital Aid Hond Fimd 840.0U 1 Delinquent Taz Fund i overdrawn 1,400.81 Bridge, Culvevt aud Crosswalk Fund 5.008.15 i DotrTax Fund 100.00 Total $ 17,096.38 Ï 4,699.22 Total on hand ï 1;,C6Ü.1O Respectf ully submitted, S. W. Heakes. City Treasurer. Ann Arbordiy, May 1, 1893. Ann Arbok Savings Bank, ) Ann Akdok. Mich., Alayl, 1893. S This will certify that S. W. Beakes, has on deposit to his credit as City Treasurer, the sum of Twelve Thousand, Nine Hundred and Korty-Two and 07-100 Dollars, ($12,I ,942.07). Yours Respectfully, Chas. E. Hiscock, Cashier. Tlie monthly reporta of the citj clerk, city treasurer, city marshal and poor superintendent -u-ere reac and ordered filed. City clerk reported the filing oí tlu acceptance of tlie two gas ordlnancee passed April 5th, 1893, by the respective gas companies. Aid. Martin moved that one of the 5th ward aldermen be added and made a member of the sewer committee. Adopted. Pres. Watts appointed Altl. Manly. To the Honorable. City C'nuncil: The uudersigned has tlie honor to report that in accordance with the resolution passed by your honorable body he has examined thí books and vouchers of the City Treasurer the books and accounts of the City Cierk and flnds the same correct. He would further report that he lias examined the interest ac count betwren the City and the Ann Arboi Savlngs Jiank and finds that it is correct. Respectfully, JNO. R. MINEK. Received and filed. MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIOXS. By Aid. Taylor : Resolved, That the salaries of the following city officers be fixed at the following prices for the coming year : City Clerk $800. City Attorney $300. City Treasurer $100. City Marshal $780. Patrolmen $000. Aid. Snow moved to commit the resolution to a special committee of three. Aid. Prettyman moved that the motion be laid on the table. Wmch motion was lost by a. yea and nay vote as follows : Yeas- Aids. Schairer, Wagner, Prettyman, Snow, Kitson- 5. Nays - Aids. Herz, Martin, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Pres. Watts - i . The motion to commit being put, prevailed by a yea and nay vote as 'ollows : Yeas - Aids. Schairer, Wagner, Herz. Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts - 9. Nays - Aids. Ferguson, Taylor, Manly- 3. President Watts then appointed the following committee on salaries : Aids. Taylor, Fülmore and Herz. Pres. Watts here appointed the following special committees : Committee on the mayor's appointments - Aids. Herz, Snow, Ferguson, Taylor, Prettyman. Committee on printer's bids- Aid. Taylor, Ferguson, Schairer. By Aid. Ferguson : Resolved - That a special committee of tliree be appointed by the chair, to look up places (or a . suitable building) for city offices. Adopted. Pres. "Watts appointed the following coiumittee : Aids. Ferguson, Kitson, Schairer. By Aid. Snow : Resolved, That this eouncil take a vote on allowing Geo. Palmer thirtyfive dollars for property destroyed by order of the board of Health. Lost as follows : Yeas - Aids. Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Manly, Pres. Watts - 5. Nays- Aids. Schairer, W&gner, Martin, Herz, Taylor, Prettyman, Kitson - 7. By Afd. Prettyman : Resolved, That the board of Public works be instructed to establish street and sidewalk grades on Fourteenth street. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aids. Schairer, Wagner, Hcrz, Martin, O'Mara. Ferguson. Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, President Watts- 11. Xays- Aid. Snow. MISCELLANEOUS BUSIXESS. Aid. Prettyman moved the question as to legality of the two gas ordinances, passed April 5th 1893, be referred to the city attorney for a report. Adopted. On motion the council acljourned. City Clerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News