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■ F. Krause, the well known auctioneer, will attend to all sales in city or county. Orders may be left with him on Broadway or at the Argus office. tf Fur overcoats made to order at Fred Theurer's. tf Notice to Creditors. VÉTATE ÜF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ■-' of WaBhtenaw, a. Noliceis bereby given, thal by an oroer ol the l'robate Court for tbc Couniy of Washient.w, raadf ou the 2Sth day of Jamuiry A. D. I8ítf. sis. months trom tliat dalo were allowed ioreroino,n to preseut tïieir claims against the est&te of Aun Mullrennau, late of said coaiity, deceuiseci, nn& that sil creditora of said óeoeased are required to prese üt their claims to said Probate (Jou rt at the Probate otfice iu tbe city of Aun Arbor, for exuiniuatïou and allow inoe on or buforc the aUth day of July next, and lüat 8uch claims wilt be heard betore said Court, ou the 391 h day of April and on the icjtb, day ol July uext, it ten o'clock in the íorenoon of each of said days. Datt-d, Ann Arbor. January '2% A. D. 1R9Ï. J.WIIXAHD BA1ÏBITT. Juiiit; of Probate. WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. lOK SALE- Ihouses; otie for $4,000, for 82,800 ; irf [ngalls 3t., 82,600; uew brick house $2,450; lot withcellur on S. Tliayer, $l,2i0. Inqulre S 1). Allen, 0 E. Washington st. L OR SALK- Good houso vvith 8 acres of V land.mott all planted in fruit ; also nood well and ciateru. One mile on West Huron street. GOTTLIBB BirCHOLZ. t'OIi SALK OK KENT.- Largfi now OOUse wlth all modern improvemente, Clatern and city water in house and well near door. Will take in part pnyment small house or lots orsmull farm ueur city, balance on loog time and low interest. P. O. Box 1345. FOR SALE.- ÜO acres on Chubb St. iu acre or flve acre lots or all togetber. Long time, small piiymtnt, 0 per cent interest. .Ins. H. McDonald, Moffut Building, Detroit, Mich. LOST.-Nenr Athletic Orounds, on Saturday, Jnnuary li), Ladies' Shoppin? Bap, containing somo ïnoney, tickets for watch and spectaclea at Wm. Arnold's and sotne other articlee Kinder please return to Arnold's Jeweiry Store, Dli South Main Street, and receive reward. :OÏICE- I, 3. W. Hennett, proprietor of - I Dexter house. Dexter, have opened up my barn and will run astriotly ürst-class ieed barn in connection irh hotel. WÍ11 be 'ad to see old customers and lots of dcw ones, and gatisfactlon guarantocd. Au experienced hoisoman la attendañee. tf 1C)I LTKV wantod- marke!. price paid for all kind of Poultry, at the corner of Ktfth and SummitStreets. tf. C. Weaks & Co., Ann Arbor. 'ü! SALE CHEAP- My house :md lot on rhe corner of Traver and Pontiar Btreets, in tho l'il'tli ward of the city of Ann Arbor. A acsirablo location for wooil or coal yard. By thesldeof T. & A. A.traokB. Willlam Aetion. Januury L. [895. 'J tV'ANTEÜ- ïo lU-ui, cheap for cash. aplen'♦ did 200 acre farm. Cali or address. .f. G. Palmer, 86 Thompson St. 12 t'OK SALK OU BXCAhNÖE for woodor hay, 0B6 goofl top bugy. Eiuiuirc at the otlice of Dea n & Oo. St AN 80 ACKE F. A KM, one ralle west of Whit more Lake, tor rent. Enquiro oí '1'. D KearneyorC. L. Tuomey, Washtenuw Ave. 3t PIANO '1TNINU.-A. I. Krovvn. tho well Itnown piano timer with C. J. Whitney, will bein tho city sooa. Orders left at ÜipAkguf ortlce will ro;eive his attontion. TTORENT.'- AtNo. 20 S. State St. A Hat oi I six rooms. Enquire at 1 tí. Suite St. ástf WILL spCOHANGBaflrst-olassBubstanttal, roomy, open, single busitry for hay, wood oroaah. A. M. Clark 47 División st. WANTED- A MAN in every section at once to sell staple goods to dealere; no peodlins: experience unnecessary-, bestelde llnr. i'ó.Oba moutb. Salary and expenses orlarge commlsaion made. Address. wlth cel t stamp for sealed part cnl ars, Ciifton Soapand Manufacturintf Company, dndnn&ti, Olilo. ll,rANTED. - Uoort tenant, ior very nice store ' on Liberty st, near State. Termsreseonable. Also flate to reut, very desiralilK. Enquire is South State st. yANTKD- Place ;is covernesa to children " or companion. oflice work, or clerk, address Box löS, Ypgllanti, or E. B. E., care of Argus. 1 1'


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News