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Mrs. Rust has her comdission as postmaster of Rawsonville. The Hotel Edrose, of Clinton, is to be occupied by a man from Adrián by the name of Putnam. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyce are the joint proprietors of a new girl baby, bom last Friday morning. Chas. F. Lang, of Ypsilanti, died at the home of his son in-law, R. H. Leadley, in Detroit last Wednesday. A very interesting program was presented at the Farmers' Instituto in Dexter last Friday and Saturday. Mrs. F. J. Carpenter and Miss Laura Davis, of Ypsilanti, have gone on a trip througb the cant and south. Henry Mensing, of Tecumseh, left today for Ricunond, Virginia, where he wül pitch his domicile in time to come. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown, of Ypsilanti, have moved to Hudson, where Mr. Brown will go jinto the undertaking business. The Clinton Local has a new typo in the person of Mr. Geo. E. Johnson, of Otsego. He can do as fine a job in his line as any of them. Mr. Fred Forbes and Miss Flora Brown, of Ypsilanti, had their fortunes united at the Presbyterian church, last Wednesday, by Rev. H. M. Morey. Roswell Randal!) of Clinton, was )i years old last Tuesday. He is in the best of health and here's hoping he may live and prosper for as j many more years. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Woitley and Mrs. A. Lutch, of Ypsilanti, have! iiown to warmer regious. They will I spend the remaindcr of the winter at Port Ürange, Florida. Jacob Schuier, of Clinton, drop-' ped a heavy piece of steel roofing on his thumb the other day and had ihe nail neatly removed. The 1 gus khows wliat he thought but is ' not informeel as to what he said. Last Wednesday at the home of i the bride on Hamilton street, lanti, occurred the marriage of Mrs. Mary A. Westman to Mr. Samuel Harnard, Rev. AL. M. Goodwin ofliciating. They will reside at 220 South Huron street. The Ana Arbor whist team went down to the Occidental hotel, YpBÍlantí, recently, to play a game th the Ypsiiantis. Ann Arbor v. .iájust simply skunked. Ann Arbor claims that the odor of that mineral water did it. The Ypsilanti Maccabees will hold a masquerade dancing party next Thursday evening. Ladies who mask will be admitted free; all gentlemen, whether they hide their ugliness with a mask or not, will be obliged to go down in their pockets for fifty cents. Aleck Sims, a smart aleck and tailor of Ypsilanti, in the employ and good graces of Gus Fingerle, is alleged to have appropriated unto himself certain chattels of which his employer was seized and hied himself to other and unknown climes. 'Tis said that Gus longs to see hina ' once more. Bro. Osband, of the Ypsilantian. says he is very grateful to those of his subscribers who have paid up and that he stil! has a large measure filled to the brim with gratitude lor those who have not paid up provided the vet a hustle on them and proceed at once to liquídate. Ent for those who don 't - well, the rest is better imagined than expressed in a newspaper. The new high school building at Ypsilanti was dedicated with appropriate exercises last Thursday. Speeches wero made by D. R. Greune and Supt. of Public Instruction, H. R. Pattengill The high school chorus furnished the music for the occason and it was good. At the close of the exercises Supt. Whitney, on behalf of the board, presented the building to the citizens. Dr. McLacblan; of Mooreville, rides around under one of the finest robes in the state. Once upon a time it'adorned a mare, which for cighteen years was a faithful beast, carrying the doctor on his errands of mercy and relief. The hide was tanned and made up by the Ypsilanti Tanning & Robe Co. , of which Wiles Dexter formerly of this place, ;s manager. - Milan Leader. The Clinton Local man walks on air, falls into poetry, feels big, stuck up and behaves himself like a pharisee. He explains it all in the - following: Monday morning bright and early (about 4 o'clock) a bright little eight-pound girl of the fcmale persuasión put in an appearance at our house and immediately made herself at home. Ey the amount of attention she has demanded and her evident satisfaction with the surroundings, we have every reason to think she luis decided to remain with us. Now is a good time to pay up arrearages. For board and shelter lhn sho cnme, A sweet little lady ou Monday; fo the local man keeps her forïuok, For doubtiess she has come to stay. The Ypsilanti W. R. C. celébrate j Lincoln's birthday today. A supper wil! be given in A. O. U. W. hall. j Mrs. Koeder, of Saline, has rented : her farm east of the village to Mr. i j Van Buren, who will move there the ! ! first of March. The residence of Howard Stephenson, corner Pearl and Hamil-j ton streets, was sold last week to I Will Fel! for 54,ooo. The output of the woolen mili last tuonth was the largest for any jmonthin the history of the mili. I There were rnanufactured 38,702 yards of cloth. If this were j stretched out in a continuous line, i it woulrl reach a distance of 22 ■miles. - Clinton Cor. Tecumsc'h Neivü. I If the man who predicted a mild jand open winter will cali at this i office and leave a load of wood, he will be freely forgiven. - Commer! cial. That may settle the account ! with the Commercial, but he must jadd some fuel to the Argus fíame lalso or he will still have an unfor given sin to bear. The Jackson Patriot urging female suffrage, refers to the greater libcrality toward women in Austria and Hungary in qualified instances, than in America. It says, widows vote for members of parliament in Italy. Yes, but that is under a Bible franchise which expressly said, "the widows mite. "-Adrián Press. Misses Jessie Baker and Flora Conklin are Normal students who had one of the keys to the box of gold at Frank Smith's, but they had thrown the key thoughtlessly one side and thought nothing of it until they heard their friends saying that i though many keys had been tried , none would open the box. So they 1 i nnntea up tneir key and went down and opened the box, "just as easy," and got the L15. - Commercial. Mts. T. F. Hieles presented to Tecumseh Chapter, R. A. M., last j night a set of four banners for the , masters of the vail. These banners, I which are her own work, are of silk jsatin, fringed in gold and ornamentied with symbols and lettering, hand jpainted, all artistically done. They jare very beautiful indeed and refleóT: preat credit tipon the lady's skill f nd generoas spirit. They carne as ;a surprise to the companions, who, ' it is needless to say, were greatly i pleased with so acceptable a gift. - 1 Tecumseh News. A family reunión or birthday surprise was had at the home of John Burg south of town, Tuesday. Mr. Burg knew notbing of the affair un, til about thirty of his relatives dropj ped in on that day to help him celerate his ninetieth birthday and to , renew happenings of years past. A ; pleasant time they hai. Friends from Monroe, Clinton, Bridgewater, Ann Arbor and from this place were present. Philip Siurm, of I3ay City, being the only one of that family who was present, the other four met that day for the first time in ten years. It was late in the evening when the happy occasion ended and Mr. Burg bid them good bye, doubtless for the last time as a whole.-


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News