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The Record Of A Year

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The followiug is tho anuual Reruiou of Rev. Houry Tatlock, delivered last Suuday, wbich coutuiiis maiiy items of interest to the general readers: It is my onstoiii, on the first Snnday in Adveut, to present to the oougregafcioh ö review ui Ibe previous yeair. I choose tbis day for uiakiug tbat review ', I beoatise the firsc Suuday iu Advent is the bepcinuing of a uew yearef our joiut ] labor in tho pariafa, The jear wlüob elosed yesterday, j like thoso before it, brougbt na niauy ! and Bure lossea ;it the laud of deatb. Ou the 4ch of auuary, ve were called to give up ovir seuior warden, Mr. Edwaid Tunadweil. Mr. Treadwell bad beeu i ïaeioiber of tbis congro gatiou lor tbirty years, bad served on the vestry lor sixteen years, ;md bud held th offioe vt treasurer of the parish ie i'ourteeii ye;trs. Mr. Treadwi'li wus a laithiul coiinuuDioaut of tiae ohuich and a generous contributor tovvard the suppetrt of tíae parish ; while iu the dis I charge of hts duties as vestryraan aud tresistirer, lie gave without stint of bis time, and served the pairsh with fldelity aud ability, in counüess labors, for which ho should be held in undying gratitude by this congregatiou. Nor iu lis life time alone did he purpose to serve the parisli, buó left behind him a legaoy of $1,000 towards its endowment Inthe death of Mrs. Amauda Butts, on the lODh of March, we lost froin uar midst a saintly woinau. She had been a raember of tbis congiegation for twenty years; aud duriug all that time was au active worker for the church and lor the welfare of the eoirjinuuity. Hers was a beautiful character, stroug .yetgentle; steadfast for the rigbt, yet richly eudowed with the gift of charity. On the I9th of Maroh. Mrs. Julia A. Clark, a veteran soldier ot the uross, exuhanged the labors of earth for the rest of beaven. She had been a ruernber of this congregaiton for forty-two years. She was a geutle Christiau wonian and had the estoern of all wbo kuew her. Iu the death of Mrs. Georiga B. Hess, on the 24th of April, a bright young life was brought to an early close. Mrs. Hess was a young woman of stroug and lovely character, was a faithful inernber of the church, and her loss is sorely ruourned. Mr. Johu W. Johnston died, away froin home, on the 7th of May He had been a member of this congregation for uearly twenty years. For some time he had served on the vestry and for ruany years he had been an efficiënt worker in the Sunday School and Missions of the Parish. He was a good man, faithful to every trust, and he has Roue to the reward that remaineth for the people of God. In the death of Mrs. Matie Parsons, on the 19th of May, another young life went out of the world. She was agentle spirit, kind and trustful, and she was a prayerful Ohristian womau. On the29th of Spetember.yet another young soldier of the cross, Miss Lucy M. Seyler, was called from the vicissitudes of earth to the triuraph of heaven. Miss Seyler was a lovely girl, a joy in her home. and a delight among her friends. She was a devont commonioact of the church, and we orely monrn her loss. Ou the 2Otb of October, Mrs. Catheriue Haagsterfer departed this life in the cali)} faith of aChristian. Mrs. Hangsterfer hai been a member of this congregation aud a loyal supporter of the parish for upwards of twenty years. tíne was a woman of strong character, and she had the esteem and regard of all wbo knew her. In the death of Mrs. Harriet E. Terry, on the lOth of November, thechnrch lost a faithful member, who had been a communicaut in this parish for thirtyfive years. She fougbt a good fight uuder the banner of Christ and she has gone to her reward. On the 12 tb of November, an honored member of this cougregation and a prominent citizeii of our state, Mr. James Clements, departed this life. Mr. Ulements had been a devout worshipper in this church and a liberal supporter of this parish for thirty-five years. During the most of that time he'had served on the vestry of the parish. He was one of those who co-operated in the building of this cburch edifice, and aontributed generously to that objeot. He was widely known aud uuiversally esteemed as a rnau of bu&iness, aud in him this parish aud our whole comruunity have lost a inost valued member. Let us who remain heed the solerán warning which this record must bring to our minds, "Be ye also ready; for ye know not when the time is." The foliowing is the annual report of the parieh made to the diocesean conirention last Juue: Baptisms during: the year- In f mts 18 Adulls ". 12 Total 30 Conflrrued during the year 45 Oommunicants - Last report --. 810 Present members - 845 Marriages 7 Burials & Public Services- Suiiciays 158 HolyDays 48 Otuerdays -- 110 Total 314 Olebrationsof the Holy Communion- Sundays 52 Holy fiays.i 28 In private 12 Total r 92 Contfregration - Numtierof Families 4IX! Toial number oí Souls.- 1809 Suriday Schools and Bible Classes- is aud Offlcers 3.3 Scholara 2W FINANCIAL REPORT. UECEIPTS. Balanrc, on hand as by last Report . . -.$ W S2 Pew Reut a,lö4 80 Special Contrlbution 2üU 00 Interest irom Investment 255 00 üffertory at Holy Communion 157: at al l other Services. 7TZ 9 Througb Envelopes itwo weeks) ,- J71 2a Sunday School Offerinirs 90 00 Subsuriptions tor Missions 649 Uu Bequestlor Parioh Kndowment 480 OU By Womai.'s Auxiliary 165S 25 By Junior Auxiliury - 13 22 : By Minit-teriQii Imdien'e L ague ]s e;t By Hables Brarich 4 'iU Bj Ludies' iá öooiuty S8l ::s Tota ÍB.ijST 37 DISBÜKSKMÏÏN rs. Parochial Objccts. Curren t Üxpeuise of the Parish Í4ÍSS 5S MnJniHiiifiM ö ii i) il ay School 117 W Conamnu Ion alras iö7 3U liirouu' oi Wheelr Fuud for l'onrol lJKrish 60 00 Parisli Kiuiowinent., Invest ment 50.) (K) Ladl-a Aul SiH;ity i9, S Missiims ïitKi CliKrilies Kantl, Expenses . 17 21) M inisteti 1 1 lt U ti i lilren'í) League, 3 57 Towl for PariHittlal Objects $5 38 63 Objccts Outside the Parish. Diocp.-an Ans8menl $75 00 Diocesan Misions(including Mlsslon Work in WuslilMimw coutity S!)7 37 Diocesan Fund l'or Aged and lniinn ('li-rgy SO 01) Domestíc Missioua 2'J 50 Foreigü AIisHiiN IHi 4T MibslonM Amó'iiL the Jewa 5 U0 MibSlons Anioiig tlie Colorod People 25 (10 Missions Ainong len( Mutes II 50 Prayer Hook Society 5 01 Rev. Mr. Yen, China 10 00 Bishop Kinkel. In 00 Total for Objects Outside ot Parish $ 924 32 Total disbursements 0,313 i-ö Balance on band In vsirlous treasuries 273 42 SB,587 3," The Endowtnent Funda of the Parish now atnouut to $5,000. Tliey are the following : The Seanian Fund, for inaintaining tbe Sunday Bchool Llbrary 31,000 00 The David Heuiilng Fund, tor the Snndy Hchool and County House Chrisunas Ke.-üval :___ 500 IX The Jolm M. Wbeeler Fund.for tlie Poorof tbeParlsb i,000 (JO The Clianibers Fund, loi the support of ihe Parlgb 500 00 The Eebecca Henriques Fund, for the support of the Purist) 500 UÚ The Ke.ïa A.. Hogers Fuud, íor the support of the l'arish 500 00 The Treadwell Fund, for the support of tbe Parish 1,000 '0 It will he observed that three of these funds, amounting together to $2,500, are devoted to special objects, while the rest, amounting also to $2,500, are to be applied tbwards the maintennnee of the Parish. (Of course, it will be umlerstood by everyone that only the income of these funds inay be used.) The wisdom of the iounders of these various funds eannot be too highly praised. The objects selected by the founders of the special funds could not have been better chosen, while the funds which are applu-able to the general support of the Parish constitute the nucleus of au endowment wliich it is most desirable to aerease, and I hope that many of the friends of the church will make provisión for legaeies to the Parish, so that as time goes on this general endowment niay steadily grow. What more fitting tliing can we do, if we be able, than to make provisión so that a part of our money, wlien we are done with it, shall be used for maintaining the work of the church which we love ! What more boautiful thought than that of being au instrument to carry on and perpetúate the intluence o.f the church whicn lias been a blessing to us, so that it hall continue to be a blessing to generation after generation in all the years to como. The following are the various departmeuts of effurt and organizations for work witliiii the Parish : I. For Iieligious Instructiou and Worship. 1. The Parisli Sunday School. 2. The Parish Bible Classes. 3. The Geddes Missión Sunday School. 4. The Foster's Mission Sunday School. 5. The Mission at the County House. II. For Moral and Spiritual Work. 1. The Brotheruood oí St. Andrew," for Work Among Young Men. 2. The Society of Voman Workers, for Work Among Wonien. 3. The Girls' Friendly Society, for for Work Auiong Girls. III. For Practical Work in the Conduct of the Parish. 1. The Ladies' AidSociety, having the two-fold purpose of bringing the Gougregation tojjether 8'ciailv and of rai.siug funda for Parochial 2. The Chancel Society, whóse object is to care for the altar, for the vestiuents of the clergy and Choir, aud for the floral decoration of the church. IV. For Missions. 1. The fund for Missions and Charities, having for its purpose the seciiring of systematic offerings from the cougregation to provide support for the follovving objects for the Parish Sunday School and the Parisli Missions; for the Diocesau Assessment, Diocesan Missions, and for the Diocesan Fund for Aged and Irjfirm Clergy ; for Doniestic Missions, Foreigu Missions, Missions among Colored People, among Deaf Mutes, and aniong the Jews; and for the Praj'er Book Society. 2. The Woman's Auxiliary, and 3. The Junior Auxilian', both having for their purpose the aiding of the Missionary Board of the church by raising money for .Missions and by sending boxes of clothing to needy missiouaries. 4. The Ministering Children's League, and 5. The Babies' Brancfa , both having for their purpose thekindiingand fostering of interest in Christian Missiiina in the inimls iind heai t,a oí Oliildren. V. T 1 1 ■ lioiiait. liuild, a society uL i-Jiè yuung men and yining -urnen ut the i-oriffregaiion (liotli ptutfftnts anti othera) rhe ohjeots of whuh are to bring it.s meinbera into friendly acqiiaintaiire i i i J i one another, t ilford them opportun ity for social and iiit.elleot.ual recreatiou, and to proiuóte tlieir moral and 8pi ritual welfare by mutual enoouragemeut in tlie performance oí chiistian duües. Tliese are the varipus departments of activity organized withiu the Parish. I have named tliem for three purposes, first, that I might yive the information thue conveyed to tliose in the congregación who have reeently uome amougus; secondly, that I might extend an invitation to all wlo are not now doiug what l.liev can, or all that they can, to help on the work of the uhurch, to offer themselves tor work in collie one or more of these departments, for we need the help of all who are willintr to help; and thirdly, that 1 might expresa my heartfelt gratitud e to eaeh and everyoiH' 6f the officers and workerti in all tliese various órganizations for their invalaable assistance in carryinr on and Carrying iorward the great work of this noble París h.