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A Fine Convention

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The democratie county convention Tnesday, whioh nominated a winning ticket, was aa enthusiasfcic one. It was an old time ringing convention. The bravea scented victory in the air. They talked victory. The contesta for connty offices were lively and intense, bot good natured. Many delegates said they bad hard work to make a seleotion so many excellent candidates were offered for their choice. At 11:15 o'clock Chairman Cavanaugh rapped to order the oonvention, which he said had assembled to nominate the winning tioket and called Thomas D. Kearney to the ohair. Mr. Kearney, who made an adrnirablo presiding officer, with the necessary voice, presence, taot and flrmness, said: "I am very gratefnl to the exeoutive oommittee for the honor in asking me to preside temporarily over your doliberations. We will nominate a tioket today that all can support and wbioh will be a winner. There are no dissensions, no faotions, no 'antis' here. While many of the dolegates may bave preferenoes becanse tbeir friends or ueighbors are candidttes, or becanse they feel that some of the candidates are stronger or are more certain of success, yet when we adjourn we will have ;noniinated a ticket tbat every demoorat can support. The dernooratic party always recognized the fact that the majority must rule. It is one of the oardinal principies of the party. When we have been beaten at the polle, by ooercion or fraad, or when we have been beaten in the eleotoral college we bave subrnitted. I attended the republican bear danoe held in tbis room last Wednesday. Mr. Smith, who is a candidate for oongi-ess, made a speech in which he said that the republican party was entitled to all the credit of the war becanse it is in power. I join issue witb Mr. Smith on tbat statement. No party is entitled to all the suocess. Did they ask any of the boys who went out f rom tbis city or the neigh boring city of Ypsilanti, wbat their politics were? Did they ask Don Stark, who left bis rigbt arm on a Cuban battlefield, what his politics were - Don Stark, whose father was a life long democrat and who fougbt all through the oivil war? Do they not know tbat Dewey, tbe bero of Manila, is a democrat? Are they not aware that Gen. Miles is a democrat?. Do not the reoords show that every single deruoorat in tbe senate and house voted for the war measures?" Frank Joslyn, of Ypsilanti, was made temporary secretary and npon motion of Mr. Cavanaugh, tbe chair appointed the following committees: Credentials- M. B. Shaffer, of Ypsilanti, Chas. Rose, of Pittsfield, Frank Detling, of Freedom, Dr. MoLaohlan, of York, George Raosoheuberger, of Nortbfield. Permanent Organization and Order of Business - Hou. Jas. S. Gorman, of Sylvan, O. W. Kelsey, of Saline, Cbas. Braun, of Ann Arbor towu, W. L. Watkins, of Manchester, S. B. Chapin, of Salem. Resolutions - Dr. Post, of Augusta, James Finnell, of Superior, V?. B. Osbom, of Sbaron, Ed. Beach, of J-iiina, Dan Seyler, of Lodi. Tbe convention then adjourned until 1:30 o'olock. When tbe oonvention was called to order after the reoess, tbe room was paoked. Every available spaoe was oeoupied, making it evident that the oourt room has become too small for the democratie oonventions of Washtenaw. The oommittee on oredentials reported full delegations and the seoretary called the roll eaoh delégate answering to his name. The following were the delegates entitled to seats, tbere being no contest. Ann Afbor oity, First ward- John Lindensohmitt, S. W. Beakes, Warren Wadhams, Vf, G. Doty, J. A. Wessinger, B. F. Watts, E. A. Clark, Jamas Kearns. Seoond ward- S. W. Millara, Lonis Knrtz, Jas. R. Baob, Paul Sohall, E. Oesterlin, sr. , John Lntz, John Koob, John Mayer, Chas. Binder, Miohael Sohaible. Third ward - James Qainlao, Riobard Kearns, Jeriy Collins, J. Laubeugayer, John Reynolds, W. H. Molotyre, Charles Sohott, Marvin Davenport, Edward T. Ryan, Morgan Williams. Pourth ward - John Kenny, Arthnr Brown, Walter Seabolt, Jacob Gwinner, William Walsh, Jobn Bauingardner, Josepb Donnelly, James DouegaD, H. Hardinghaas. Fifth ward - James Boyle, George Spathelf, jr., Henry MoNally, Gecrge Weeks. Sixth ward - M. J. Cavanaugh E. B. Norria, T. D. Kearriey, H. D. Meritbew, W. N. Salisbury, J. L. Duffy. Seventh ward- William Frey, C. A. Ward. E. D. Hand, William Morton. Ann Arbor town - Charles Braun, Tohn J. Jetter, John O'Hara, Walter 3. Bilbie, Johu C. Fiscber, J. Geurge 3teeb. Augnsta- F. J. Hammond, W. R. Mason, H. J. Pobí, John Hitchingbaru, T. D. O'Brien, P. A. Foster, Christian Eenniug, W. A. Bnssell, W. Holland. Bridgewater - Solomon Tate, Cbristian Saley, Geo. Mertz. Wra. Every, E. D. Fenn, E, C. Yonng. Dexter - Thomas MoQnillan, JohnD. 31ark, M. E. MoGnire, Wra, Tiplady. Freedorn - Wm. Benerle, Louis Koebbe, M. P. Alber, Gast. Weis, Frank Dettling, Ed. Knhl. Lima- E. A. Nordman, D. E. Beach, Frank Leacb, John Wade, Miohael Paul. Lodi- Ira E. Wood, Geo. Schaible, Daniel Seyler, Jobii Grosshans, Philip Blum, Simon Kress, Alfred Moore. Lyndon - F. Young, Orson Beman, Mat. Hankard, James Howlett. Manohester - James Kelly, W. L. Watkins, John Kensler, Martin Traub, E. F. Hagaman, C. F. Kapp, N. 3chmid, J. E. Blum. H. J. Landwer, Bert Logan, Mat Wurster, J. F. Miller. Northfleld - Geo. Manlbetsch, Geo. Rauschenberger, Jobn McElroy, Philip DufEy, D. W. Bairy, Henry King, Alexander Fraser. Pittsfield- Chas. Rose, Wm. S. Rbodes, Geo. Widemann, Cnas. Robarts, L. C. Warner, Chas. Mills. Salem- P. H. Mnrray, D. E. Smith, Angus Heeney, S. D. Chapin, Chas. Naylor, Dr. E. P. Waid. Saline - Edward DePuy, Burt Hammond, Wm. Gordon, George Feldkarup, Pred Feldkamp, A. J. Warren, Chas. Awrey, O. M. Kelsey, J. A. Alber. Saio- G. A. Peters, D. E. Hoey, Wm. Aprill, Wm. Audres, Geo. E. Moore, Chas. W. Stebbins, James Cnrlett, Ernest Elsasser, Geo. W. Pratt, M. S. Cook. Sharon- Wm. F. Hall, Ashley Parks, Wm. B. Osborn, James S. Cavanaugb, Josiah R. Sloat. Snperior - Frank Doress, Chas. Palmer. Chas. Sweitzei, James Finell, Voley Winnay, Robert Shankland. Sylvan - James S. Gorman, Tbos. McKone, Frank Staffan, William R. Lehman, Dorsey Hoppe, Clarenoe Maroney, J. P. Foster, Frank McNamara, G. Foster, M. J. Howe, Hiram Barrns, Wm. Scbatz, Karl O. Steinbach. Webster - Jobn Dunlavey, James Arnistrong, Jobn Welsb, Ernest Cushing, Patrick Kearney. York- A. G. Mclntyre, L. A. Wilsere, Chas. H. Kelsey, E. P. Warner, Johu M. Clark, A. Molntyre, Geo. Coe, D. P. MoLachlan, Dan Thorp, C. H. McMullen, H. LeBaron. Ypsilanti city, First ward - M. T. Woodrnff, George J. Ament, Will Kirk, Geoïge Palm er, Frank Glan field, J, E. McGregor, Adam Sohaner, Martin Dawson. , Seoond ward - James H. MoKinstry, Zina Bnck, E. D. Sbutts, H. R. Soovill, Wm. M. Smith, W. J. Feil. Tbird ward- Traoy L. Towner, CL. Yost, Oliver Westfall, M. Cremer, P. W. Ross, Torn Ryan, W. R. MoGregor. Fonrth ward- Milo B. Scbaffer, William H. Lewis, Frank P. Worden, Lee N. Brown, Henry Dignan. Fifth ward- John Terns, Cbas. Burt, Frank Joalyn, Jaoob Schmid, M. Stein, W. A. Moore, JR. Kapp. Ypsilanti tovvn - Andrew J. Mnrray, James L. Lowden, Harrison Ruthrnff, Henry Sturnpenhusen, John C. Tnttle, Albert D'ay, Galeb Eaton. The ooinmittee on permanent organization and permanent business recommended that the temporary offioers be made permanent; that nominating speeches be limito to five minutes, and tbe order of the nominations for the various offices. The report was adopted. The following resolutions were presented by the oommittee and adopted : Resolved, By the demoorats of Washtenaw county in convention assembled, that we reoew our allegiance to the prinoiples of democracy as expressed in the state and national platforms; that we oondemn the oriminal inuompetenoy in the oonduot of the war departmentwhioh ,has resnlted in unneoessary siokness, suffering and deatb among the brave soldiers who fought the battles of the war and the eqnally brave volunteers who were in camp awaiting their oonntry's oall ; that we charge the repubioan party with having fllled the state capitol at Lausing with an army of useless clerks whose salaries go to swell the oorruption fuud of that party and with an extravagance of jobbery in every department of tbe state government whioh has doubled state taxation iu a few vears. And be it further resolved, that we pledge the support of tbe deinoorats of Washtenaw to that honest, oleao and oapable business man, Justin R. Whiting, who is our candidato foi governor, in tbe flrm helief that if he reoeives the united suppott of tbe democratio party he will be elected. and that his eleotion will inaugúrate an era of real reform in the government of Michigan. And be it also resolved, that we oommend to the people of Washtenaw oounty the oonnty ticket which we plaoe in nomination here today, and pledge for the noruinees oareful and economical administration of their several offices. Oa motion, Cbairman Kearnay apContinued on Eighth Page.) 11 FIIEJpilTIOI (Continued from First Pase.) pointedas tellers: Artbur Brown and Sid W. Millard, of Ann Arbor, Maitin Dawson, of Ypsilanti, and Ed. Staffan, of Sylvan. After a oall of the roll had been ordered, Col. Fenn, of Bridgewater, atteinpted to make soine preliminary remaiks bnt was ruled out of order. He persisted, bnt tbe chair was firm and the oall proceeded. W. G. Doty presentad the name of Meivin C. Peterson in a finiahed speech, detailing nis ability and effioienoy as an officer. Win Hand made a lengtby appeal for Charles W. Vogel presenting his many exellent qnalities. Chas. A. Ward told of the high esteetn in whioh the people of Ann Arbor held Fred Sipley and of his eminent fitness for the place as well as bis running qnalities. Col. Fenn presented John Gillen in a speech whioh raised the roof, while the oonvention shouted "londer. " James Kelly seconded Gillen;s nomination regretting the noise which had been made. Charles Awrey who had been eleoted to nominate Mr. Gillen was oalled forward and made his speeoh. Hon. Jas. S. Gorman on behalf of Sylvan presented Hiram Lighthall in the most effective Epeeoh of the convention. He spoke in praise of tbe other candidates, bnt olaimed that Lighthall was entitled to the tion froiu the excellent run he had made two years ago, bis high qualities aud bis continued popularity at home. A ballot was then taken but as it was found that there were two more votes than delégales, it was not d8clared. The succeeding ballots resnlted: First ballot - Lighthall, 78, Vogel 48, Gillen 42, Sipley 31, Peterson 28. Second ballot- Lightball 90, Vogel 50, Gillen 47, Sipley 28, Peterson 14. Tbird ballot- Lighthall 95, Gillen 60, Vogel 48, Sipley 18, Peterson 5. At this point the uanaes of Sipley and Peteraon were withdrawn. Forrth ballot- Lighthall 99, Gillen 84, Vogel 46. The fifth ballot contaiaed one too ms'jy votes when flrst taken and was thrown out without deolaration. When retaken it resulted, Vogel's name being withdrawn, Fifth ballot- Lightball 95, Gillen 130. The nomination of John Gillen was made unanimous. S. W. Beakes presented the name of Jacob F. Sobuh. for renomination for county clerk and moved that tbe secretary oast the ballot of theoonvention for him. Mr. Sohuh was nominated amid applanse. W. G. Doty presented the name of Einanuel Wagner for county treasurer. Sid W. Millard presented the name of Gottlob Luick and Philip Duffy seoonded it. Ira Wood presented the name of George J. Manu in a strong and forceful speech. The ballot which resulted in the nomination of Mr. Mann was: Mann, 142,ijLniok 61, Wagner 9. While this ballot was being connted Major John P. Kirk was nominated enthusiastically for prosecuting attorney by acclamation. For register of deeds Frank J. Hammond, of Augusta, was presentad by Jas. L. Lowden, Byron Whittaker, of Soio, by D. E. Hoey, Alfred Davenport by A. G. Molntyre, and Clifford Huston, of Ypsilanti, by M. T. Woodruff. Two ballots were taken, resnlting: First ballot- Huston 80, Whittaker 60, Davenport 39, Purtell 18, Hammond 16. Second ballot - Huston 106, Whittaker 71, Davenport 25, Hammond 1. Arthur Brown presented the name of William H. Murray, private in the Sist Michigan for circuit court oommissioner and Philip Duffy presented the name of Patrick MoKernan. Tbe ballot resulted Murray 136, MoKernan 6, Brown 4. Ypsilanti was allowed to canons for the other oirouit court oommissioner and presented the name of Traoy L. Towner who was unanimous]y nominated. For ooroners B. F. Watts, of Ann Arbor, and Dr. C. F. Kapp, of Manchester were nominated by acclamation. For surveyor Charles S. Woodward, of Ypsilanti, was nominated by acclamation and tbe oonvention tben adjourned at 7 o'olock.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News