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Dipbtheria ngtfa al Bastings. ( ladMlM beffins tn talk pavement. Thcrc arelwelve girlsut the reformatorv at Adrián. Gov. Jcromc s to altend the Stanton fair Sept 20-29. Grand Baplde and Qrand Baren ure be!ng nnlted lv telephone. . n mi; i ui' rresufent rum Moimt Picasant will issue honds to the iimount of $ 10,1X10 fwr water works. A heavy lii'e at ( 'm rson vi lle, Sanilae Co., last week, lelt severa] femttie hlTMthf c. II. Mallory, rif Lansing, has boen appolnted steward of theagricultural eolleue. The Port Iluron umi Northwestern B. R., is expected to reach Vassar by the 20th. West Bnwich.Ogemaw county, Isasplen did opening for a harness sho[), saya tlie Herald. ïlraistae voten liave paiil $1,200 pull lux into the trcasury of that city this yenr. Nobly done. Wilif pigcons, partridges, and specklod trout are jiist now the chief attractlons (il Pretqua isle omnty. llere's a chance fortome j-ouiiu; bminess 111:111. Iluriior Spriu-rs wanta a Arat-claáe clothing store. And Traverse City people think lii'me is ftoatlng underneatn Ihem only wbltlhg to be tapped. Sajzinaw City refuses to expen.l $25,000 more on her white clephant - water Works - by a vote of 231 to 13!). 1!),000,000 barrels of snit bave been ma. Ie in Michigan since 1866. The rtrstsalt made In the state wan 111 ls."i(). Joneaville crowa over Hill&dale. elalmlng to do more maiiufaeturinff in a minute (han llillsilale cines in a inoiitb. The hiilics Of Kuehanan have givi-n tlie pos) nl ihe grand anny of the repuhlie in that place au elegant silk banner. The governor han pardonéd Paul P. Roelle, sent to state prison truiii Mönroé in is7."i, for marder In the teooud degreé. J. B. Humphrey, of Allegan, has been appointed deputy state treasiircr, has aeoepted and entered upon the duties of the office. A liberty pole at Lapcer was struck by lijrhtning during .a reeent storm. Hut liberty still lives, thougb the pole bas goue to destruction. Thieves are so bold in Detroit, that they knock passenjieis down OU the depot plattortns, [n broad daylight, rob them of their money, and make their escape. The fariner's pienie asSOClatioh, of Hillsdale and I.onuwee counties, has $70.'.t(l in its treasiiry, alter payinjr all expeOt the Devil's lake picnic, held Aug 1 ï. The finn of Williams Iliiiii[)lirey, ot AJlegan, bas been well proviiled for. The flrst is railroad commhsionef and the latter has jnst been appointed depnty state treasurer. rIMi. 111. BUUBÜkATA of t.lto haosd ut' iii-il IÜITersol' Ihe [onla house of luneetion are .los. T. Kscott, of Hij; Hapids; Aliiam 11. Piper, ol'Lapeer; and üeo. W. Itiiokiiighain, of Flint. The someuhat f.tinous Elev. D. Callaert, pastor of the Catnollc chorch, al .Marshall, lias been transferred by Bishop Bor gom, to M.uiistee, and Father Milligan. of .Manistee, takes his place. A handsome yOMAg lady takes the mail froin the train at Conger on the line of the G. R. & I. R. I!., and nearly every "base immer" bas occasion to stop off the train to speak to a friend - who is never there. Siiianae boys who steal watermehins iret into trouble. They are OMIgbt at it. haided before a juaMw and tined. A warning. Thftt's rÍLrÍit. At liattle Creek some boy8 patd $5.50 each for Iht: sanie kind of fun. The Ingham Co., (Masón) News tells a long story of sonu: men who are hangillg about the llttle settlement of Cookville, in Ihat COUflty, and aoting very mysterionsly. NOhody can tind out who they are OT what they want. The ras hcinse beloning to the Cntler lionsi', (rand lliven, was all torn tn piecea hr tn rrcjlorif7n on tho int tint., -rrhir II tilx severely injured four men standing near. 011e of t.heni beini; 1). ('ntler. a linither 0Í the hotel owner. Edwin K. and Harriet K Olds liaveeoinmeiieed snit against the Kalamaziio 'linies for libel, claiming $K,000 daniages. They eonsider their familv eliai'actiT bas snstai.ied (bat amotint of damajre by articles pulilishi'il in the above paper. It wou ld seem Ihat. it was now a cei'tainly, as a percentage of $46,000 has been pald In, to help start business; it looks now as thoilgh wc; shoiiM have railroad eommnniealion with Pontiac, direct by the b0g4nniiif; of the new year. - Oxford Globe. Minier CummlngS, of Dimondale, Batou county, white assisUng a neighbor to thresh on AiiLjust '!'¦', feil froni a straw stack atul was impaled just above the hips on a fourtineii fork. The fort was standing ag&inst Uie stack with the tines pointiDg upuar.l there are slight hopes of his recove ry. jMani-tee is liooming. Never in the historv ol the city has building and Improveinents, been pusbed witli the rapidity and energy of the present season. Stores, hlocks and dwellingsare going up on every hand; and the Improvementa are permanent and siibstantial. - Times and Standard. memben of the lOSnd regiment of oolored troop are to bold a reunión at Blooinlllgdale, September 1 and 'J2. KGovernor Austin BlaJr Is to dellver an address on Tbursilay the 22d, and Major M. H. Delanev of .Suuth Carolina and (ien. John V. Wilson, of Detroit, are afso expected io be present, H. Anus, Int of QaiMm City, Ih "TIip Man W lio liares.' He dales togouj I u Moatyrotnory Mitinty añil 'Ntalillsh 11 newspiipiT rnere In now ¦¦ papar In Uk numty, do oharoti, do sfliiMil hinisf, do pust -olliff. and only almut 50 uctuul Hettlern.Detrolt EveuliiK New. Vill the iirebitect of the above tem piease teil us where In b-iPcbigui ptoul gomery county inThere is not a day passes hut some pne moves into I5ií Kapids. Xearly every frelgbt train brings in hoiisehold gooda for MUM straiifiers who intend to make thicity their future home. As 15 í-T tlapldí is the best town in northern Michigan, i t fa nut to be wondered at that so maiiv aic coming here fora home. - Pioneer Uagnet. Cmpt. Howu'alc1, tunmrlv of Horneo, in this state, w ho lias been lloted for propused arctlc and antarc-tie theoretlcul expedltlons; and who has of late heen Iiiund au allejred defanlter to the jroverniuenl for a greal niany tliOUSaildS of dollars, has jumped bis bail and lelt the ecuinliy, BOCorÜing to the latest dispatehes Ironi ashiuton. There was a Wandal at Washington, also, in which bis name flgured consplcuously. Prof. Délos A. Simpson, of SI. Louis, Mo, and Mi.-s May E. Lowrv, of KaM Saj inaw, Mich., Wre mairieil a few days sinee at the bdde'S 1)01116, lioth are deiitmutea and graduatea ol tbe Btate school for the deal and iliimli at Flint. Mr. Simpson al-n a gradúate of the KaUonal DeafMuii- ( 'uilege, at Washington, umi alemarkalilv lnilliant fOCTOg man. lle is at presen) carnrlag on a iay school tor his elas at St. LOUIS, Mo. llere is a prelty Iiíl' story for COlDIllon mintáis to believi': Mis. Slaiv (aryl of Fair (irove. TOBCOla i'onnty, has done the hoiiM'-woik for her and her son, wilh Ihe other work added, turóugh harvtstlng, threshinK, ehophtg ihe brusta and oattlng up the lags on -i acres of jround. They liad a logging bee of '.12 men and ('¦ teami and logged It all up. sha dolttg all Ihe housework, oooking, ele, and wheat In l'ioni their Wheat Beid to make si liiishels of a 1 eleai wheat duriiiLC Ihe sanie lime. Sta will be dii nexl April.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News