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Rev. Samuel Earp Commences Rectorship of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in July 1885

Rev. Samuel Earp Commences Rectorship of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in July 1885 image
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Orin Stair has again taken possession of the Saline Observer. The Congregationalists give a lawn social this evening at Judge Cooley's. The 8th grade of the granitnar departroent will have their pictures taken at 75 cents euch. The residents on Forest ave., contemplate the immediate construction of a tur walk aboiit 30 roils long. The Knight's Templar expect to visit Ypsilanti on the 24th inst , and are drilling preparatory therefor. Tlie flrst eonsignmcnt of pipes for the water works carne on the T. & A. A. R. R. Mondar, from Newport, Ky.
Rev. Samuel Earp has accepted the call to 8t. Andrews' church, and will commence his rectorship in July. About 18 couples of' Ann Arbor young folks contémplate tripping the " light fantastic" at Dexter, Friday night. Street fences are being removed by the residents along Washtenaw and Forest avenues, uuicli to the beauty oí that locality. And still they ga.c, and still the wonder grows; just why that coininissioii doesn't come, there's no one seeins to knows. Tlie ÜJ ward school will have a picnic next week Thursdav in Cook's grove. Moore's band, of the 5th want, wiil furnish tlie music. Tlie Aun Albor polo club played a game wUli the Ypsil.nti club at the rlnk in Ypsilanti last eveuing, and canie out victors 3 to 0, in 14 minutes. Mr. Dean, a carpenter, while working upon a building of Erastus P. Mason'i, in the 5th ward, feil off a scaffold, last Friduy, and had his hip broken. The Union Hook and Ladder Co. are to give a rand ball at Wbitmore Lake, Saturday evening, to inaugúrate their iiret annual encampment at tlie lake. Those desiring to attend the state pioneer meeting can go on the railroads for one and one-third fare, for tlie round trip. Next week Wednesday and Thursday is the time. It is altogether probable that Iïev. Dr. V. W. Ramsey, of the Central M. E. chureh, Detroit, will be cal led to the pastorale of the Ift. E. chureh of this city, af ter the next conference. Next Sunday will be Children's Day in bolh the Methodist and Congregational churches, and the auditorium of each edifica will be appropriately decorated with flowers for the occasion. The latcst street gag : " Have you heard who is postmister?" To which the innocent victini usually answer?, in astonishment: "Why, no! Who is hei" "Jerry Knowlton, of course. Ha-ha-ha!" Co. A, at its meeting Monday evening, decided to accept the invitation tendered by the Adrián people to a-sist thein in celebrating July 4th. An invitation was also received fiotn Juckson for the same day. The Ann Arbor Water Works Co. open their bida to-day for putting down 14 tnilea of pipe in this city. Among the bidders are Mr. Carruthers of Newport, Ky.. and Mr. Fohey of New York city, old contractors. Tlie 5th and 6th volumes of state pioneer collection9 have been issued, can be had by making applioation to Mrs. Harriet A. Tennv, State Librarían, Lansing, Mich., and forwarding the price, 75 cents por vol., and postage. Our s. h. c. says that Jokn B. Moloney was " boni and brought up in Ann Árbol1," and " removed to Detroit in 1856 " As the gentleman referred to is only 33 years of age nis " bringing up" must have endcd quite early in lite. About 200 boys, more or less, tried to unearth a woodchuck that had taken up its nbod In the covered gutter in front of C. Mack's residence, last Saturilay, but tliey had to cali on Fred Buss, at last, who did the job in about livu minutes. The old bai bed wire fence has been removed frotn around H inover Square, and uow if the council will bui ld a cement or gome other substantlal walk along the same, as asked Ibr by many residents in that section, it will be a tine imprvement tor tliat quarter of our city. The rooms of Miss Carman, Miss Cor8elius, Mrs. Plimpton, Miss Edson and Miss Cooper, of the 4th w.ird school, will join in a picnic party on Thursday afternoon of next week, at Relief Park The children will have sme literary excrcisee, consisting of ileclaniations, sinjfinir, etc, interspersed witti other amusements. At the meeting of the school board last evening the report on the cotnmittee on teachers was received but not acted upon, as was also the report of the committee on heating npparatus for the lst wird school. President Hascall and Secretary Doty were appointed a cotnmittee to make arrangemeiits for the conimencement exercises wbteh will be held iu the Baptist cburch. A special meeting wil jirobably be held next week. Why don't Co. A buy the rink, have a nice armory, a nlce place to drill in, skate in, dance in, sing In, etc, etc, inlctiuitcly. Bh f In answer to thisquery we have to add that at lts meeting Monday evening the Company aiipointed a couimittee consitinj: of C. E. Hiscock, J. F. Schuh, M. J. O'Brien, S. W. Meirithew and W. W. Watts, to take into consideration the advisability of purcbasing the Hink. Price 4,500. Monday morning, while workmen were laying the new gas pipes in the trench nearly opposite Bach & Abel's store, the ea8t side of the bank caved in, catching Lorenzo D. Grose, one of the laborers, and buried him to the neck. He was in a bad posltion and it is feared that he received Internal injuries that may prove of a very serious nature. After belng taken out he was removed to Eberbach's drug store, where an examlnation was held, after wbich he was taken home on Fountain st. Qrose is an old soldier, having been a member of the 128tU Ohlo, regiment. John H. Warner, of Saline, has been appointed deputy by Sheriff Walsh. E. J. Knowlton has sold bis celory farm to Herman Hutzel. ¦The coming strawberry erop in the city and vicinity promises to bo very large. A man 47 years old Is referred to by our s. h. c. as an " enterprising youth," in the woodchuck business. The Ann Arbor gas company lias b-en putting down an extra gas main on the greater portion of Main street, tlie pu9t weck. The thermometer Sunday ron up to 90 in the shade. Monday morning it stood 50 with nothing but shade. A radical change for twelvo hours' time. How many supervisors in Washtenaw county have conformed to the law in reference to flling a list of all doga in lus district with the township or city clerk? Friday, June 12th, a meeling of the Washtenaw County Ag. and Hort. So ciety has been called to make airangeinents and adopt plans for the next county fair. Bishop Warren wlll preside at the Detroit conft-rence in September, to be held at Pontiac. The bishop is said to be an equal of the late Bishop Simpson in poiiit of eloquence. When Father Fierle returned from bis visit to Pennsylvania, a few d.iys since, tlie pupils of 8t. Thomas' school presented him with an elegant silver cigar case, filled with eigars. The Cornwell Bro's have got on a new pile-driver to be used in the construction of the new dam. H. Kitredge has the contract for drawing the dirt and gravel to be used in the construction of the dam. It Is painful to learn that tlie tem ¦- specting one of the best-looking young gentlemen of the postoffice forcé last week was taken to heart by the balance, who considered themselvos aggrieved thereb3r. Oscar O. Sorg's new block will be a model of neatness and convenience when completed. The living rooms in the second story are nicely arranged, and will m:ike for him a pleasant home and convenient to business. Wednesday (this) noon the Ann Arbor water works company proposes to cummence work on the construction of their water works plant for this city, so A. W. Haniilton, the resident member of the company informs us. One of the great ijuestions for the the coming meeting of the American AMoetation for the Advanceinent ot Science to settle, will be how a man in can be a " fugitivo trom justico." To which our s. h. c. will tumble. There will be h special meeting of the board of Supervisors on the 16th of June, to take into consideration the changing of the Juli site, and also to act upon Uu? deponitlng of tlie county funds in the bank that may piythe highest amount of interest. The trial of the Rev. Denias Dawo, of the Leoawee arcnlt, wh!ch took place at the M. E. cliurcli in tliisrity last VVednesdiiy - our diiy of pubiïcition - rasalted disastiously te Mr. Daive. A complete history of the case will ba found upon the lirst page of Üiis paper. The memUers of Chathatn lodgo, Sons of St. Ocorge, were made happy at their last meeting by a present from James Kitson, of tnro Knglisli ñngm, n j.ick .nul royal ensign, whioh they will delight tu see mingled wit li the stars and stripes in their new rooina over Stimpson's store. It is understood that the M. C. R. R. authorities have rented out a portiou of the ground on which their new ilrpot is to be erected in this city, which doesn't look very encouraging for that improvement tliis year. It is to be leirretted, f. r the okl station house is a positive dissrrace to the railroad as well as to Ann Albor. It will be the duty of the present board of supervisors nt their next meeting to decide what townships shall compose the first and second representative ditricti. There will doubtless be no chaiiííe in thf present división. In the new senatorial iipportionment, Washtenaw and Monroe are put together in one district. Slightly democratie. In the great grief which has come upon Mr. Geo. C. Smythe, the senior editor of the Tpsilantlan, by the death of his wife after a brief illness, that gentleman will liave the sympathy of his brother editors througliout the county, as well as the most tender compassion of neifrhbors. In uch liours of trial it is hard to see that He doeth all things well. Wm. EL Payne, a son of Prof. VV. H. Payne, has entered into partnership with Willis Boughton, the new firni name being Boughton & Payne. In addition to the post office newa depot business they will carry on a subscription book ngency It might not be out of place In this connection to state, that Mr. Boughton ha." recently taken in another partner, a young gentleman, who will probably be a heap of joy, troublp, happiness and care before the partnership is ended. A certain enterprising local editor in this city, thought to " scoop " all his cotemporaries on an article giving the building mprovements of the city. 80 he went to work and gave the con tem - plated improvemnts (sime of which were purely imaginary). insteiid of wait ing u 11 til the end of theseason and (rlvlitg the actual improvements (and getting "scooped" as he did last fall). Well. the sequel is what miirht have been expected. The supervisors took this enterprMng local's tlgureg for granted :ind made iheir assessment accordingly. Yu cai imagine the howl that went up on Keview Day. Sinc? the L-ulies' Library Association has announced ita intention of erecting n small building, upon the association lot this glimmer several offers of assintance have been reported to the board. One gentleman promises to do the gas fitting, another contributed $25.00 toward the gas, and another will give the insurance of the building for three years. A mem her of the assm'iation has contributed f50.00, another offer her servicesas librarían for one year which would save over $50.00 to the association, while a third will rive the association the u-e of f200.00 without interest, until the building is completed. These voluntary contrinutious are higlily appreciated and e'ecially en couraaing to the building committee. Mr. M. II. Brennan, president of th( high school alumni, announces that the exercises of the alumni will be held li the school hall, which has been recently repaired and very much improved, on Friday, June 19th. The orator for the occasion will be Fred H. Maynard, clas of '70; the poet, Miss Elsie Jones, clas of '84. Toasts will be responded to by Proís. P'-rry, Chute, and Öteere, A. w Hamilton, j. V. Sheehan, Mis Nelli Garrigues, J. B. Eeal, G. W. Knight, Mr Wylt, and others. The exerctses wil be open to the public, and everybody i invited. In connection with this meetln the ladies of the Baptist church will fur nish refre8hments at the bnnquet, t( whioh an admlssion fee of 60 cents wi be charged. Further partieul irs can b obtiiined If desired by -ddressing Hou D. V. Harriman, Ann Arbor.