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- Henry S Magraw wlio went in search of the body of Col Cameron, and v;is taken prisoner, lias been releasud. - Tlie Northern Ligbt, arrived at New York on the 4th, trom spiuwall, bringing 332,000. The " ginews uf war." . - Gen. Mansfield has gone to Hattera Inlet. iSoriiething is brewing in that juartcr . - Maj. General Butler has been given command ot' the departiueut uf New ' Kugland. - Lieut. Col. Morton, of the Illinois Voluuteers, was arrested at St. Louis last week, charged with treason. - Capt. Lynch has been appointed to coinmaud the naval defeases of North Carolina and Virginia, - A Washington Court bas decided that the recent act of Congress does not prohibit the sale of lager beer to soldiers. - There are now on duty 18G Pa.yraasters, witli an average salary of $3,500 per year. - Hon. Reverdy Johnson bas accepted a Union nomination for the Maryland House of Dulegates. - Tbe Philadelphia Press asserts that nearly all tho diplomatic representatives at Washington are Southern sympathisers. - It is said that Jeff. Davis arrived at Fairfax on Wednesday of last week, and promised the army that they should soou be iu Baltiraore. - The British Steamer Bermuda bas run the blookade at Savanuah with a cargo of arms and war stores. - The rebels were advised of tho recent advance on Munson's HUI in time to draw off their men. There are yet traitors in high places. - Forts Buchanan and Breckinridge, New Mexico, havo been destroyed to prevent them falling iuto the hands of the rebels. - Fort McLcan and Fort Fillmore, same Territory, have been treaeherously , surrendered to the rebels - Gen. McKinstry commands the fifth división of the army of the West - Capt. Stanley, of the regulur serTice, lias been appoiuted Brigadier General, and is to coiumaud Freraont's cavalry brigade. - The quota of voluuteers required of New York is 101,000. The total armsbearing populatiou of the State is 76(5,344. - The Harriet Lano is now thn flagship of the Potumac flotilla. - J. W. Dawson, of Ind , has been appointed (iovemor of Utah I - It is again reported thnt Ben McCulloch died soon al'ter the battle at Spriugfield. - " Jcssie" is Gen. Fremonfs private Secretary and principal aid. - The Cherokees are fighting among themselvea. John Koss, the principal cltief, has declare for the Union. - The Federal forcea have occupied Ship Island, cominanding the Lake Borgne routo to New ÖrTeans, and are building barracks for largo numbers. - Six of the Illinois members of Congress are iu the service of their COUnfry. - The prisoneri at Castle Pinckney are reported more comfortable than when at Richmond. - Col. Itankin, of the Lanccrs, was arrested at Toronto, Canada, on Sa'urday last, for violation of the neutrality laws, and held to bail for cxamination. - All persons iu New Orleans subject to. military duty aro rejuired to drill Lt'Ay. - Cnpt. Berry, late of the U. S. steauiship Columbus, was arrested in New York 011 Moüday, and Bent to Fort Lafayette. - It is estimated tliat the national debl will reaeh $300,000,000 by the firat day of December. - The secessionists liave completely ! oven uu the Territoriea of Arizona and New .Mexico. - Attorney General Bates is reported saying tliat. tlie retention ol Freinont in place is a public erirae. - Thü President has determined tliat hereafter all uppoÍDtmsnts and oontraits for the Western Department shall be made in the regular way. - Col DcCourcey, a distinguished officer of. the Crimean war, has beeu appointed Culo'itl of the Ohio G8th. - All Colonels of Cavalry in the iirniy of the Fotomac have beeu ordercd bel'ore tlie Examining Board. - Memphis papers say that sixty-four companios have been sent frora Richmond to re-enforce Floyd, - That Wise has been ordered to Riehmond for another field of service. - Tliat Hardee has fallen back to the Arkansas line. - That MeCulloeh is badly ia waut of men. - Also that an English vessel has arrived at a Southern port with 50,000 Eufield muskets. Probably the Bermuda. ' - The violation of the blockade by the Bermuda is said to have been made public by Lord Lyons. - James D. Doty has been appointed Superintendent of ludían Affairs for Utah. - 6ol. Taylor, a brother of " Old Zack," sueceeds tiibson as Commissary General. - Charles Sumner bas been raaking a rabid alwlition speech at Bastón. He ought tevbe suppressed - or sent to Fort Lafayffl;. - ïiyaddition to small arms and munitions Wie Bermuda brought the rebels 18 rifled camión of large calibre, aud 168 Tound cauister guna. - The Bermuda is fitting out for the rebel ser -ice, aud is to be commauded by Commodore Tatnall. - The government refuses torecognizc the commissions issued by Gen. Fremont. - W K. Strong has been appointed Brigadier General aud chief of Fremont's stati'. -The reported death of John C. Breckinridgo is contradicted. - The government fleet has not yet taken possessiou of New Orleaus. - Josepli E. Browo has been elected Goveruor of Georgia-. - l'rice has evacuated Lexingtoa ands falliug bacK. - Fremont says-he bas men enough and shall follow Pnce into Arkausas. - Gov. Brown, of Georgia, has called five regiments home froui Virginia to defend (be State - Gen. Rosencrans advises the government that he can sustaiu himself against Lee aud Floyd. - Ile ought to have men enough to more tbau suslain lumselí - fco oleau them j out. - The UiMversity of Mississippi bas beeu elosed t'sr waut of patronage. - The Noptlieru Bank of Alabama has suspendea specie paymeut. - Gen. Sherman is aimouiiced to supersede Gen. Andersou m eliarge of the Department of Keutucky. KeaSOO, Andersou"s 1 11 health. - Fremont's charges against Blair have been made public ; also Blair'i charges agaiusl Fremout. - A British sehooner has been condemned at Poriland, Me., for attempting to run the bloekade. - C'apt Dwight May, of tbe Michigan Second, has returued home ou recruitiug bcrvice. L3L" Uur latost dates bring us uothing matuiiiilly new or important, either fiom Washington, Wt store Virginia, Kentucky or Missouri Thera is an abundiince of rumor írom all directions, but it is nearly all of .the to be kind, and is to be taken with rnany grains of allowanca at that. In each section, nained the armed hosts are marshuling, and it requires good geo oralship to prevent a collision, and we den't think it will be prevented long. - Our forees on the Patomac are gradually advancing. The rebels have neither elosed nor attempted a passage of the Potomac, and McClellan must sound the attack or wait indefinteliy , for a fight. - In Kentucky there have been a few skirmishes, but no general engagemem is imminent. - In Missouri Fkemoxt is in chase o' the rebels and when they have picked their positiou there will be a fight - The Blah'-Fremont quarrel is as yet undecidöd, and, if 's'pecial dis patches" are to be lolied on, the Government is showing a lamentable indecisión. The matter shoultl be settled sumo way, contradictory repocts of I reinoviil, comt-martial, elc, stopped, i and the country iUieted. jLL" We give place, simply as a matter of history, to Col. Blaik's letter to his brother, for which among other things Gen Fkemoxt ordered him uuder arrest, Í and have no coinrueut to make on it at this time. It is very severe. L-L" A second Irish regiment is being raised in this State, for service under Gen. Fremont. The necessary authority has been givec to Capt, McDekmott, late ; of " Mulligan's Brigade," who since his ! return has in conjuuction with his friends, ' selected RoDEiucK O'Connek, now May or of Mouroe, as Colouel of the Regi i ment. Mouroe is to be selected as the place of rendezvous.


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