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Foul Murder At Chelsea

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A most foul raurder was perpetrated at Chelsea, ia thia county, on Thursday evening of last week. The victim was John C. Depkw, Esq., an old resident and ono of the most promiuent citizens of the Township - Sylvan. Mr. Depew uves about a mile from the village. He had been at work at tho depot during the day, and until in tho evening, putting up Grain Drills, and started for his home between 10 and 11 o'clock, going as usual aloDg the railroad track. Not reaohing home for a day or two - during which time his faniily supposed him at the village - his friends became alarmed and iostituted inquiries which led to suspicion of foul play. A general and systematic search was made, and on Sunday, about nooD, his body was found conccaled iu the tall weeds and grass of a garden within the villaga and uear the railroad track. He had been waylaid, struck on the right temple, probably with a slung shot, killed, and robbed. Mr. Depew had quite a sum of money wilh him, from $300 to $500, and for this paltry amount his life was taken. Some eight or ten persons - men and women - havo been arrested on guspiciou of being guilty of the crime or accessory to it either before or after its comuiission, and are now lodged in jail in this city. No effort will be spared to bring the guilty to punishment. Mr. Depew has been Supervisor of the town several years, lias been a candidate for the Legislature, and enjoyed the good will and esteem of all his ntighbors. We knew him as a personal and political friend, and can bear tribute of his worth. His family have the deepest sympathies of the many who knew him throughout the couuty. L37 In our recent excursión Laving pacsed over the entire length of the Grand Trunk Railway, except tho few miles between Prescott and Montreal, we are prepared to speak favorably of the management of that road. It is a woll built road, and Mr. Brydges has Bucceeeded in placiug on it as gentíomauly a set of Conductora as it haa ever been our fortune to travel with. The passenger by the Grand Trunk passé8 through a country noted for ''sights," giving him an opportunity to visit the first cities of Canada, to see the Victoria Bridge, to reaeh the White Mountaina, and thus hit both the wonders of nature and art. It must become a favorite route of excursionista. Returuing from Boston we carne over the Vermout Central and its connecting roads, through Lowell, Nashua, Concord, Burlington, St. Albans, &c. to Ogdensburg, gettiug a distant view of the White Mountains, from the West, a look into the volley of the Concecticut at one of its most attractive points, and a fine view of the Green Mountains and tho Mountaius of Northern New York. The Vermunt Central is a route replete with interest to the trnveler, aud wc commeod both it and the Grand Truuk to pleasuro seekers. We are ndebted to Mr. Bkydgep, and to Mr Milus, of Boston, for the courtises of the roads they represent. ty We have " heard frora Maiue," and can say for short that tbough reported to have gone "Union " the Republicana have " iwept the board." Nuff ud SQu The President has issued a proclamation suspending tho vyrit of halcas corpus " thronghout the (Tnited Slates," , in caii'S whcre by the autliurity of the President of the United States, military, naval and civil officera of the Uuited States, or any of thcni, persons are held under their command, or in their custody either as prisoners of war, spies or aitler or other abettors of the eneiny, or officers, soldiers or seamen, enrolled, draftod, mustered, or enlisted men, deserters, résisters of the dra ft, &c, &c., such procliimation to contmuein forcuntil tho i war ceases or it is revoked. S The Michigan Central Railroad has isáued its time curd for the coming Stato Fair at Kalamazoo, and will carry passengers on regular and special trains at half yare. Th Central is one of the best stockeJ and managed roads in the country, and its gentletnanly officers never exhibit any backwarduesa in serving the public. On no road have wo found better cars - and on few as goud - nnd no road makes better or more punotual time. Knowing this wo predict that ampie and excellent aecomniodatioas will be made to enabk all to visit Kalamazoo and tbe Fair. ES8" ít is a-anouneed vrith some show of autbority that Gov Morton, of Indiana, lias sueceeded in satisfying tbe authorities at Washington, tbat his State has farnished rolunteers in such exeesa of all calla a to more than fíll lier j quota under the draft, and that therefore no draft will take place in that Kiate. - The troopa which have been doing . son and guard duty in that State bare all been ordered to the field. - Wlll &ome ofEcial tell our people how raany men are to be drafted from Michigan ? L3T T'le Chicago Tribune saya tha it is feared Waru en P. Isiiam, formerly of the Detroit Free Press editorial corps and later of the Chicago Times, was lost on the ill-fated Sunbeam, on Lake Supe rior. He left home to be absent three weeks, and has been absent seven withoul any intelligence from biin. He had a pass to return on the Sunbeam. - - in in - y Gen. CASb has been seriously ill and a fatal termination was feared, but the Free Press, of Wednesday, says that he is improviug and is considered out of danger. EP Cyrus W. Field writea from Europe that a contract bas been made to lay a submarino telegraph cable between England and Newfouudland next Bummer. g. The Detroit Conference of the M. E. Cburch is now holding ita annual ession at Romeo.