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The Misses Clark's School

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We are pleased to learn tliat tha Miases GüBK, uot disheartened by the recent disastrous flre, have already commenceil the erection of a new building, vhich, in location, jie, arrangement, and conveuirnce, frill be superior to tbe old olie, and fmuish accom'im)d.uions for au increased nuniber oí' pupila. They have purchased of the Woodbridge estáte, two loU on the corner of División and JJorth Streel, fronting Kast and South, have perfected the plans for tlreir building, let llio contract, and the Work has ahcody been coromenced. The new building will be 48 feet square, three Btories high, and will ftn nisli school rooms, and museum roouis, family rooms, and rooms in excess of their old number for the aceommodation of ion-resiilent pupil confided to their charge. The Misses Clakk have taxight a select diool for young ladies over twenty-five years, and have sustained for this time, unihterrupted, an institution of souud religious and iutellectual cliaracter, creditable to our city, and known throughout the State. - ■ffhilo a lftrge nuruber of the younger married ladies of our city point to the Misses 'Clark's School as their alma mater, they liava had confided to them lavge nurabers of young ladies from abroad, whose parents feit 'tbat their health, ïuinds, and moráis would be cared for. We hope that the friends of the Misses Clark, here and elsawhere, will come proniptly to their aid, and by genereus subicrtptkms, enable them to repair iu a nieasMi-e the Ios3 c .used by tho fire of the 4th 'inst., aud establish their school on a more .jirosperous and permanent basis than before. ïhe beauty of Ann Arbor, its exceediniily ■liealthy location, and the high cliaracter of its 'edueational institutions, combine to niake it a ■ilesirable placa as an educational center, and 'our citiiei)8 especially should lend a helping ■hand to so faithful workers in the field as the ■Misfes C. have proved themselves. J25T" The Fenian Brotberbood of ti&roil and otlier cities of the State have arranged to vieit city on the ltith of August It 'ia expeeted (he excursionista will ncinber from 3,000 to 5,000. A l'ic-Nic entertainment will be had on the grounds of the Wanhtenaw Couiity Agricullural Society, a:id riro enjoyment niay be autieipated by all int-ilhed to particípate We doubt not our citinens will extud a hearty weieome to the natten. 'S& The Store of Slawson & Son wás entered on Weduesday evening, through cellar witldow, and obout eight or ten doliars in postage currency, gilver, and pennies, iitrated from the hioiiey diawer; alsoajar of candy levied on. Yesterday two gentlemen of the " colored persuasión," were arrested on snspickn, and the silver found in Úieir possessicrt. Tliey werê lodged in jail, snd seimed to be acqiaintauc?s of tiro inhales. JL3T" T üy speak briofiy oí the Yool Markèt in our city in this wise : Duriug the week C. H. Millen has takon in sbout 70,00il Ibs., at 55 to 58 cents, with few extra dips at a litlle bighpf figures, and otlier parties haw taken small lots,perimps 10,000 or 15,000 the all. Yesterday ))iices had dropped back a little, and 57 was the outside figures. The Boston Woel report %ill be found in another column. GP There is a great cali in our city ïor Houses, and we doubt not that forly or fifty small, but convenient dwellings could be iented witísin a uionth. Will not soine of our i.and liolders coofer a favor both upon tlioraspItos and the city, by evecting dwUugs on their vacant lols 1 With jiropei eöort made to accomuiodate it'rajigef soekin homes in ur midst, otir populatiou tíiay be doubled in three yeari. LS The August nuinber of fnu Luiies' RrposUorïj has a bcautiful landscape tngraving, " Tlie Natural Bridge, Virginia," 4 fino portrait of the late Mrs. Alie B. Ilavsn, nd such a table of contents as is ever found in the Rcposilory, interesling, instructiva, refining. $: 50 a year. Addresa Poe & Hitchcock, Cincinnati, Ohio. LS" Mayor Maynard lias reccived frMr. the Seerètary oïtfce Jlilwaukie Chamber f Oomnierce, a resohitioii tendering the thanks of that body to the Common Council if our city, the FacnKy f the Univerbity, and our citizens generally, for the courtesies shown thom on the occasion of the receut excursión of the Commercial Conveution. EP The weathor for the last week has been decidedly utreaked, vi(h rain every twenty-four hoara or less. Farmer have found it catching times, and the uheat is not II in yet. Some of it is certainly grown, but e hope for the best. JC5f We have received the August number of the Atlantic Monthly, with a veiy fine list of papers. Dr. Jolins, Around Muil, Tbe Needie and Garden, and the Chimney Corner, are conlinued. Among the new paPers, are : Amony the Houey Makers, Strategv t the Fireside, My Secuud Capture, and Eeconstruction and Negro Suffrage - by a riter who of courso tliink t)ie Negro the modern ' Atlas " on whose shoulders reits Uw world. ?l a year tivo oojiios, $7. Address Messrs. Tiokíor & I-'ields, Boston, Massachusetts. - From the sarae Pitblishers we have the August nutnber of " Our Vonn" Folks," running over full of artioles that will amuse and Wtoet the boys and girls, and that are not Mtbout interest for the older m-mbers of the family. " K.irminjT for Boys," " Winning his fiy," and " Afloat in the Forest," the continued seriáis, keep up their interest. $2 a year; with the Atlantic, $5.00. -From the sanie, we have " Na'ional fy"ct, by Jonx G. Wiuttikr," being the Wrd of their series of " Companion Poets for the People," 104 pp., tinttd paper, and Piper sides, with fine illustrations on wood fjona tbe gravers of Whito, Fenn, and Barry. ïtóslmndsome little vo'ume containó 40 of tt auther's choicest poema. 50 ej. S5L" We sbouid be pleasod to obligp the author of " To the Suldier Boya of oli Washtenaw," but hor verses will hanlly do for our columns. The sentiment is good, but sentiment is not tlic all of poetry. idF3 The August number of " Hours at Home " lias a vory readablo table of conterits, fiill lioth of interest and instniotion - Address Cuables Scbibxek & Co, 124 Grand Street, N. Y. tj Signor Martini Ciiikiski, BlackKope Performer and Ventriloquist, perfornis at Hangsterfer's Hall to-morrow evening, witli musio by the Brasa Band, at.d thereatter a dance until 12 o'clock.


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