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The Bonnet Carre Crevasse

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Tho lovee at Bonnet Carré is very high - perhais twolvo feet or inore- and extends for several milos up and down at the sume altitudo. Standing on the brokeu edge of the levee, one can gaze down upon the hugo volume as it rushes through the gap 1,200 feet wide,. foaming and soething, while the angry roar impr.Kscs a sense of foar upon the listener. ery near the break is a sinall colleetion of houses, back of them plantations, and still íarther removed long linea of foresta ; over and through all the nood pours with a resistless forco, rushing up and down the country as fiereely as if in soarch of something upon which to satiafy ita vengeance. From the village all lile and hght have fled, and the desorted housos, with their opon doors, toldtoo trnly the puinful story. We are informed by Mr. Hatch, Assistant State Enginoer, ht tho current of water rushing through be break is fnlïy eight miles an hour, nd that on Thursday about fifty addiional feet of the lovee had been washed ff, although the day previoue about two uudrod fuut gave way. It needs no secnd viow to con vinca the boh:lder that o mortal powor can arrest the flow of rater, but there is eniployed a largo orce of laborera, who are engaged in contructiug large bulkheads, tho purposc of whioh Í9 to prevent further damage to the evco. The unf'ortunate cooper to whom s attributed the dreadful mishap, has ovdontly taken unto himself wings; his' t'urotimo cooper-shop is now made to do uty as a hotel for the sons of toilengagd upon the works. No words can coney the desolate appearance of the villago f Bonnet Carré, abandonod as it is to lic wutery waste, which covors, as with a mmont, the once plosant spot ; when tho ooplc will again bo permitted to return o thcir homos is a matter only of conecturo, for evoa aftcr the water shall ave ccased to flow from the river, tho lood will require many days to subside. n some places tho water is twolve feet eep, rcaching boyond the second story of nany houses. We are informod by a gonloman residing near tho flooded section bat when the unfortunate cooper discovjred the water in the river rising to the cvel of his roadway in the gap through ;ho levee he placed a board across it to ar old Minhe Sepe out. When the board was no lougcr useful, and the water coninued to rise, soveral of the inhabitants iar hit upon the happy expedient of );uriou(ling the crevosse with an old flatoat, but, like tho formal people of Pottsville, they disputod about tho manner of )lacing it. While thus engagod tho oboct of tlieir solicitude was captured by he raging element and swept through he lirciik like the blindod lightning ; vliat was done after that was just what las ben done, and the result is what wo cnow. Had tho maker of barrels but emembered tho little story about the ooms and the oaks, the eitizens of Bonnet Carro might still be in possession óf their onco happy homos, and the crovasse not a niño days' sensation.


Old News
Michigan Argus