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Dr. Tappan Not Coming

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The many friends of Dr. Tappan, both in his city and throughout the State, will hear with regret the final decisión of the vanera)le ex-President of the University that he sannot put in an appearance at the coming Commencement, and will still mor regret to lear that the poor health of Mrs. Tappan is he reasou for such decisión. 8. I). Miller, 3si., of Detroit, now or recently in Paris, ïas forwarded therefrom to L. L. Barbour, of Detroit, a letter f rom Dr. Tappan, of which he following is an extract : As to my contemplated visit to America, I am sorry to aay that I ara compelled to forego what, as you aay, would afford me so iuuoli ileaaure and satisfactiou, but the state of drs. Tappan' health is again sucb as to forbid to thiuk of it. My first duty is to devote nyselt to her, and by making excursions in Switzerland with her, endeavor to restore her o her usual health, which at best is delcate. I return you herewith Mr. Barbour's letter. do not recollect when you were here anyhiug was said of defraying the expenses oí my journey. If you alluded to it, it did not atoh my ear, for if it had I most certaiuly would have replied as I now reply. I feel eeply the kind intentions of the gentlemen alumni who proposed t make a subscriptiou or defraying the expeuses of my journey, but . would oever consent to it. I uever dreamed f such an arrangement, nor was I aware beore that last yeer such a thing was done. Tou, indeed, wrote to me that au arrangement would be made with a steamer, but you did ot say how it was to be done, and as I had already determined not to go I inquired no urther. I have no such claim upon the alumni nd I have no such expectation. Many of Eit!tn are youug inuu, just setting out in the world, and their generous impulses might lead tiem to do what they could not well afford. Jesides, they are just now engaged ín a noble ffort in establishing a professorship in honor f Prof. Williams, and for his benefit, and tiey ought not to be tasked any further. lease expiaiu to these gentlemen my views, d iet them know tUat auy hesitatiou on my iart did not arise from any pecuniary considrations. You will understaad, therefore, and you will do me the kindness to let my good old oys understand, that in coutemplating this ourney I never proposed to be a burden to hein, and that I should have borne my own xpenses, as I have always done. Neverthe68s, I feel not the less indebted to you, and to tem, for your geuerous intentions. Touching the decisión of Dr. Tappan, and ie proposed payment of his expenses reerred to in the above letter, an " Alumnus " writes to the Detroit Free Press as follows : The failure of the undertaking to secure the resence of Dr. Tappan at the coming Uuiverty commeucemeut, as aunounced in your olumns on Suuday, will doubtless affect the ld alumni with sincere regret. It is to be eartily deplored if any suggestiou of indeliacy attached itself iu the mind of our beluved octor to the pecuniary feature of the scheine. At the same time the question occurs to our correspondent, why may not the funds ontributed foc this purpose be so diverted as to place uniier the roof of our Alma Mater ome worthy and enduring testimonial to the ligh esteem and affectiou in which the venerbble ex-Chanceïlor is heli hy " his boya 'i " So far as the writer kuows, this sentiment as nerer taken any substantial form. The project seems capable of su=h amendment and expansión as might result in aome ppropriate acquisitiou to the art treasures of ie University, and give graceful expression to the sentiment which is deep iu the hearts : so many alumni. It cannot be doubted lat all ïuterestod in the original project ould most gladly transfer their subscriptious o the new, and that the number might be argely iucreased. Coldwater must be both a htigious and unlealthy town ; ten lawyers and ten physicians outest for the spoüs by advertising in the card" column of the Republican The Argus Directory" indicates- by the absence of proessional cards - a better state of social, moral ud physical health.- yin Arbor Argus. Don't you think, Mr. Argus, thut it iudiatea a state of stinginess matead ? Then as o morality a 160,000 libel suit auswers that uestion. - Coldwater Republican. "Stinginess" is n't just the word we use: n excess of professional dignity is what we ame the disease after a careful diagnosis, - a ïsease more to be dreaded than " stingmess." ur lawyers and physicians don't object to aving "bonanza" cases or important and killful operationa " get iuto the papers," - in act liberal " reports " are not uuderstood to e unpalatable or a stuinbliug blook in the ay to professional success ; but then to let ie public know that they have an office and oiicit chents or patients might sinack of proessional quackery. That would be an unlardonable sin. The Ladies' Librarj Association desire to xpiess hearby thauks to all who in any way outributed to the pleasure and success of the ecent celebration of its tenth anuiversary. A lecial acknowledgmetit is due to the ladies who arranged so attractive au art gallery, to ie committee on decorations and to the genomen who rendered them so valuable assistnce, to the Indians who each evening faithully stood by the " Dirtmouth," to those who old and received the tickets, to Dr. Steere nd all othars who loaned curious and antique rticles, and finally to Oen. Washington himelf, who so cordittlly received the guests. It was voted by the ladies that a vote ot thanks e sent to Mr. Eogers, in ackiiowledgment of lis generous donatiou of twanty-five dollar3. By order of the Board, Mits. M. L. D'Ooob, Secretary.