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Lt. Eugene Staudenmaier Watches Patrolman Tackle Demonstrator On E. University, February 18, 1970 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Lt. Eugene Staudenmaier Watches Patrolman Tackle Demonstrator On E. University, February 18, 1970 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, February 19, 1970
Ann Arbor Police Detective Lt. Eugene Staudenmaier (hands in pockets) looks down on a city patrolman battling a student demonstrator on E. University Ave. yesterday noon. Patrolmen at right keep other students back while the arrest is made.

Police Subdue Student Demonstrators On E. University, February 18, 1970 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Police Subdue Student Demonstrators On E. University, February 18, 1970 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, February 19, 1970
Ann Arbor Police subdue demonstrators during disorders on E. University Ave. yesterday noon. Police said the youth, foreground, had struck a policeman and tried to flee.The woman then tried to pull the unidentified youth away from police. Both were arrested. Sgt. Raymond Winters, center in sports coat, aided officers in controlling student onlookers during the arrests.