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Football: Huron High School Vs Battle Creek Lakeview High School, October 1969 Photographer: Cecil Lockard

Football: Huron High School Vs Battle Creek Lakeview High School, October 1969 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, October 25, 1969
Heading For Paydirt. Ken Herman (arrow), Huron running back, races toward the end zone and a touchdown last night. Herman tallied the first of the Huron's six-pointers in the victory over Battle Creek Lakeview. Two enemy defenders, Ernest English (32) and Ken Reiss (22), pursue Herman in vain while Huron Jerry Keaton follows the action.

Football: Huron High School Vs Battle Creek Lakeview High School, October 1969 Photographer: Cecil Lockard

Football: Huron High School Vs Battle Creek Lakeview High School, October 1969 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, October 25, 1969
C-r-r-unch! Greg Grambeau, Huron defender, wrestles Lakeview's Ernest English to the turf in third-quarter action. English is about to tumble over the partially oobscured body of Bart Packard, who seemed to get into everything last night. Packard intercepted a pass and recovered a fumble to set up Huron scores. Gary Pratt (64) and Dave Skala (83) move in to apply the finishing touches. An unidentified player has made a downfield block.