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Ypsilanti Petitions For Willow Village Annexation, August 1950 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Ypsilanti Petitions For Willow Village Annexation, August 1950 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, August 15, 1950
Petition-bearers seeking signatures required to bring Ypsilanti's 15-square-mile annexation proposal to a vote this fall were stepping up activity this week as the filing deadline neared. The petitions must be turned in by Saturday in order for the issue to be placed on the November ballot. Here, Mrs. Burleson Fitzharris (right) of 1044 Revere Ct., Willow Village, solicits signatures from Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Harris of 871 N. Lamay St., Ypsilanti.

New Homes in Willow Village Feature Modern Kitchens, May 1958 Photographer: Doug Fulton

New Homes in Willow Village Feature Modern Kitchens, May 1958 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, May 9, 1958
A NEW VILLAGE KITCHEN: Mr. and Mrs. Bertie Brabo moved from an apartment on Sudbury Ct. to a new home on Bud Ave. Sixty new homes, built on Bud and Blossom Aves. within the past year, were the first new houses to go up in Willow Village. These homes ranged in price from $10,600 to $12,400. The kitchen of the Brabo home shown here is a modern and bright contrast to the kitchens of the small, crowded apartment dwellings.

Center Theater in Willow Run Village, December 1955

Center Theater in Willow Run Village, December 1955 image
Published In:
Ypsilanti Daily Press, December 30, 1955
ONE more phases of life at Willow Run Village is changing with conversion of this empty theater building to use as a church. Painters have already almost obliterated the name "Center" from the sign.