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Body, Mrs. Charles G. (Gladys G.)

Body, Mrs. Charles G. (Gladys G.) image
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Men of St. Luke's Episcopal Church to Serve Food at Annual Smorgasbord, August 1960 Photographer: Margaret Craig

Men of St. Luke's Episcopal Church to Serve Food at Annual Smorgasbord, August 1960 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, November 10, 1960
They'll Serve Smorgasbord: Men of Ypsilanti's St. Luke's Episcopal Church will work with the churchwomen to put on an annual smorgasbord from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Parish House at 120 N. Huron St. The event will climax a fall festival and bazaar beginning at 1 p.m. Some of the men who will serve food and wash dishes are (left to right) David Lamb, Kenneth Flynn, William T. Orr, Pat Matevia and his father Clifford, and T. Fred Older, an honorary member of the St. Luke's Women's Guild.

Women Make Advent Wreathes for St. Luke's Episcopal Church, October 1960 Photographer: Margaret Craig

Women Make Advent Wreathes for St. Luke's Episcopal Church, October 1960 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, November 5, 1960
Make Advent Wreaths: Members of St. Luke's Service Guild, Ypsilanti, begin making Advent wreaths to be used for family services in the home. The women are (left to right) Mrs. William L. White, Mrs. James Garfield, Mrs. Charles Stokes, guild chairman, and Mrs. Thomas Abercrombie.

Rev. Donald Bodley & Mrs. Thomas Lyndon Look at Chart, March 1960 Photographer: Margaret Craig

Rev. Donald Bodley & Mrs. Thomas Lyndon Look at Chart, March 1960 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, March 18, 1960
Group Dynamics: Mrs. Thomas Lyndon of Ann Arbor, president of the Huron Valley Convocation of Episcopal Churchwomen, and the Rev. Donald Bodley, director of leadership training in the Diocese of Michigan, discuss a chart depicting the conflict in man in the world today. Eighteen women in this area have enrolled in a leadership training course which runs from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. each Monday for five weeks at St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Ypsilanti.

Lida Clark in Her Home on Fairview Center, October 1959 Photographer: Margaret Craig

Lida Clark in Her Home on Fairview Center, October 1959 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, October 30, 1959
To Exhibit Paintings: Miss Lida Clark, 93, of Ypsilanti will show some of her oil paintings at the St. Luke's Episcopal Churchwomen's Bazaar tomorrow. She is shown here near the fireplace in her home on Fairview Cr., one of the first homes built in the subdivision west of the EMU campus in 1925.

Rev. Sidney Rood of St. Luke's Episcopal Church and His Family, Ypsilanti, August 1958 Photographer: Margaret Craig

Rev. Sidney Rood of St. Luke's Episcopal Church and His Family, Ypsilanti, August 1958 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, August 29, 1958
New Ypsilanti Pastor: The Rev. Canon Sidney Rood, new rector of St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Ypsilanti, relaxes in the rectory with Mrs. Rood and his sons (left to right) Stephen, Peter and Robert. He previously served at Houghton Lake.

Ivy Reed and Millard Cates Plan Choir Institute at St. Luke's Episcopal Church, September 1959 Photographer: Margaret Craig

Ivy Reed and Millard Cates Plan Choir Institute at St. Luke's Episcopal Church, September 1959 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, September 25, 1959
Institute Planners: Mrs. Ivy Reed, organist and choir director of St. Luke's Episcopal Church, is shown here with Millard Cates, a new member of the University School of Music, as they discuss plans for a choir institute at the church.

St. Luke's Episcopal Church Junior Altar Guild, May 1959 Photographer: Margaret Craig

St. Luke's Episcopal Church Junior Altar Guild, May 1959 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, May 8, 1959
St. Luke's Junior Altar Guild: Wearing lace-edged white caplets and gloves are five members of the newly organized Junior Altar Guild of St. Luke's Episcopal Church. They are (from left) Shirley Joynson, Wendy Wismer, Barbara Barich, Kathy Kirkpatrick and Sue Smith. The guild will become an official part of the church Sunday.