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Jini Leeds Playing Tennis In The City Tennis Championships, June 1959

Jini Leeds Playing Tennis In The City Tennis Championships, June 1959 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, June 16, 1959
Jini Leeds (left) and Barb Dixon prepare to serve in opening play of the City Tennis Championships for boys and girls being held this week at the Michigan Varsity Courts. The tourney will be completed tomorrow.

Barb Dixon Playing Tennis In The City Tennis Championships, June 1959

Barb Dixon Playing Tennis In The City Tennis Championships, June 1959 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, June 16, 1959
Jini Leeds (left) and Barb Dixon prepare to serve in opening play of the City Tennis Championships for boys and girls being held this week at the Michigan Varsity Courts. The tourney will be completed tomorrow.