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AADL Talks To: Robin and Jamie Agnew

In this episode, AADL Talks To Robin and Jamie Agnew, owners of Aunt Agatha’s, their specialty mystery bookstore. The business began in Ann Arbor in 1992, and operated as a brick and mortar for 26 years before moving online in August 2018. Robin and Jamie talk about their experiences working in the store, their favorite memories here in town, and discuss some of the changes in the mystery book genre and bookselling business over the years.

Find more about Aunt Agatha's in our archival collections.

Ann Arbor Observer sold to 2 employees

Ann Arbor Observer sold to 2 employees image
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Ann Arbor Observer Staff, January 1985 Photographer: Robert Chase

Ann Arbor Observer Staff, January 1985 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, July 28, 1985
This almost-complete group photo of the Observer staff includes: (front row, from left) Mary Matthews, associate editor; Patricia Garcia, assistant publisher; Marguerite Melander, ad sales; Mary Hunt; Geraldine Kaylor, writer; Kate Jones, business manager; (second row, from left) Heather Price, design and production staff; John Hilton, writer; Anne Remley, managing editor; Jane Schultz, editorial coordinator; Eve Silberman, writer; Sharon Solomon, design-production staff; Bonnie Brereton, writer; Vikki Enos, advertising manager; (back row, from left) Walter Kemnitz, distribution; Delores Nichols, ad sales; Jean Morgan, office manager; Susan Peterson, ad sales; Claudette Mitchell, design-production staff; Laura Magnus, ad sales (no longer on staff); and Don Hunt. Full-time staffers not pictured include receptionist Debbie Cannerile, writer John Hinchey, design and production manager Elaine Wright Graham, typsetter Katherine Tucker, photographer Peter Yates, ad sales representative Alyce Witt, sales assistant Maiya Grath and receptionist Debbie Cannarile.

Longtime Educator Wickliffe Dies At 99

Longtime Educator Wickliffe Dies At 99 image
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AADL Productions Podcast: John Hilton, editor of The Ann Arbor Observer

We had the privilege of talking with Ann Arbor Observer editor, John Hilton, about the origins and development of the Observer, how Ann Arbor has changed over the past three decades, and the current state of the newspaper industry. John also joined us along with local historian and author Grace Shackman to talk about Ann Arbor history and help us launch an online collection of local history articles from the Observer dating back to 1982. You can read all of Grace's articles from the Observer online now in Ann Arbor Observer: Then & Now.

(Due to technical difficulties, the quality of the audio isn't quite what it should be, but please listen in as John has many interesting things to say about Ann Arbor!)