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New Argus Subsidiary To Handle Marketing

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New Argus Subsidiary
To Handle Markeing

The organization of Argus
Cameras^ Inc.. as a wKony-
own^dsubsidiary responsible
for the marketing and distribu-
tion of photographic and audio-
visual equipment was an-
nounced today by Argus Cam-
eras, a division of Sylvania
Electric Products Inc. Sylvania
is a subsidiary of General Tele-
phone & Electronics Corpora-

,;. J. Riggs, vice president-
marketing, of Argus, has been
named president of the new
subsidiary, according to Clinton
H. Harris, president of Argus.
Harris will be board chairman
of the subsidiary.

The new subsidiary will per-
form She sales, advertising and
c u ,s t o m e r services functions
formerly handled by the divi-
sion. Production and engineer-
ing functions will remain a-
part of the Argus Division,,
-which will co-ordinate its activ-;

ities with the marketing com-
pany. The headquarters for the
new subsidiary will be in Ann

Harris said the establishment
of the subsidary was brought
about by a desire to add to the
flexibility and growth potential
of the sales organization. Argus
has been a pioneer in the 35mm
photographic industry, intro-
ducing its '•; camera in
1936, the yc., ; „.: .'rally re.aarrl-
ed as the beginning of ;

35mm photography. Sine, Lii'.n
its product line has been ex-
panded and improved to in-
clude Match-Matic C-3's, C-33's,
and C-44's in addition to slide
viewers and slide projectors.
Recently Argus? entered the
home-movie field with a full
line of 8m m motion picture
cameras :'•• ioctors. Last
month, Ai^i •nt into the
audio visual field with a Direct-
Wire Television System built
around a $595-type camera.

Riggs joined the Argus Di-
vision earlier this year. He had
served in a variety of sales
management positions forWest-
inghouse Electric Corp. for the
preceding 10 years.