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Old Malaria Sufferers!

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I need only refer every one to neir own observation in malarial iseases to prove that the usual remdies have not, as a matter of fact, )een successful in curing them. Go o any malarious section of the counry and you find its inhabitants takng regularly enormous doses of the medicines that are lauded as cures of these affections, with little or no ffect. The various preparations of inchona or calisaya bark, known as uinine, sulphate of cinchona, sweet uinine and tasteless quine, are aken with wonderful persistency, with seemingly no other effect than o depress the heart's action, lower he nervous vitality, and produce a most peanicious form of biliousness. When traveling through the malaial districts it is often pitiful to see he sallow, hollow-eyed, listless, woeDegone victims industriously swalowing large doses of these harmful chemical preparations, vainlyhoping ;hrough them to regain their health, )ut rarely realizing their hopes. I lave much to say in favor of cinchona bark in the treatment of maarious affections, but these peculiar chemical salts - quinine, etc . - which are obtained from cinchona bark, )y adding to them poisonous acids, '. cannot too strongly denounce as dangerous drugs, which will inevita)ly produce a much worse condition of the system than the disease for which they are taken. It is almost an every-day occurrence in my practice that a patiënt comes to my office to consult me tvho has been treated for some form of malaria for one to ten years. The unfortunate victims have gone ïelplessly from doctor to doctor, taking of each one about the same ist of vegetable and mineral poisons, until, broken in body and spirit, they languidly begin to use ray prescriptions with hardly faith enough eft to take any more medicine. Pe-ru-ua is a specific for this condition, but I generally find it necessary in such cases to use, in addition to Pe-ru-na, a few bottles of Man-alin to restore the action of the liver and bowels, which have been deranged', as the result of formertreatment. In these cases the Pe-ru-na and Man-a-lin should be taken as directed on the bottles. Having continued the Man-a-lin long enough to thoroughly regúlate these organs, the Pe-ru-na is continued alone until a cure is complete, which is sure to occur nnless some serious complication has set in before the treatment was begun. For a complete treatise on Malaria, Chills, and Fever and Ague, send for The Family Physician No. i. Sent free by The Peruna Medicine Company, Columbus, Ohio.