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Burning Leaves

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OuO of thé practices most injurious to 'the public health geemingly iiermitted. in this city is the annual burning oí leaves. Frora all parts of our beautiful city arise the stiíling fumes of buming leaves, obseuring the clear sky, permeating sleeping apartinents, fouling the pure air, produeing throat troubles, causing eycs to smart, filling the lungs, bringiug a bad taste to the mouth, and causing a feeling of debUity. There is no escaping it. One man no sooner finishes buming his leaves tlian his neighbor begins; the ehildren amuse themselves witb building bonfires in the streets; the laaie) may bc seen with their broorus and the men with their rakes at almosii any liour of the day or evening. The smoke ai'ises to the clouds, but more generally hugs the earth to catch; the unwary passer, by or searehing ontrance into the houses. There sliould be some remedy for the evil. No single thing about Ann lArbor cause so much ill health. The board of health has at various times made public reports coucerning'the nuisance. We1 hope to see it abated so that in what would otherwise be a bracing atmosphere, we may at least draw one long breath without taking in the fumes oí Inirning leaves.