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Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price

Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price image
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BK ti 6 1 3 fc -i" (■Hl Sí iV i. 'x í (Bek Headache and reUévoa! ■. v ' dent to abilious Btateof the Sj ■, , XWzzáness, Nausea, Drowslübsít, Ivtr ■ .. u eting. Pain in the Sido, &c. Wbilo tliv;r r. : reiïiarkable euccess haa beea ehowu in c;_ . - ■Beaflache, yet Carter's Littlo livtr Fiïï? - Oqually valuable in Oonatipation, curicg&ud Tecting Ihi8anno5-ingcomplaiiit,v,hile thcralea Correct all disorderB of theBtomacJa,EUmulitoib lirer and regúlate the bowels. EveaUttc-jooüy HËAD I Aelithey wonld be almottpricelessto fhof o wfco ■ ulier from thiBdiBtreesingcomplaint; butfortutuitelytheirgoodnees does notend hera.andthoso rhooncetry them will flnd these little pülsvilu■ble In so man y ways that thoy will not bo viU iliag todo without teem. But af ter allslck ktaci ACHE f Xb the base of bo many llves that hero Is wiiero IVenakeourgreatboast. Our pilla curo jtwtila cthcre do not. Carter'fl Little Liver Puls aro very small and ▼ery easy to t&ke. Oneortwopillsmakeadosd. They are Btriotly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all wbo osethm. Iiivial9at25cents; flveforfl. Sold by dxaggista everywliezo, or eent by maiL "CARTER MEDICINE CO.. New York.


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Old News