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Sidewalk Notice. ClTV Cl.F.RK'tf Olmos, } .„ City of Ann Arbor. f"8' The Board ot Public Works havlng oaused to be oerttfled to thls eouneil a Btatemeut of the construetion ot' sidewulks adjaoeoi to private property at the expense of the Street Fmid, Thereiore it is ordered tlmt ihe tlrst Mouday of November oext, ut seven o'clook ). m., be uppolnted as tlie time and the Counell Cbamber as the plaee whera thit ('oune:l will meet to review the eatd eertlflcate. Notiee of which meeting is hereliy giren to all persons ntereettd in the soiue It is fnrther ordereri fhat the City Clerk cause this order to be iu thenext issue of the Ann Arbor Argus, atid due proof of sucb puhlication tn le flled in this offlce. Pas6ed in the Comraon (Joineil of the city of Ann Arlior, this 17th day of October, A. D lt93. W. j. MILLEK, CttT 'ierk. Chancery Notice. In pursnance and by virtue of an order of the Circuit Court for the Countv of Chaucery, mude and entered on the 13th day of October, A . D. 1802, In a certain cause thereio pending', whereln Malvanda L. Waters is complainant, and Harrict 1.. Perry, Emily Hill, Emtna M . Morse, Annie E. Markm. Eusebia A. Perry, Joseph n. Perry, .lane lJerry, GrantM. Morse, 8adl Morse, Ozem u. Perry, and Olive Perry are defendanls. Notiee is hereby rivcn tliat I Rhall sell at Snblie auction or vendue. to the hijthest bider, at the Fourth avenue eutrance to tue Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, eounty of Washtenaw, and State of Michigran, that beingthe place of holding the Circuit Court of said County. on Monday, tbe üfth day of l)eeember. A. ]. 1892, at ten o'clock in the foreiioon of said day, the followintf dcecribed real estáte, sitúate ín the township of Lodi, in the County of Washtenaw, aud Stute of Michigan, to-wif Iheeasthalf of thesoutliwest quarter, and the west half of the southfiaat quarterof section number two (2), and the west half of the east half of thesouthwest cjuarter of section 'jinmtier one, Dated (Jctober 20th, 1HSK. PATHICK McKEKNAN, V Circuit Court UominisRioner, . WaBhtenaw County, Mich.gan. J. W jt.AKI) BABBITT, Solicjtor for Complainant .


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News