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Council Proceedings

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1 official.] Oouneil Chainber. Aan Arbor Oct. 17, ''.Í2. Regular meeting. Called to order by City Clerjt Miller. Itoll called. Quorum present. Absent - Aids. Setmirer, O'Mara I'iettymaiu and Pree. Oooley- 4. On motion of Aid. Ferguson, Aid. Renberg vrae elected president pro tem. The journal of tlic last session wa approvcd. COMMUNICATION KROM THE MAYOR. Mayor's Office. i ity of Ann Ap.bor, Oct. 12, 1802 To the Honor:. ble. the i'oinmon COunoll : Pursuant to tbc resolution of yonr liouor ahle body pftssed iu i'ouucil Ootober 10, 13'Jl authorizlng imd empowering me to appoln three competent persons to act as specil nplicemen, for the pnrposes in said resolutioi -sed. I have this dny appointed Dougla Hycraft, Kobert Leoiirti'd, anti U'illiam Mer: ihc;v ns special policemeii, subject to the ap proval oí your honorable body. Wij.!. jam G. Dotv. Mayor Accepted and placed on iilo. PET1TIONS AND I OMMUNICATIONS. To the í'otDjnon Counoll - The following recommendation us made b the Board of I'ublio Works, as requesteil b the Comiïïon Council, asking for a plan fo drainiiiK East l niveiiity avenue, at the inter seetion of Monroe street. The only way to drain said local itj is by umg 10-iuch sewe pipe, end starting at a point at tlie intersectiou of East CJulveraity aventie aud Monroe street theii south ou East Univefsity avenue to Hil street, then west on HUI street to the corner of State and Hill streets. We estímate tue cost for said sewerage about $1,400. By oider of the Board of Public works. v. J.Mix-LEJi.Clcrk Accepted and placed on lile. The Board of Public Works, by its president and clerk reported the sidewalkB comBtruCted tít the expense oí the street fund of the city, during the year 1892. By Aid. Kltwoo: Wheeeas, The Board of Public Works having caused to be certifed to thie Council a statement of the construction of sidewalks adjacent to private property, at the expense ol the Street Fund, Therefore it is ordered that the first Monday of November next, at seyen o'clock p. M., be appointed as the time, and the Council Cham3ers as the place where tliis Council will meet, to review the said certifícate. Notice of which meeting is hereby given to all persons interested In tne seme. It is further oidered, that the City Clerk do ;ause this orcVer to be published in the next issue of the Ann Arbor Argns, and dne prooi of such public atiou to be tiled in nis office. Adopted ís lolld ■' Yeas - A1(M. Wtne .Martin, FiHmore, Snxnv, Fergnison, Renberg, ïaylor, Kitson.- 9. Nays - Mome. -i REPORT OF SlTAXDINCycOMMITTEE's FINANll'. l'o tho Commqu l.'ouucil : Yonr Committet' ou Finalice to ivhoin was referred the subject oí the sum of money necessary to be raised for the ordinary cxpeuses of the city du.ring the fiscal year ol 1893, vould respectfully report that the subject has had your committeeVs best consideration and vould submit the foMowing recommendation, ,hat there be raised bjf taxation ior the several unds of the city, sams of money as follows : For the ('outingen'i Fuud, the sum of- $4,700 00 ror the Street Fu;,id. the sun of fi,500 00 'ot the FiremenVs Fund, the sum of (,750 00 or the Pólice Fund, the suimof 2,000 00 '"or the Poor Fjiind, the sum of 1.000 00 For the "Water Fund, tue sumpf 5,500 00 'ot the Cenrietery Fund, the sim of 50 00 'or the 'Soldiers' Relief Fuud, the suin of.'. 530 00 "or thfe Bridge, Culvert and C'rfssivalk Fii-nd, the sum of 5,000 00 Total . 1 - ._ tOOJOO ' Your Committee further retort that they öave caused to be prepared the necessary resoution providingfor the levy ol such sums of money hereiu recommeuded. All of whieh is respectfully submitted. Dated October 14, 1892. Walteb L. Taylok, A. H. ïii.i.more, Wu.i.iam Herz, Fifiánoe Cominitteu. By Aldonnan TayloK Resolved, That the sum of tweuty-six tliousaud ñve hundred and twen.y-three dollars be and the same is hcreby asproprlated to the severul regular fuiids of the city for the fiscal yenr of 1893, that the same te and Ia hereby nppropriated to the several funds as follows: To the smet fuud, the sum of six thousaud Rve liumiri'il dollars. To the Hremens iuud, tïe sum of six thousand seven hundred and Hfty dollars. To the nolico fund, the sum of two thousaud dollars. To the boor tund, the suln of one thousaud dollars. To the water fund the sum of live thousaud live hundred dollars. To the èemeterv fuud, tue sum of fifty dollars. The balance and romaindcr thereof to the contingent fuud. Secoud, Resolved, Thai the. sum of three thousaud seven hundred and twenty dollars be and th saine is hereby appropriated under and by virtue of the act ol the legislature authorlzins t)ie same ïor tlie. purpose of paying the intiiest on and the Installment of principal iV the Universlty Hospital Aid Bond. Third, 7)uit the sum of live hundred and thlrty dolars be and the same is hereby appropriated to and for the Soldiers' Relief Fund, under act No. 193. of the session law of the year 1889. Fourihi WherEAB, it appears and is hereby deterruined that to enable the city of Anu Ar bor during the year M'M to keep and maiutaiu in good order and repair the several bridges, cnlwrts iiul cross-walke ïn the city, a sum Of e.cess of the ppr centum authorlzed ed under the authority grauted by narter is and wil be necessary e, Resolved. Thtt by virtue of the grauted to tliis Councll by the genthe state, the [utu of five thousand and the eainais hereby appropriie bridge, eulvirt and cross-walk he purjiose of keepiug and matngood order anl repair the several fverts aud cro-walks in the city. Klftn, tctfolved, Thatanc It la hereby ordered that the said several' money aioresaid be assesaed on and irpon ihe taxable property of the city of Auu ArbO! and snread on tax roll of said city for the year of 1892 for the fiscal year oí 1898 for tic several purpowes aioresaid; that. all of tie several sums of moucy aforésald be aseeked, levied and collected pureuftiit to law tnd when collected, paid into the city treasnr for the several purposes and ou account of the several funds aioresaid. Resolved, further, that tie City ('lerk do certify the foregolng resoluilons and appropriatious to the Board of Supervisors of the Con ii ty of Washtenaw also to the City Assessor, and thal when so eertifiéd the said Board of Supervisors do order the several smii.s of money aforesaid to be asseesed aud spread on the tax roll of tiic city of Aun Arbor for the year of 1H92, aud that the said City Asses(n- do spread the said several sume oí moucv aforesald on the süd tax roll aud assess the same, against the taxablc property of the City of Aun Arbor as the same is set down iu aud assessed ou the said city tax roll. Aid Fergiisofn moTCd to amend paragraph iinir, li.v wtrikmg out the word $5,000 ;iii1 inserí in line thercif .sT.ödO. AdopU'd as folloWB: Yeas - Aid. Wimos, Eehberg, Kitson. Fillmoire, ,Sno--, Ferguson- 6. Maltin, Uimz. 'J'aylor- '. 'llio yeas and nays teiiig called on i in origina] peeolution as amended lt was los! two-tliirds of the alilrrmru sleet ïiot therefor as ïollows: Yeas- Aids. Wines, Fillmore, SttOTF, 'iM-Hon, lU'lilii'i-i;-. Kitsun- (5. Nay- Alde. Martin, Herz, Tay]'Or- 3. Aid. AViiH's inovi'ii to reconsider the on Aid. Taylor's resolution, iu reiepMic to appropriations for the Riscal yeair. Adopted. The yeae and nays being e a lied ou the reüolirtion of Aid. Taylor, it was lont, two-thirds of the aldermeo elect root votinp therofor as follows: Ycas- Aid. Wincs, Martin, Fillmore, Herz, Rehberg, Taylor Kitson- 7. Xays- AUte. OT', Forguson- 2. Aid. "Willes moved to amend paragraph four by ytriking: out the word $5.)0(i in said a.ppropriatkn resoluI Hom. WTlich anicndnu'nt was lost, as folIotvm: Yeas- Aid. Wlmee, Fergnèon, Kitson -3. ' , Nays - Aids. Martin, Herz, Fillniore, SaoTV, Rehberg. Taylor- 5. Ahí. Tay] r mo--wl to reoouaiCer tln vote od Alil. TViyior's reeolution in rciVniirt' o appropriations tor the Piseal ycar. Adopted. TIn; yea.s amd nays cftlled on the ri'Milution ot Aid. Taylor, it was, tw-tliirds of the a-ldermet) elect ;;t vjt inu' thérefor a:s follows: Veas- Aids. Wincti, Martin, Fillmore, Herz, Smaw, Ilrtilicrs'. Taylor, Kit. sou -8. Nays- Aid. Peruscwp.- i. OEDINANCES. The secomd reading by soctions of "Au oirdinanc relattve to nuisances and to prohilit the maintenance oí elaughter houscs, amd the slatightering of anütwls within the city limit-s." WATER. Wïi ter conunittee reportod progrese and aMlccd for further timo, which was grauted'. MOTIONS AND BESOLUTIONS. By Aid. Kit-son: Resolved, That the Board of Fire Commissioners is hereby dlrected to place one Hose Cart, two Horses, and three men, with necessary equipments, in the Sixth Ward Engine House for contlnuous fire protection service, suoh service to begin not later than Dec. 1, 1Ö92. Aid. Willes moved that the resolutiooi be refn-el to the Board of Fire Ctoimnaiïssioiiers. i Adoptod. Tiv Aid. Kitson: Resolved, That aeommitteeof fiveon Sewers, be appointed by the President, the President to be cbairmañ of the committee, and that such committee report to this council a plan for securing a system of sewerage, said committee to report at next regular meeting. Wliu-h ]-(lution was lost. By Aid. Kitsen: Whereas. in the opinión of the Councu the grade oí the sidewalk on the west side of South State St. ought to be ehanged and fixed and established, to the end that such strect may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Êraolvcd, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the west side of South State St. , from south line of Eust Washington St. to north line of East Liberty st.. lu and the same is hereby ehanged, fixed, and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on aud along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say: At Southwest corner of East Washington and South State St 871.36 ft. At northwest corner of East Liberty and South State Sls_ „872-13 " the elevation given being above the official city datum and along the center line of such walk, and the grade lines to consist of straight lines between the several points or stations above stated. Adopted. By Aid. Kitsou: gileoFAñie"sKiea1iiooijny&('X'i!?,';imae''yí Seventh St. ought to be ehanged and fixed and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable aud safe ior public travel, therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the west side of Seventh St.. from south line of West Madison St. to south line of West Liberty St., be, and the same is hereby ehanged, fixed and established, that the grade of said sidewalk ou and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is lo say: At south line of West Madison St $72.96 ft. At 240 ft north from south line of West Madison St S60.10 ft. At 420 ft. north from south line of West Madison St 8S3.11 ft At 5-10 ft. uorth from BOUth line oí West Madison St 852.6Í ft. At o ft. north from south line of West Madison St 851.62 ft. At south line of West Jefferson St- 849.57 ft. At north line of West Jefferson St- B47-.52 it. At -IK) it. south from south line of West Liberty St 837.91 ft. At 390 ft. south from south line of West Liberty St 80.42 ft. At 'Jlo Et, south from south liue of West Liberty st &1S.40 ft. At south u est 'comer of Seventh and West Liberty st 840.03 ft. the tlevation' giveu being above the official city datum and aloug the center line of such walk. and the grade lines to cqnsistof straight lines between the several points or stations above stated. Adopted. By Ara. Kitson: Whereas, in the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk ou and aloug the east side of First St. ought to be chauged and lixed ai.d established. to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk ou and along the cast side of First St . from north line of West Washington St. to south line of West Huron St . be, and the same is hereby ehanged, fixed and established, so that tlia grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as lollows. that is to say : At uortheast corner of West Washington and First Sts - S12.51 ft. At southeast corner of West Iluron and First Sts 813.61 ft. At 180 feet south of southeast corner of West Hurou aud First Sts 813.61 ft. the clevatiou given being above the official city datum and aloug the center line of such walk. and the grade linos to consist oí straight lines between the several poiuts or stations above stated. Adnptt'd. By Aid. Kitson: Whereas, In the opinión of the (Jouncil the grade of the sidewalk ou the west side of North División St., ought to be ehanged aud fixed aud established, to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel.therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the west side of N'orth División St., from north line oí North St. to east line of Detroit St., be, aud the same is hereby chauged, lixcd aud established, so that the grade of said sidewalk ou aud along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say : At nortuwest corner of North and North División Sts - 8S1.82 ft. At 300 ft. from uorthwest coruer of North and North División Sts 830.42 ft. At 440 ft. from northwest coruer of North aud División Sts 813.28 ft. At southeast corner oí Detroit and North División St 811.16 ft. the elevaticn iven beiug above the oilieuil City datum and alona the center line of such walk, and the grado lines to consist of straight liues between the several points or stal ons above stated. Adopted. By Aid. Kitson: Wherkas, In the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewaik ou the north side of East Huron St. ought to be ehanged and fixed and establiehed, t the end that such street . may be made suitable and safe for public travel.therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk ou aud along the uorth side of Kast Huron St., from rast lirjeof Thayer L St. to west line of Xhirteenth sl. be.itnd thejr same is üereby ehanged, fixed aud establishedrj so that the grade of said sidewalk on and nfiz the streel aforesaid shall be ae follows, t mt [ to say: At northeast corner oí Thayer and F.nst Bnrou Sts 872.75 ft. I At northwest corner oí Ingalls and East Hurou Sts 874.46 ft. At northeast corner of Ingalls and Eftst Huron Sts 1 874.46 ft. At 368 ft. east Xrom west line of Thli teenth St 878.58 ft. At 280 ft. east froni west line of Thirt. cnthSt 880.01 ft. At 2fiO ft. east from west line of ThirteenthSt _._ 879.86 ft. At 240 ft. east froin west line of ThirteenthSt ,V7!).9 ft. At 220 ft. from west liue of Thirti-enthst S79.::." ft. At üOOft.east from west liue of ThirteenthSt 878.97 ft. At Ir ft. east from weet line of Thirteenth St 878.5-i ft. At 160 ft. tus; iro:n est liue of Thirteenth St - S77.96 ft. At 140 ft east from west line of Thirteenh St 877.27 ft. At 120 it. east (rom west line of Thirteenth St 87Ü.4O ft. At 100 ft. east from west liue of Thirteenth St S75.31 ft. At 80 ft. east froru west line of Thirteenth St 873.90 ft. At 60 ft. east from west line of Thirteenth St 872.18 ft. At northwest corner Thirteenth and East Huron sts 868.44 ft. the devation given being ubove the oflicial citv datum and along the center line of such walk, iiud the grade lhies to consist of Btraight Lines between the severo! poiuts or stations tated. Ailvpted. By Aid. Kitson: Wuereas, iu trie opinión of :j the grade of the sidewalk on the west skïe of Thirteenth St. ought to be changed and öxed andestablished.totheend that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel. therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewiilk cm and along the west side of Thirteenth St., from south line of East Oatherine St. to north line of Kast Huron St., be aud the same is hereby changed, iixed and ' established, so that the grade of said sidewalk i on and along the street aforesaid shall be as ; follows, that is to say : At southwest corner of East Catherine andThirteeuth St - 841.48 ft At northwest corner of East Anu and Thirteenth St 840.29 ft At southwest corner of East Ann and Thirteenth St S48.C9 ft At northwest corner of East Huron and Thirteenth St... 866.44 ft the elevation given being above the official city datum and aiong the center line of such walk, and the grade linesto consist of straight lines jetween the several points or stations above tated. Adoptcd. By Aid. Wines : Resolved, That the report of the Board of 'ublic Works respecting the draining of East Jniverslty avenue be referred to the Street Committee, suggesting that the drainage be made to include Madison street West. Wliich resoliition preyailod. The City Clerk reported a smnmons erved on him in case of Florence V. Smitfa vs. City of Anu Arbor. The City Attorney was ordered to defend said uit. City Clra-k Millar tated that he pxpeetd to be out of the city for a nv d&ys and aeked.the appoiintment ir Miss .loeephine F. Heuion deputy ity -lcrk. Aid. Martin moTed that Miss Josepliiiie F. Benion is hereby appointed deputy city clei-k, from this date imtil Oet. 31st, 1892. Adopted. On motion tlie cou-ncil adjourned. City Clerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News