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One Hundred Dollars

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In Cash to be Distr.ibuted among; Our Customers in Four Parts -■■k $20; 4th. $10. The following is the raanner of' distribution: Our show window contains a sixty day clock. This will be set going on the morning of September 28th. The person guessing the time or nearest the time this clock will slop is entitled to the first part of the amount to be distribuied; the next closest will ïeceive the second pari; the third the third part and the fourth the fourth part. A ONE DOLLAR PURCHASE entitle-s you to one guess, five dollars to two guesses, ten dollars to three guesses, fifteen dollars to Coar guesses, etc. , eic. We are anxious to advertise our fine stock of Clothiog, Hats, Caps and Men's Fumishings and believe this to be a very effective way. We have always been leaders in fit and valué, i Remetnber we do not advertise cheap good, but good goods cheap. You sïiould see the beautiful ihings we have in Suits and Overee as. We are sole agents for the Harvard ulster. WflOHAMS, MM ê REÜLE.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News