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IS YOUR BLOOD I !W P .! í i: ? Ara yc. sufformg from any Kidney or Female Complaint? l-iavsi yon a Cough, Cold or any disease of Throat, Chest or L.nrigu? Is your Liver performlngr its functions properly? If you have any se complalnts t will certainly pay you to try the medicines meïitloned below, which are warranted. A REMARKAELE CURE. n . Messrs. Foley & Co., Chicase. %JitiQ. 5arSaparilla Gentlemen :- I had a scrofuloufi taint i 1 biood from childhoud. An nlcer began on the side oí the no88, kavine alï the appearances of a 1 ne fllOSt DOVVenUl tSlOOu most malignant cáncer, Decarne bout the size of a silver donar and ezudeci a tliiii, offensive matCleanser. ter. The agony of miud I suit'ered cannot be describod asl contemplated tho prograss of the - disease. I was induced to try the Clinio Sarsaparüla ; it appeared to neutralize the poison in the " IX" f SX&rXdlJ&SS UseUimc Kidney Cure loosen and the natural ílesh to takc its place. Thus the cure continund until an even snrfaco Ain-fintH icr flli k'írinA'ír remained. No part of the disease remaina. vvaridnxeu lur dll Muuey Mus. H. B. Adams, Pnmnlaints 1609 Wabash Ave., Chioaeo. lOmpiainib. SUFFERED 27 YEARS. Mr. G. A. Stillson, a merchant of Tampico, 111., mmËfeSSffig1 Foley's Honey and Tar Gentlemen : - Your Kidney Cure is meeting "" with wonderful sneecss. It has cured some , fnucrh rftm cases here that physicians pronounced incurVUUgll Jl uf able. I, mysolf, am ablo to testify to iti merits. My face to-day is a living picture of iipalth. and ,,, , , ,, d„_a your Kidney Cure has made it sneh. I had sufWarranted the BeSt. fered twenty-seven years with the disease, and to-day I feel ten years youagor than 1 did onc year ago. I can obtain some v'ondcrful certificates of its medical qnalities. what a PHisiciAN says. Foley's Family Pilts Agnew, Ottawa Co., Mich., Feb. 14, 1SS3. FfTL?nessárr.esác,n Honey For Constipation, Headand ïar at once. I will say tJiat witJún tne „-Un „rA DiiUnmoet past two montha I have had thn-: or foar ch.scs acne and tJlllOUSneSS. of Pnenmonia,iallofwiiichlhpvi - : -t r PiQo n-,+ mino Honëyandïar#riththen . UOeS not gripe. Yonrstraly, j.C-B: ■ ■■ ! fiCCKPT fO 8B3TlTyi . 'O.! TiíESS C7I.EKCID MEDICINES. These rnoeSictties are v . -l ISawing first-class firms wh are authoris-J to reri . ■ ntes Win! Hasseit & Mason, Ann Arbor, Lynch & Co.,Manfihester, Bobert H. Killian, Ypsilanti, Will Curlett, Dexter, S. D. Chapul, Salem, C. F. Unterkircher, Saline, F. W. Schoen, Manchester, BI. S. Davenport, York, J. W. Abbott, Whittaker, D. W. Cook, Fulton, U. W. Ballard, Willis, Dodge & Son, Whitmore Lake. G. C. Frye & Co., Emery, T. Berry, Worden.


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