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2-? ornes lor Wcrlc's Fair Visitors. In view of tlie crowded condition of Chitado and its lu'U-Ls duritig tht Worlii's Fair period, Pook Bros have ri t) M e a public service in issuinj a very r.arefuily prepared list of the homes in Chicago that are tlïrown open to the public on this occasion The list is complete and gives the name, location, and number o rooms, etc., so that correspondence may be had and arrangements made before the visitor comes to Chicago. This list is accompanied by splendid sectional maps of the city on a large scale, by which the location of every house can be accurately found. Copies can be obtained at the Michigan Central ticket office at the publisher's price, 50 cents - less really than the value of the maps themselves. All Pree. Those who have used Dr. King's }iew Discovery know its value, and those who have not, liave now the opportunity to try it Free. Cali on the advertised Druggist aud get a Tria! Bottle, Free. Send jour name and addresstoll. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pilis Free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health Household Instructor, Free. All of which ís guaranteed to do you good and cosl you nothing. Eberbach Drug and Chemical Co., Ann Arbor, and Geo. J. Ilanssler, Manchester. THROUGH CARS TO NORTHERN RESORTS, Via the Favorite Detroit, Lansing & Northern and Chicago & West Michigan Scenic Line. An elegant new parlor car leaves Detroit at 7:45 a. m., arriving at Traverse City at J p. m., (stop lor supper); Charievoix, 8.1Ö p. m.; Petoskey, 8:45 p. nj., aud Bay view at 8:55 p. m. Seats-$1. A delightful trip through a beautiful country. Evening train, leavving Detroit at 6, has through sleeper, arriving at Charlevoix at 7:20 a. in.; Petoskey, 7:60, and Bay View at H a. m. Bertlis, $2. If you don't care to connect with tliese trains at Howell, take the M. C. to Grand Rapids, and tlien catch them at 1:40 p. ïu. and 11:35 p. in. Or take the night train to Grand Kapids, and the day train trom there at 7:30 h. o. Has a parlor coach to Bay View. Geo. DeIIaven. A New CeHatn Cure for Piles. Vi' e do not intend to endorse any except árdeles of genuine merit; we therefore, take pleasure in recommending to sufferers from Piles in any form, a prompt and permanent cure. The following letters speak for themselves. Mrs. Mary C. Tyler, of Heppner, Ore., writes; One pkg. of Pyramid Pile Cure entirely cured me of piles from which I havesuffered foryears, and I have never had the slightest return of them since. Mr. O'Brien, Rock Bluffs, Neb., says: The pkg. of Pyramid Pile Cure entirely removed every trace of itching piles, I cannot thank you enough for it. i he Pyratnid Pile Cure is a new, certain, painless cure for every form of piles. It is safe, sure and cheap. Any druggist will get it for you in you ask him. , BVCKLJSWi) ÁRNICA SALVE. The Best Salve in the world for Cute, Bruises, Sores, Ulsers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblalns.Corns.and all Skin Eruptions aud positively cures Piles ,or no pay required. It is guarantced to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price, 25 eents per box. For sale by Bberbach & Son, Ann Arbor, and Geo. Hausuler. Manchester. Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke your Life Away Is the truthful, startling titlo oí a little bool thattellsall iibout No-to-bac, tlie wonderi'ul, harmless Ouaranteeá tobáceo liabit cure. The :ost is trilling and Iho unan who wants to quit md can't runs no pbysical or finaricial risk in jsin;; "No-to-bac. Sold by all druffKiste. Hook at Druü Stores or i)vm:iil tree. AdIresa The Sterling Jiemody Co., Indiana dineral Sprints, Ind.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News