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The Ann Arbor Savings Bank!

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REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF At Aun Arbor, Aiicmgan, at the cJose ot business, Dec. 19, 1893. RESOUKCES. LIABILITIKS. Loansand Discounts, 1410,724 4 rUTitli smnt tsnnnnivi Stocks, Bouds, Mortgages, etc,l 58 Cpltalsto6 - 150,000 00 Overdrafts 892 0!l Surplus futid 160,006 00 Keal Estáte, Furniture. Fixtnres and Undivided pmfits, 18,276 43 SatVtv Deposit Vaults 37J37 64 „. . ,_ . . ' ''" Curreni expenses and táxwüüídllll 4,((é DJvldendB unpald, !W) 00 CASH. DEPOSITS. Due froni banks in reserve eities 101,908 07 Ducfrouiotherbanks 170 00 CertlfloftteR of deposit 06,196 i Checks and cash items 1,114 Sfl Banks aod Bankers ;j,285 79 Si'lver'cSS! PenDieS ::::::::. .W ío Commercial deposit,.. _ 16.5,986 98 Gold coiu, ' 27000 00 SavtngB deposite, 541, 08328 U. S. and National Bank Notes 29,418 00 995,H829 $995,148 29 STATE OF MICHIGAN, I County of Washtenaw. (Bo I, Churlos E Hiscock, cashier oi' the abov naraed banK, do soiornnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge ar.d heüef ('has. E. Hiscock, Cashier. Correct- Attest: Christian Mack, W. I). Harriman. David Riusey. Directora. Subscribed and eworn to before me, thi2lst day ot Ie.-eniber. IWfl. MlCHASL. J. FRIIZ, Notary Publiu. Capital security, - $100,000 I Toa! assets, - $1,000,000.00 Capital stock páid in, 50,000 1 Surplus, - 150,000.00 Transacts a general banking business; buys ;"'! sella exchanges ou líew York, Detroit iiud' Chicago; sells drafts on all the prinripal eities of Europe. This bank, already having a large busnu-.s. invites nierchants and others to open accounts with tliena with the assurance of t lie most liberal dealing conistent with safe bankiuer. In the Savings Department interest :;t tht' rati of tour percent, is paid semi-annually, od the first days of .lamiary and July, on all sums that were deposited three months previoxis to those days, thus affording thepeople of this city and county a perfectly safe depository fr their fuBds, together with a rei turn in interest for the same. Monev to loan on apnroved securities. Directoks.- Christian Mack, V. D. ilarriniaii. Daniel Hiscock, William Deubel, Willard B. Smith, David Rinsey, and L. Gruner. Offioers.- Christian Mack, ["resident; W. 1). Harriman, Vice-President; Chas. E. Hiscock. Cashier, M. J. Fritz, Ass't-Cashier.