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Proceedings Of The Board Of Public Works

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I OFFICIAL.! of Board of Public Works. Aim Arbor, Feby l'Stli. 1894. Regalar eession. Öallé order by Pres. Keech. Koll called. Full board present. Minutes of the previous ineeting read and approved. The H'iver and Street blile ïoi the montli of Februaxy were reai and andited by the board and thoü payxaente recommended by the commou counpil at Buins statedl Mr. Keech moved that we recommend and ask tor an approprlation ot $200, for tlie coustruction of tlie folio v ing cross walks : On E. Liberty streel, north and outh uides crossing Fourth avenue ; on B. Ann street, north side, crossing Fourth. Adopted as follóos. Yeas- Messers. Keeeli, Öolnih and Mclntyre. Naya - None. Od mo'tion tlie lio.-ird adjounied. WM. J. MIL.LER. Clerk. Office oí Board of Public Vorks. Aun Arbor, Mareh 7, 1S94. Regular eeeuíon. Called to order by Pres. Keech. Koll called. Present Messrs. Keech and Schuli. Absent- Mr. Mclntyre. Minutes oí the previous meeting read and approved. Mr. SohTüi moved tliat the clerk do no tiy the Ohio VaUey Fire Clay Oo., that we are now ready to niake a settlement with them. Also to open corresponUence with them as to exchanghig 24 inch sewer pipe for 12 inch sewer pipe to build the branch on WaU Street. Adopied as follows : Yeas- Messre Keech and Schuil. Nays- None. On motion the board adjourned. WM. J. M1LLER, Clerk. Office of Board of l'ublie AVork.s. Ann Arboa-, March 1-1-, 1S94. Regular meeting. Called to order by Pi-es. Keecli. Eoll called. Full board present. Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved. Street Coanmissioner Sutherland repoi-ted the following juunber of rejected sewer pipe to-wit : 159 pieces 24 inch ; 41 pieces 20 inch ; 119 pieces 18 inch. Mr. Schub moved that the bilis yet due the Ohio Talley Fire Clay Co. for sewer pipe be paid for, at amounts of bilis corrected, also lessthe amount of rejeeted pipe reported. Adopted as follows : Teas- Mesera. Keecli, Schuh and Mclntyre. Nay - None. 'The changiug oi the grade on 3d st., between Jjiberty and Huron streets, was referred to Aid. Martin, Mr. Schuh, the city engineer and street commlssioner. Mr. Schuh moved that this Board ask tlie coanmon council for an appropriation of $100 to do the necessary grading on W. Third street {rom Liberty to Huron street.s ; on Krause street. Adopted as followe : Yeas- Messias. Eleeeh, Schub and Mc Intyre. Nays - None. Mr. .Schuil moved tliat lilis Board recoaumend and-ask tine common council to chonge the construct ion oí the sidewalk on W Tliird street., between Liberty and Iluron ivtreets, irora the east side to the Avest iside oí said street. Adoptad as follows : Teas - Messrs. Kcei-h. Schub and McIntyre. Nays - None. Mr. Schuil moved lliat this Board ask the common council ior au appropriation of $150 frotm the bridge, culvert and orosswalk fund, for the confitruction oí the following crosswalks : On and aloog the west side of W. Third street, croeeing Iiberty, street ; on and alpng the easrt sMe oí Ashley street, crossing "Washington street ; on and along the west side of "W. 3d street, croeeing Washington sii-eet. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Messrs. Keech, Kchuh and McIntj're. Nays- None. Mr. Mclniyrc moved that the streel counmissioner is hereby ordered to build a pieoe oí walk on the norfch side oí Feleh street, west of the ï, A. A. & . M. R. R. Co's. tracks, to connect with Taykxr's walk. Adopted as folio ws ; Yi'as-McsM-í. Krivli. Hcliuh and McImyro. " Naya - Neme. Mr. Mcln$yre moved tiint thls Board isk ttee cammon council for an appropriatfdb oí $75 to do thc necesaary grading alomg the west side oí Xoi-ih State strect, íi-oou Ivingsley to PuHer streets. Adopted as folio w.s : Meeere. Keeeh, Schul and McIntyre. Nays - Xone. Mr. Keeeh moved that the city engineer submit his wark, consisting of maps, proíüee and books of records oí the maiu sewer to Prof. Clias. Ë. Greene, for lite approval. Adopted as follo-vs : Yeas- Mrssi's. lCeecli. Schah and McIiityre. -Nays-Xoi:,.. Mr. Keech moved tbat T. F. McDonald tie granted perxolssion to cut down two Bjhade trees at his resitdence on Forest ave., near 8. t.' y avenue. Adopted as iollows : Messrs. Keech, Schuh and McTmyre. Xa.vs - Xoaie. Mr. Mclntyre moved that the street o om miss ion er coiifer -vith the city attorngy, aboat the dangerous coodition in which Mr. ('lay Greene lias left the excnvaticu on the corner of Fifrh avenue and Ann streef. Adopled as t'ollows : Yeas- Messrs. Keech, Kchuh and McIntyre. Nays - None. The sidewalk inspector reported i that Jie had inspected the sidewalks Avhich had not as yet been construcled ow the north side of Geddes ave., in front of the property of Mrs. Parsons, Mr. 8t. Johns and Frederick Sehflnid. Also that Mrs. Kinney had inii biült lier Bidewalk to the grade as per order. Mr. Keeeb moved that the street cammissioner is herefey direeted to seo Uiat the ivalks so reportad, are built. Also to put Mrs. Kiimey's walk to the grade established. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Messrs. Keech, Scnuh and Mr Entyre. Xays - Xone. Mr. Mclntyre moved that 1hU Board ask the coinmon council for an appropriatlon of $50 to íinisk grading the south end i Gott street. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Messrs. Keech, Schuh and McIiityre. Nays - "oue. Mr. Keech moved that this Board ask the cotnmon coimcil íor an appropriation oí $4oo to do the necessary grading on upper Broadway. Adopted a follows : Yeas- Messrs. Keech, Bchuli and McIntyre. Ñays-None. Mr. Mclntyre moved that the grade eabmitted by City Engíneer Key, on the noorth side of Catharine street frain Xoi-th Ingalls st. to 13th t.. be accepted and recommeuded to the cOíiumon council for adoption. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Messrs. Keech, Scknii and Molm yre. Naya - None. On ínotion the board adjurned. W. J. MILLER, Clerk. Office of Board of Publie Works. Aun Arbor, Maren 5th, 1S9+. Special meeting. Oalled to order by President Keecli. Eoll called. Full board present. Pres. Keeeli stated that the object of this meeting was for the purpose oí hearing the report of City Engineor Key, relative to the construction o; tlie main sewer. The following report was read and submitted to the Board : To the Board of Public workS. Sirs : In aecordance with your I request I make you the following report on the construction of the main eewer, jusi completed : THE KOUTEof the sewer was changcd froan the plan first laid out and and is in accordance with the clianges adopted by the common council, being accurately located by the city engineer 011 the SEWER MAPS 110 won ïile. tlie elevations of ftlie grouud and of the sewer 'grade are also accurately noted by The engineer on PROFILES Avliich are also om iile. Tlie stations of all manholes, npecials for house coimections, drains a ml the various other requisite and neceasary data are noted In the SEWEE. JIAPS noiv on j'ile. The elegmeer. These maps, proiOee and records are kept ín the safe in the office of the board of public works. THE LENGTH eatire of the sewer f rom the outlet n 'the Huron river to the upper terminus on Hill 'street, is 13.812 ieet. In this ÍShgth of sewer at different pointe of the route 1R0N PIPE is usetU nine lengths in the rivcr or the outlet, one length west of tlie first manhole, J9 leiigtlis along the river bank, eight lengths across the ü. C. E. E. tracks, and 13 leng'ths along and under the T. & A. A. tracks between AVasliingtoTi wtree't and Ltberty street ; in all 80 lengths II' icci eactoi a total of 060 feet. Jn the jciiiaiiiiiig length of the sewer VITBIFIED "PIPES or crocks of two feet lengthe aire used, a total ilistam-t; oí 12,852 feet. Proceedinii1 h-om tbe oniiri the folliowing SIZES OF PIPES were u jed : 24 inch (rom outlet ito the west manhole on K. Bummit MrciM. a dietanee of 6,358 ieet; 20 inch írom the 1,-ist nirnl ionoil polnt to the manhole on Miller avenue, .-i dtetance of 2,462 feet; 18 inch írom , lor avenue to W. Wiilliam stveet, ;i cüetance ffo l.!)7 1 ieet; 15 inch ] fi-oui W. WiUiam street to the 1 upper terminus on Hill street, a aist'ance of -T.01S feet. There was also 1 ,1 T'i feet oí 6 hu-li ilrain lile laid from ;i potat 80 feet north of the manhole north ot the M. C. B. E, track at foot oí State street to the west manhole on E. Summit street, tiiis having the saane lall as Ilir 2-J inch sewer pipeManhole.x are built ut each augüe in the line with st reets. The is 88 two )w'mg covered, the re-malning 36 are ilnished with cast iro covers or tops, havtog a clear opening oí 3 S Jncfaes diameter. For the purpose of house connec1 ious there are uscd SPECIALS, consisting of 8 inch and 6 Y's and T's, the entlre nUmbei In tlie 24 inch pipe are placed 36 G-mch Y's, 18 8-lnch Y'8 and 2 8-ineh T's : in the 20 inch pipe are placed L(! 0-iucli Y's ; in the 18 inch pipe are placed 17 Ü-lnch Y's and in the lö inch pipe are placed 12 6-inch Y's. in the i inch draiii tile ubove mentioned are placed 16 G-inch Y's. 'III H F ALL in tlie sewer i.s disiributed aefoïïoAvs; Fi-om Hill st. to W; "William st., throtiü'h the 15 inch pipe, the fall [e i t feet iroin W. William st. to Miller ave., throogh the IS inch pipe -'0 feet; frora Mjlier ave. to F Suanmit st., 9 1-2 feet ; (rom E Summit st. to the outlet, IS feet a t#al fa 11 fram Hill st. to thé outlet, of Cl 1-2 feet. THE VÈL.OGITY, which may be reasonahly expected witli tlie pipes running iull is, ii-o-in Uil] st. 1o AV. Jelïersoii ut., 2 1-3 feet per seeand ; f ram W. Jefferöon to W. AVilliam st., .3 1-2 feet per second; froui W. William st to .Miller ave., 5 3-4 feet per eeocxad ; fi-om Sluier ave. to E. Suimuiit 8t., 4 1-4 feet per ewiul ; froiu E. Sunnnit st. to outlet, 3 1-3 feet per seooud. CAPACITY of the 'sewer wlieu running full is, froaii Hill st. to W. „ Jeffersom st., 850,000 gak. per dieiu.; fTOin AV. Jeffersou st. to W. AVilliam Bt., 3,250,000 gals. per diean.; from AA'. AVilliam st. to Miller uve., 0,250,000 gals. per dtem.; from Miller ave. toE. Summit st., ü,875,000 gals. per liewi.; from E. JSunmiit st. to the outlet, 7.300,000 gals. per tliem. In tlie coostrüctdoo of manholes, 4."., 000 hard burned BRICK were ueed. Also for this purpose and for tlie purpose of' cememttag the joints of the vitrified pipe. PORTLAND CEMENT, and l.ouisviile brand, was used, abouc 580 barrels in all. Tor makiaig the joints in the iron pipe LiEAD was ased, tliis being necessarv at the outlet and on the river bank. keeping the tranches . from cavias; in LUMBER, consistiug oi' ineli boards, 2 inch plank and 3x0 stringers were used, put together in lö ioot sections, jack screws outsido, being used to keep tlieni secure. The entire number of screws used was 17, soane beiug bomgjit and Ilie remainder were kindly loned by tlie city of Ypsilanti. PUMPS were u.sed few keeping the water from the trenehes. One iron pump, one tin pump, and two wooden pumps. '11i,e bulk of the material and tools liave been noted but , SUPPLIES were iieeded fronn time To time. as axes, hammers, wheel Iwitows, etc. Stoaies taken from tranches were exchanged fewr and used in buidding manholes and for labor. S'TOCK ON HAND may be takesn account oï ïiMiera lly as $1,300 wortll oí pipe, $19 wortli of leid, $170 worth of and $100 "voTth of vai-iotiö supplit;-. COST may rbe summarized imder the lowiaig iteirus : Brick for Manlioles - - $266.5.0 ïumps 114.48 Cement -. - - - - 618.95 Jacksorews - - - 2S2.04 Suppiies - 1,252.12 Iron Pipe - ... l,444.:;_ Kight of Way - - - 575.00 Sewer Pipes - - - 5,816.33 Lutniber - ... 1,246.82 Manhole Tope - 235.20 .I.alKw - 16,342.35 Total - ... $29,194-11 i .( sjlng EEMAEK8 (relative to some features of tlie work muy not be Oiut oí place; there was ubout 800 íeet of iron pipe laid not inuluded in the (final estímate. Lack Oí pipe at the legimiing of the work making serious delay and Lose of igood weather. Wtormy weather which caued a bad cave in at the Jfc C. E. E. grcvunda ; tlie cave iii on (the Laubeugavcipixjperty makAng the work for a a time very dangeixKi. .Severe cold weather making tlie dlgging ;iiiil re-filliiig of thc trenclies inore expensve. These and other obstacles all liad tO' be met and overeóme ïor the suceessful completiou of the sewer. All the woi-k has been brought to a suc ce.ssful finish and the oost kept wLthin the appropriation. The above report is reepeettullny sulmiittod by ycmr city englneer for your coueidèration aad ooanmênt. GEORGE F. KEX, ('il y Eaglneea-. Ou mot ion the report was received and subniitted to the cominon eonnoil iov il-i ooiisidoration. Mr. Keeoh moved that we ask the connnoii council lor an approprlatiooi of $050 to roplank tlic Mlohigan Central Knilwriy bridge. Ailnpl cil ae lOllows : Yea- Messrs. Koocli, B-huli and MeIntyre. Naye- None. On mot ion 1-lne Bofird adiourncd. Clerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
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