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Spring term ot' school begins Monday. Mrs.C. Schneidèt and daughter spent Sunday in town. Miss Marie Bruegul returned to Arm Arbor, Tuesday. Mr. Joseph Cebulski, of l'ittsfleld, is visiting bis párente. Mr. Wm. Lebr spent a few days of last week at Toledor Herbert Earle is visiting relatives and friends in town. Miss Katie Brann, of Jackson, spent Sunday witb her parents. Ernst Stockinger drove to Scio last Saturday, to visit friends. Mrs. Schater, of Hillsdale, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. Brann. C. Mack, of Aun Arbor, was in towu last Wednesday, on business. Mr. II. Perrin is visiting at bis unele's, II. Stark, the past week. Miss Emma Engel, of Brooklyn. spent Sunday visiting her parents. Miss Grace Smith is spending her vacation with her parents at Saline. Mra. C. Lehn and daughters spent Wednesday at Tecumseh, visiting W. Arnold. Miss Lizzie Bürna, of Bridge water, spent the lirst of the week visiting friends. Miss Lizzie Neebling went to Saline Monday to spend the vacation visiting friends. Miss Stockinger went to Ann Arbor last Saturday to visit friends returning Monday. Master Walter Lehn is pending bis vacation at Brooklin visiting his sister Mis. Embler. Mrs. J. Nestell and daughter Lizzie went to Ypsilanti last Friday to visit relatives and friends. The Easter exercises held at the different churches last Sunday evening were largely attended. The ladieso f the M. E. church served supper at the church parlors last Wednesday, froin 5 to 8 p. m. Miss Minnie McAdam, who is teaching in the Central School building, is spendiug the week at Clinton. Mrs. Bert Amsdem and children went to Brooklyn last Saturday to spend Easter with her parents. Don't forget the entertainment given by A. Lincoln Kirk, at Arbeiter hall Wednesday evening, April 4th. Misses Lizzie and Mamie Farrell, and Flora Renan are visiting their frieud Miss Grace Burns at Bridgewater. Misses Julia Schoettle and Mary Schaible went to Detroit last week to atteud the conventiou of the Christiaa Endeavor. Last Friday evening a number of friends gave Mr. Charlie Burtless a surprise. They all report having a good time. Mrs. Henry Cash, of Brooklyn, aceompanied by her niother, Mrs. J. Kelly, went to Detroit last Wednesday to visit Mrs. Kyan and daaguter. Mrs. C. H. Mllenstarted for Chicago ïai rbutsdaj ilorning in response to a. telegram aiü'.ouncing that her mother, Bratt, was dangerously ill. Charles Leeson was elected by the league to attend the fourth aunualconvention of the Epworth league of the state at Saginaw, March 27, -8 and 29. Under the auspiees of the W. C. T. U. a lecture was given at the M. E. elmrch Tuesday evening by Mrs. Francés Iliiiper. Subject: "The Farce that Wins." Lust Friday afternoon a number of the parents and citizens asaembled at the school chapel to witness the badge exercises. A very good program was carried out, and all that took part did nicely and deserve rnuch praise. Revs. Merriüeld and Yokom each gaye a flve minutes' taik. The number ot badges distributed to the pupils neither absent nor tardy for the term was 115. The grammar room received the banner, being the "banner room" for the term. The room had but two tardy marks and enrolles 61 pupils. This record is worthy of commendation. Parents should visit the school more, and the superintendent and teachers extend a cordial invitalion to all.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News