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Do You UseSaSt? It will pay you ín numerous ways to use tlie salt that's all salt. This is especially trae as to the butter ■ maker. You recogulze a difference in butter. We can point you out a di g ference in salt You strive for the best milk, why not search for the best ealt? Test, compare, ask questions. Investígate what Diamond Crystal ' Dairy Salt has done for others. There's no secret ' about it. Write and get partlculars. We grant that salt is cheap, but Is j that a good reason why you should not have the best? Look fairly and fully into the salt question, and you'U i flnd the way to better flavored butter, and better prices through our Dairy Salt. Indispensable for cooking and ' table use also. Write us about it. DIAMOND CRYSTAL SALT CO., St-Clajr, Mkh' - Li ., wallTapeëi WALL PAPER. OF ALL The JMewest Designs! PRICES THE LOWEST AT OSCAR 0. S0RG, THE DECORATOR, 7 O B_ 2sL.TJSr ST. gSTLATEST IWIPROVED HORSE POWER Machines for THRESHING & ■ CIEANING Urain,alBO Machines iorSAWIMi WOO1 k " !_ o with Circular and CroBAcknowledged 1ZSL, t-'ut Urag Sawa. ty all to be So5Sjr & 9, TegsrdinK SN T ÜStÜ EASY DRAFT, DURABIUTY & QUANTITY OF WORH te8pï3S A.W. GRAY'SSONS, FATZIIIXL8 AH SOLE MaHUTACTUBEBS, JIIÜDLEIÜW.N SPKISGSj Yfc KOAL. The hen grades of Hard and Soft Coal always in stock. Did you ever use Coke? Good Coke? We have it. Those who have used it pronounced it excellent. Better. Iry some and be convinced, it is very cheap. M. STAEBLER, lhone lío. H. Office 11 W. Washington Street, eüiï umm bakert, mm AND FLOUR AND FEEO STORE, We keep constan ti y on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, o. For Wholesale or Betail Trado. We shall also keep a supplv ol OSBOKNE't GOLD DUST FLOUR. . M. Swift & Oo.'K Best White Wheat Flour, Kye ïiour. Buckwheat Flour, Corn DCeal, ''led, &o., &c, &c. At Wholesale ind Retnü. A eeneral stock ol &BG0 BRIES AND PEOVISIONS rontantly on hand, which will be solcl on as ríasonable terms as at inv other house in the city. tgr"Cash paul or Botter, Eges, aml Country Produce eeiierallv. egr-Goods Deliveredto any part ol the oiiy wlth oMt extri charf e. ïtinsey ; SoaBOlt. "DOLLARS PER DAY 20 Easily iYiadc. We want many mm, women, boys, and girlsto work forusa few hours daily, rlght in and arouud thelrown homes. The business is easy, pleasant, strictly uosorablo, and pays betterthsn anyother oflWed agenta. ïou llave a olear fleld and 110 ompetttlon. Experience and special ability unni'cessary. lío captfal required. We equip you wirh everything tliat you need, treat you well, :md help you to earn ti' times ordinary wages. VTomen 1Í0 a well ns men, and boys and girls jiiitke good p:iy. Any one, anywhere, can do thé work. All aucceed wlio follow our plain and Blmple dlreotions. Earnest work will surely bring you a great dfal of money. Evervthlng is new and in tfreat demand. Wrlte for onr pamphlet circular and recetve full hribrmation. No linrm done if you concludc not to go on with tbe bnsiness. Georce Stsmsom&Co., Box 488, PORTLAND, MAINE. i ■O Plso'8 Iïemedy for Catarrh Is the I I Best, Easicst to üac, and Clieapest. Sold by Drngglsts or sent by mail. I 60c. E. T. Haieltlne, Warren, Pa. ■


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