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Prof. Wines said the day of registration...

Prof. Wines said the day of registration... image
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Prof. Wines said the day of registration that all the professors and instructors in the University would vote for him. Ross Granger is well acquainted with the city, in which he has spent his whole life. His opponent is on three tickets, yet Mr. Granger should gain largely on him. During the past year the sugar trust paid a dividend of 12 per cent. on its watered capital. That congress should lay a duty on this universal necessary for the purpose of farther enriching this grasping manopoly is scandalous. The New York World of last Sunday contained in its advertising columns 784 applications for workmen of various kinds. Many of these applications were from large establishments wanting from 20 to 100 hands. This would seem to be pretty conclusive evidence of business revival. The assurance from Miss Pollard that she will write a book giving a detailed account of her checkered career is one of the severest blows Col. Breckinridge has yet received. This is a case to which ."would that mine enemy would write a book" is not applicable. - Detroit Free Press. Judgingfrom a communication in the opinión of a Life Long Republican, Mr. Walker should be defeated because he is an old soldier. Life Long Republican even appeals to thesoldiers to vote against Walker. This is a very queer sort of electioneering. The development of cotton manufacturing in the south last year was retnarkable, considering the general business depression. The south has now 405 cotton milis, over 62,000 looms and 2,775,000 spindles. The ratio of increase last year is likely to be exceeded this year. - Tecumseh Herald. The republican press of this city have always used the term "Professor," when applied to persons in politics who are entitled to that handle before their ñames, as a term of reproach. We have no doubt, therefore, but that they use it in the same sense when speaking of the nominees on their city ticket. The democratie nominations in the various townships of the county this spring are first class in every respect. No democrat who fails to vote his party ticket can do so on the ground of the unfitness of the candidates. The full democratie vote should, therefore, be polled and the county should give its usual democratie majority. Walter Taylor occupied the position' of honor, chairman of the finance committee in this year's council. He scanned every bill carefully and saved the city much money. He should be elected, as his experience and prominence in the council make him of much more value to the fifth ward than a new and inexperienced alderman could possibly be. W. W. Watts has made one of the best presidents of the council the city has had. He dispatches business .promptly, is thoroughly coni versant with all parts of the city, votes intelligently and with good judgment and well deserves a triumphant re-election. He should receive every vote on his own ticket and raany from those who vote the other ticket. It will be remembered that there was a small but noisy coterie of United States senators who staked their reputation as prophets on the assertion that Grover Cleveland could not be elected to the presidency in 1892. These are the men who are now scheming to nullify the Wilson bilí. They did not represent the sentiment of the people then, add they do not now. A prominent business man who is not a politician but who is ascaunch republican said the other evening that the democrats had put up one of the best tickets that could'be put up. Mr. Walker, he said, was an intelligent business man, with time to attend to the duties of mayor and with the proper pride in the city. He was well informed as to the needs of the city. He was a practical man and would make a good mayor and the prominent republican business man said he should have his vote. The democrats of the city have nominated excellent tickets this year. With Warren Edwin Walker for mayor, William W. Watts for president of the council, and such men as Ross Granger, David F. Allmendinger, Clinton J. Snyder, Henry J. Brown, Walter L. Taylor and F. A. Wilson for aldermen, the city cannot fail to be well governed. The party is to be congratulated on the good work done in the caucuses. The nominees for supervisor are also good. James Kearns, Eugene Oesterlin, Robert Shannon, Joseph Donnelly, Herman Hardinghaus and George Hempl would give us a good representation on the board of supervisors. The president of the Municipal club made the statement in public last week that the Municipal club would name the next mayor of Ann Arbor. They attempted to name the candidates of both parties. The republican party submitted to their dictation. The democratie party did not. The club endorsed the entire republican ticket except in the second ward. The object of the Municipal club is to dictate the officers of the city of Ann Arbor. In its ranks are a number of republican politicians, who seek by itsmeans to build up their party in this city and also to entirely control its, actions. Republicans, not members of the Municipal club, are to be limited in their choice. Democrats are to be deluded into voting the republican ticket. A club, a coterie is to con trol the city. If this is not ring rule, what is? The people will speak on Monday next and then we will discover whether they are willing to delégate the power of governing this city to a club. "A Life Long Republican" in a letter to the Courier this week, lays especially stress upon the fact that the municipal club candidate for mayor is "an honored professor in the University." Granted, but why does that better fit him for mayor. Dr. Darling is a good physician with a practice currently reported to be worth $5,000 a year. Certainly it takes all his time. Either he must curtail his income, neglect his patients, which Dr. Darling is to good a doctor to do, or must spend very little time with matters connected with the city. The city is a Corporation with over six million dollars. It spent last year about $75,000. To run the affairs of such a corporation intelligently requires much time. Mr. Walker has the time to devote to the city, and is a good careful conscientious business man. Without any disparagement to Dr. Darling, would it not seem prudent to elect a man who can give his time to city matlers. Ëxtensive frauds have been discovered by the Secretary of the Navy, Herbert, in the manufacture of armor plates for the government cruisers by the Carnegie company. The company have acknowledged the frauds and paid a penalty oí $140,000. The crookedness was discovered through information furnished by certain workmen who volunteered to give the information for a consideration. The strange thing about the matter is that the secretary's repor; exonerates the government inspectors and likewise the directors of the steel company. According to the report of the investigation, the crooked work was all done by persons who had no interest in the crookedness at all. This smacks very strongly of an effort on the part of Secretary Herbert to shield somebody. The republicans, the municipal club and the prohibitionists are developing an inordinate love for professors. Not content with having elected a professor last year, they strive to elect two professors this year to the only city offices to be voted for. The nominees on all these three tickets are Prof. C. G. Darling, whose title in the University calendar is Demonstrator of Surgery in the Department of Medicine and Surgery and Chemical Lecturer on Oral Pathology in the College of Dental Surgery and Prof. Levi D. Wines, professor of mathematics in the high school. Now we have nothing against the professors - in their places, but isn't it a little too much to ask the business men of the city continually to place the administration of the city in the hands of professors ? Are they Hable to be better acquainted than other people with the needs of the city ? Are they better adapted to give the city a good business administration? Before going to the polls to vote next Monday every citizen of Washtenaw county would do well to examine his tax receipts of last year and compare them with those of the year previous. Having noted the large increase in the state taxes of 1893 over 1892, leteach remember that this increase isdue to the wasteful extravagance of the last republican legislature. This comparison will convince any citizen, who will be convinced, that the democratie claim of economical management of State affairs during the two years of democratie ascendancy is well founded in fact. A vote this spring for the republican nominees in the various townships means an endorsement of high taxes and extravagance, while a vote for the democratie ticket means an endors'ement of low taxes and economy in all public expenditures. The democratie nominees throughout the county are clean, honorable men and should receive the vote of every believer in democratie principies. Charles Braun, supervisor of Ann Arbor town, has been renominated by the democrats. In this they have shown their wisdom, for during his two terms as supervisor he has carne to be recognized as an able representative of his township and one of the most valuable men on the board of supervisors. He ought to be re-elected and should receive every democratie vote in hi? township. We understand that a strongl effort is being made by the j tion to defeat him on the plea that he has been the means of increasing the taxes of the township the past year. No democrat should be deceived by this however. This increase of taxes was caused by the bridge tax of $1,500, voted by the township; the expenses of the lawsuit against the township, $400; and the $1,000 voted for the road districts and highway funds. This money was voted, however, by the township without scarcely a dissenting vote and Supervisor Braun is in no way responsible for the increase in taxes. If the increase of taxes had resulted froni any unfaithfulness on his part, there would be just cause for complaint; but as it has not, he should receive the loyal support of every democrat in the township for re-election. It is claimed that the tariff bill as modified by the senate will probably produce a surplus of about $50,000,000. The additions made in the way of a duty on sugar, coal, iron and other arttcles will produce this amount or a little more, and it is also thought that the income tax feature will yield about the same amount. There is thought to be a scheme in thus balancing these items of revenue, and that when the proper time comes the opponents of the income tax will move to strike it out on the plea that to retain it will be to produce a surplus, which must not be done. Of course the bill should not be framed with the view of producing a large surplus, but to place a duty on sugar that will produce thirty or forty millions of revenue, Resides the millions which the senate rates will give the unspeakable sugar trust, for the purpose fo freeing the rich from the necessity of paying a small income tax would be infamous. While a tax on sugar for revenue only would not be objectionable, if necessaryfor the needs of the government, it should not be thought of as a substitute for the more just and equitable income tax. Such a method of raising necessary revenue is in direct conflict with the democratie platform and principies and in violation of the generally accepted idea that taxation should bear lightly on the necessaries of life. Any pruning that the bill will admit of, should be made, in the interest of the people. When the republicans were in control of the federal government, they allowed the beneficiarles of the protective policy to díctate our i tariff laws, whereby the people were robbed, in return for the enormous conception fund raised by them and expended in debauching the voters in the interest of the party of great moral ideas. In this way the party became so subservient to the protective subsidists that it could not withstand their ever growing demands for higher duties. The same forces are now at work doing every thing possible to throttle the industries of the country in order to insure the return of the republican party to power in the nation. If they really believe as they assert that the existing business depression is due to the continued suspense regarding tariff legislation, and they desire the prosperity of the country above mere party advancement, why have they done everything in their power to prolong this suspense knowing that the bill must ultimately become a law anyway ? As is well known they have resisted stubbornly and by all means within their reach retarded the advancement of the measure and prevented atermination of the suspense. They filibustered against the consideration of the bill in the house and are now preparing, it is said, to talk for weeks and perhaps months on the bill when it comes before the senate, and all this, notwithstanding the fact the subject has been worn threadbare with talk. That their purpose is tb farther embarass business and thereby work upon the fears and doubts of the unwary with the hope of inftuencing them to return to the republican fold is apparent to all thinking people. In stead of being actuated by patriotic motives in all this their purpose is to regain the lost loaves and fishes. No democrat should be deceived by their dishonest clamor.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News