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Estáte of Eliza J. Patterson. VTATR OF MTORIQAN. COUNTY iJ of Wahtenaw, sk. At a hflnlon oí il e ."voliaie ïouit fo Lh Oonnlr f vv i&htentiw, i i'1 ., ;,t the 'robrite Office in i he City if j,,n Ar or, on Aourtay, the lüth i;iy o-' March. im ; year 'D1 (houdiimí pitfht h niit)reJ and loiir, I'rentítil. J.Willard uabbiit. Judpe ón'iobate. In the inntter of the estáte oí El!zi J. l'at■ersori, deceaaed. John P. Davis, oxeutor of the last will and btauicni oí said deceased, comes iuto court and epresents thnt he ís now prepared to render bia inal account as su oh executor. Thereupon it ia ordered, tbat Tursdny, ihe Oth dy of April next, at ten o'clock in the 'Orenoou, be astdicned lor exuinining and ailowinjr inch account ind that the devísele, legatees, heirs it law of anuí deceased and all other persona nterested in uld eetate, are niquired ío appear it a pensión of Baid Oourt, then fco be hoMen at tbe Probate Oíbce, in the city of Ano Arbor, in taid ('ouuty,and ehowcaupe, if any there b% why 'heeaid acoonnt ahould not he al lo wed: And it is 'urther ordered, tha& said executor ?ive uotice :o the péfébDB intereeted in Aid eetute of the pendency o! said account, and the hearliig thereof. i)V cansina a copy of thia order to lie published in the Arn A.KBOB AKGbï, a Dewtipaper pnntftd ná circuiatlng1 n said County, three sacoessiv woeka previous ío aid day of honrin;. J. WÍLLARO BABBITT, (.A truc copv] Jndg% of LJrohute. W1IX1ÁN G. ÖOTY, Probate Ruisicr. Estáte of James Gaunt. State of Michigan, coünty of Waahtenatt tss. At a se&sion oí ih Probate Court for the Oounty of Washtonaw, holden at the Probnte Ofiice. ii the City of Aun Arbor, od Mouday, the 12th day ot March, in tbe year one thousanti eiht hundred aud ninety four, Preaent.Ji Wílhird !ínbuin, Jutlgcof I roba u. In the matter of the estáte of Jniues Gaunt deceased. Ou readíng: the pet i t ion, duly verified, of Ann Gaunt, praying that ihe lulmiñistration of baid estáte iiiny be granted to Kbeuezer Hill or come othr suitable person. Tberupuii ii is oruered, that Monday the 9th day of April next, at ten o'clock in thc forenoon, be ussined íor the hearing of aaid petition and that the heirs at law oi aaid üeceased, and all other persona in t ereatud i n sai d estáte are requi red to nyppíir at a session of sai conrt, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city ot Aiin Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the nriyer of the petítioner shontd not be granted. And it iö further orderea, that said petitiouer give notice lo the persous interebtfd ín Baid estáte of the pendency of said petitiou and the hearing therenf, by cau8injr a copj of thia order to be publiahed in the Ann Aubou Ahgus, a newspuper printed and circulated in said county, three successive weekH previous to eaid day of heanng. J. WILLAUD IÏABH1TT. [A truecopy.] Jodgeof Probate. Wu. ti. Doty. Probate Ilejíistf-r Mortgage Sale. DEFAl'II' HAVING BERN MADE IN THE eondltlons of a cert:iin mortgage inade by Hattie I.uney aiul .John Loneyof the city of Anti Arbor, to the Aii'i Arbor Savings Aseociation ot Ann Arbor, Miehigran,a corporation organizecl and doing business under the laws of tb'1 State of Michigan, at Atm Arbor, Michigan, dated April flftli, A. D. ]B, and recorded at the oflico of the Register of Deed-, lor the County oí Washtenaw and State ot Michigan, ou the flfth day of April, A. D. 1892, in líber 7ö of mortüiigee, on page Cl, on which mortgage there is cloimed to be due at the date of this noticethe sum of sixhundred and six dollars and seventy-one cents, and an attorney's f e of tweiuty-ilve dollars provided for in said mortgage, and nu 6uit or proceedings at law baving been inaticuted to recover the moneys secured by said mortgrage, or any part thereof : Now, tberofore, by virtue of the power of sale contained in said roortKage, and the statu e in 8 ich case made and prvided, n'otlee is hereby given that on Saturday the niutteeuth iay of May. A. I). 1S94, at ten o'cloak in the forenoon, I shall Bell at public auction, to the highest bidder, at tbc norlti front door of the C'ourt House in the city of Ann Arbor, (that being the place wliere the circuit eourt tor Washtenaw County is holden), the premises described in said mortgage, or so muob thereof as may benecessarvto pay tlieamount due on said morttrage. with sevcn per cent Intérest, and all legal costa. to)?ether with an attorney's fee of twenty-five dollars eovenanted for therein, the premisos being deacribed in said mortfrajre as all that certain piece and parcel of laad situated in the City of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, and knomi and deseritied as follows: Lots number One (1) and Twelve (121 in block number Four (4) north of Huron street and in raage number Two Ui) east. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS AS9OCIATION, By Chas. H, Kline, Attornev lor Mortgagee. Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF _ Washtenaw, es. Notice is hereby given, thatb an order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made nu the 2Gth day of February A. D. 1S94. six mouths (rom that date were allowed forcreditora to present their claims agaioat the estáte of Mary A. Otlmar, late of said county, deceased, and tlmt all cieditors of saia deceased are required to present their clniiiu to said Probate fkiurt, at the Frobate Office in the cityot Ann Arbor, for examination nnd allowance, on oi before the OTib day of August next, and that Blich claims will he hard belore said Court on the ïiith day of May and on the 27.h day of August neït, at ten o'clock in the foreuoonof eaeh oi said days. Dated, Aun Avlior, Feirunry 2th. A. 1). 1894. J. WILLAHD BABIS1TT, Juds'e of Proiiate Rea! Estáte tor Sale. JTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTiT OP 0 Washtenaw - es. In the matter of the estáte of Thomas Tate, deceased. Noiice ís hereby glven, thatin pursuance of an order granted to the undersigned admlnistrator of the estáte of sui'l '[liornas Tate, deoeased, by the Hon. Judge of l'robate for the County of Washtenaw, on the sixth day oí February, A. D. 1S94, there will be sold at ijublie vendue, to the bighest bidder, at the Inte residenoe of said deceased ia the townhhip of Bridgewater, in the County of WaBhwnaw, In sud State, on Wednesday, the 28th day of Murch, A. 1). 1894, at ten o clock in the (orenoon of that day (euhjeet to all eneambranoes l)y mortgageor otnerwise existin at the liiiic of the death of said eceasod) the folio wlng desoribed real estáte, to wit: Theeast hall' of tne southeast quarter of SPCtion numbei twenty-three (23) and the west half of the BOUthwest qnarter of seotion number twentj-four (21) all in the township 01 Brldïrewater, In the County of Washteuaw and State of Miuhiran. 80LOMON TATE, Administrator. Dated Febru8ry 6, 1WM.


Ann Arbor Argus
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