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Nervous, Despondent, Diseased Men!

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EmlsBlons, Varlcocele, Seminal Weakness, Self-Abuse, Syphllis, Cleet, Strlcture, Unnatural Discharges, Loss of Vital Fluid In Urine, Impotency, Sexual and Mental Waaknaas. Kldnay and Bladder Dlseases Posltlvely CURED OR NO PAY! 16 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. Syphilis Cured. "Thiu terrible blood di rct FnthPP ilCP Son YoungorMiddleAgedMan - Yoa have led a ease wa in my syetem for eight yeara. Had _irvc ■ auici i _irvv uu. Raylifeorindulgedinthevicesof earlyyouth. tajeen merenry for two years, but the dieease i You feel the symptoms stealing over you. Sel returned. Eyes red, pimples aDd blotchea on ƒ % abuse, or later excesses have broken down your the skin, ulcere in the mouth and on tongue, . r eyatem. Mentally, physically and sezualty you bone pains, fulling ont of hair, weaknees, etc. I jy S. , v are not the man you used to be or should be. My brother. wlio had been cured of Gleet and E L l Y . Lustful practices reap rich harvesta. Think Slricture bj Dre. Kennedy and Kergan, E 4 "" (?■'. of the futore. Will you heed the danger signáis! mendedtbem. They curel mein afewweeks K IR W )"Í4 Are you nervous and weak; despondent and and 1 thank God I consuited them. No ■ QvV --- viS gloomy; epecke before eyes; back weak and turn of the disease in six years." T[ f ' v ' " kidneys irritable; palpitation of heart; dreame W. P. M., Jackeon, Micb. n f fi _ andlosseeatnight; eediment in nrine; wakA Minister Speaks. The Hev. W. E. Sparks, K i J "WTÏK " ened raanhood; pimples on face; eyes Bunken of Detroit, says: -'I knowof nodiseaseso I ( li I n"rW and cheeke hollow; poor memory; carewoni ju,i„U(i to tlie mind, body and sonl of yonng ■ i , tl iS l expression; Vancocele; tired in morninR; men m tnat oi 8elf Abu8e. x have sent many I '■Í ' jfV hfeless; distrnstful; ackenergy, strengt!; vi.lims of this lustfa! habit to Dre. Kennedy B LJU;, ' rf?U and ambition. Our New Methpd Treatment & Kergan lor treatment. I can heartily B VTLa' (i iVa f '" ■-7rflJn wlU Poeitively enre yon. lt will make a man do)wtiJe r yeir Mttiu.i Atoíiwn which cared I Hrl , wJv-rT f i'tr , vj?a oL yoQ and hfe Va. f"?? aDew' ï' when ali Kl faued." I ' V-Tl ml ?IL T"H -Ml I " L.1 jlí 'o cure ytrti. or rtfund all money vad. ö?No '■_, mi lt . '1 XVI'MéÉ ItHÍ 2rw names used without written consent. $1,000 . A Doctor, lit-cornmendslt.. "Iknownothing k W3tf?-_- , -CÏU 4 Vi, paid for any case we take and cannot cure! m mfldicai m„ efticient for thecar,-of I V [M iTfT'ijr} SNATCHEOFROM THE GRAVE I roicU ! fcoÖPpbysiclans y ru-l-ir U vHB' I A Warning From the Living. v( cnred in a íoív weeks. I have eeen this I wli %k r Pk -rljm "" jr JX'I -v J rmifttlAiia p„,aH "At 11 T ipnrnPil n hn witli ray ow a eyes ar-d kxiow it to fcw a f act." I tcTW J S 4T(l habit. Had loeses for eeven years. Triec! 1. il. ALLIÜON. M. I). H i "Jp 9 L i I! far doctors and nerve tonica by the score, Reader- Have you been guilty? Has yonr f ' ff lili OCnY _ytl without benefit. I became a nervons wreek, iowi been diteus"d? Are you weak? Do you II ll 1 VI Hl II -Hl A friendwho had been cnred by Drs. Kennedy dot e to be a t.' Ars vou contemplatinK I " ay jM f & Kergan of a similar diseaye, advised me to mai ñ .ge? Our Netr Mcthoti Treatment wiíí I ■ "" f ■ Jl try them. I did so, and in two months was pot t.vely cure you. r,ires Guaranteed or No I S w M UI t-1" IJ poeitively cared. This was eight year ago Pay ! Consultaron F;ee! 32 pi Sr l U I am now married and have two healthy No matter who sa treatedyon, write for an 1 "■ f I LË i children." C. W. LKWI8, Saginaw. Mich. honet opinión free of charge. Chargee I & KT 2tÜAP Varicocele Cured. "Vancocele, the resnlt of oniibli-. Books Free-"The Golden Monitor" Jrf JTit eariy vice, made life miserable. I was woak dllustrated), on Siseases of Men. Endose I and nerrooe, eyes sonken, baohf ui in eociety. Postape, Z cents, aeaiea. BxroBZ TBiATMNT. har dreams and loeses at night, no amBNo names used without written consent, t "Tet, I haT jnst red the "Golden Monitor," bition. The "Golden Monitor" opened my Private. No medicine sent C. 0. D. No names I editad by On. Kennedy & Kergan, and knowing eye. The New Method Treatment of Dre. on boxes or envelopef. Everythlng II their hih repotation I hall conault them a th Kennedy 4 Kergan cured me in a few weeks." tial. Questlon list lor home treatment and I last ratfirt." --A Victim, 1. L. PETEB80N, Ionia, Mich. cost of treatment. Free. DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, 148 5HELBY STREET, DETROIT, MÍCH. H


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