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Did you ever see one of the famous I 1 waterproof Interlined Collars or Cuffc ? , It's very easy to teil, for they are all I marked this way xElluloiQ Tb markThey are the only Interlined Collars and Cuffs, and are made of linen, covered with waterproof " CELLULOID." They'll stand right by you day in and day out, and they are all marked this way _lf_ ik. TRAOf xrLLULoin TIT W The nrst cost is the only cost, for I they keep clean a long time, and when j soiled you can clean them in a minute by simply v he off with a wet cloth - that is the eind marked this way xÉfEuuloio Tl mark. These collars and cuffs vpill outlast six linen ones. The wearer escapes laundry trials and laundry bilis- no chafed neck and no wilting down if you eet a collar marked this way Vi Ask your dealer first, and take nothiüg that has not above trade mark, if you desire perfect satisfaction. All others are imitations absolutely. If you can 't find collars or cuffs marked this way, we will send you a , sample postpaid on receipt of price. Collars, 25 ets. each. Cuffs 50 ets. pair. Give your size and say whether up or turned-down collar is wanted. THECELLULOID COMPANY, 427-29 Bnmdwuy, NEW YORK. Mortgage Sale. I .EFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE IN THE '' conditions oí a certalo murtcatre made iy George .1. Keebier and liuifena Kuetiler ïnd Georgië J. Gruner and Lizzle Gruner to the Huron Valley Building snd Saviugs Absociation. a corporation o'ütinized and doing business under the laws of the State of Michigan, at Aun Albor, Michigan, dated March Mnh, A. I. 1691, and recorded in the office of the Hegister of Deede, for tne County of Washtenaw and State ol Michigan, on the first day of April, A. D. 1891, in" liber 78 of mortgagee on page 5, on which mortgage there solbiuitU to be uue at the date of tuis notice the sum of twelve hundred and twenty-flve dollars tirid au attorney's f-e of twenty-five dollars fTOvided for in said mortgage, and no eult or p.roneedings at law havlng been instituted to recover the moneys secured by said moftgage, ov any part thereof : Now. ihcrCfore, t'.v vii-tue of the pnwer of sale contained in said mortgage, and the Btau'ein s ch case made and provided, notice is her et' v ■_ i ven that on PaturOay tlieeiglith day of December, A. D. 1SÍJ4, at nine o'clo.-k in the fort-Hoon. I shnll 6ell at public auction, ' to the hlghest bidder. ■ fh" south froot oooi of the Cpurt Hous-e iu the "ity of Ann Arbor, (that beiinr the place where the circuit court I 'or Washienaw County ie hoiuen). the p remises deecribed In snicl mortjcaire, or o much tlitii of as may benec issary to pay the amount due on said rnortgasre. with sevt-n per cent inu-rest. and uil legal costs. together with an attornt-y's fee of twenty-flve dcllars covenantui f r therein, the premises t, uur described in mid morigage as 11II that ceitaln lot piece nd parnel of laud situ ite in tha City of Ann Arbor, m the County ül Waslitetiaw, and State of Michigan, and known and descrii'tru tollows: Oouiniencinvr ;t the souiheast cornet of lot nuinher twenty-one '2n In t)locknumberflve(6' -mulKif Hurun treet, I range numbei four (4) east in said city of Ann Arbor, thence runulng uoith on the wett I line erf FouTtfa Btreet ninety-nine (99i feet. thence west parallel with the north line of said lot numljer t wenty-one 21) to the west lint of lot number twenty ("0) in aid block five i5t, thence south on the west Ime of paid lots twenty ( u) and twemy-ooe (21) to Madison sireet, thenee east along the north lint' of Mudison s'reet to the place Of beginning. Sitúate and being in block five i") south, ranie four 4) east. city of Ann Arl or, Washtenaw Couuty. Michigan. THE HURON VALLEY BUILDING AND BAVINGS ASBOCIATÏON, Siortgagee, f.V TBoS. 1). KBARN1.Y, Attorntiv for Mortgü?ee. Crmmissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTY ol W-isli'rtiü'w. 'li'e undersJjiötcl barliie been appühitcd by thv Protmus Cöurt f"1 Ba (uut) , ïrirmihjODt rs lo rcuelve, exánime and adiui-t nll c' and rtemaiii's of all peraonv agaius tiie esli;e ii Juhii N. Morman, lHte oí e .iO county, líwased. bertb givc nonc thai aix tü'uihs í rum ama rt allow'ed.byordroi "ftïd Probóle ''iurt,ioi oieditor&io ient ihwr ciaim aganiBtilit' estáte ; .lú deceii.-oii. and tliat they will au; cl at Int re6Íden'eol -a d Jüeased n ih? tuwnship oí .'.Y; tje, in md cu oty. on the 37th day ut Nvfcuibeï'( aul 'm the 27tb dy 01 Fe bnmry itD o'clock A. M. of each of suid da s, to receive. exHiniiie bi d adjt aaitl chtims. Da led, August 2'dh, I8y4. rUNAN ' OW8ON, JOHN KOEöBE (JoiutuieionerH. TRUCK ïlTöBASE C. E. GODFREY. Resitieiceanri Office, 48 Fourth avc., N1., th


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News