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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous üehiüty, Seminal Weakness, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis, Uit rotura] Dtach&rgcs, Self Abuse, Kidney and Bladder Ds;eases Posiüveiy Cured by ife Huw mi Treaimsat-B Baiiiffl Dlsoovgiy t3"You can Deposit the Mcmey in Yodr Bank pr 'au'i Your Pusíinaster to be paid us after you are OURfcU unUera wr'tien Guarantee! Sel Abuse, Eitxses and Blood Disaas es hnve wrpckwl tito lïw of thousaniís of yonng men and middle aged men. The farm, the workshop, the Siiiki i .--hooi, the olnce, the pro oaons - all have ita victima. You g mqn, il you havo bwen imïi-icreet, tx-wnre of the futuro. Middle agedmentyou are growing proinatnrelj' weak nud oiil. u th he&uitlly and pbysicallyConsaltosbeforetoolate. NO ÑAMES USED WIIHOUT VUÍUTTLN t ONSENT. Contidemial. VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS AND SYPHILIS CURED. W. 8. COLL1NS. W. S. Colllns, of Saglnaw. Spnks. W. S. COLL1NS. t"I am 29. At 15 llearned a bad Imbit wliich I itet. ued till 19. I then bcarno "one of the Ixtys' unl led a ÖStvffV. gay life. Expoeure prlncod Éjpklti, 1 DüCfime y w ous and despondont; Doambition; utemorj poor; oyeH h - y red, sunken and blur; pimplofi on lüf; hair loofe, bono f Ïa pains; weak back; varicoceiö; (lri'iis imd loesee at _ yy niyht; weak parts; depoit in nriiu. etc. 1 Bp'nt m. r{ dreds of dollars without lielp, incl ras coutomplaiimc V_, Í Bnicide wbon a friemJ reconunetuUO Dr. Kennedy & mT yK. Kergan'a New Methwi TreatmeiiU Tliank God 1 _yifr if(n triedit. ín two months I was cuied. Tliis wa bíx %Whrr frp-f1' years ago, and neTer huil a return. Was married two' f n fti' (, Ss years a(?o and all happy. Hoy e, vrj Dra. Kennedy r II ' - ' ' i befoke tkkatm't gan before giving np hope." aftkk treatm't S. a. TONTÓN. Seminal Weakness, Impotency and 8. 'A. tonto w. á. Varicocele Curel. v I " wl "When J consnlted Drs. KeBn)y V Korean, I had ƒ J! 1 3 little hope. I wiia 8nrpriBod. Thoir new MethodTreatfej - Vsi ("_j' ti'J) 'nent improved me the lijnt week. Ëminsions ceased, l . Jy A_ fflBrr nervee beeamestrong, jiain dUiai'i'riirod, liair grew u y. ƒ V- p 'L again, eyee became br'ght, herful in eomiany and - y l SjXr Isjihf, strong Beiually. Having tried many Qnftckfl, I can JíSTWK,. vd heartily recommend Drs. Kennedy 4 Keran as reliahle y' W t Wri?sS , SDecialibtB. They treatfd me honorable oád klllfully." 't i' BKFOBETBEATM'7 Aei'ltK TUItATlll'T. T. P. EMKR8ON. A Nervous Wreek - A Happy Life. T. P. ' M''!SON. tl. P. Emerson Has Narrow Escape. 2P&. "I live on the fann. At Hohool 1 learn.'d an early M Jml iabit, which we-akonetl me jh}McnJJv, wj?.ti'tlly ;uni m Pu! mentally. Family Doctora k.u! 1 itob ffolna int jf {ZT Wi "decline" (( pDsnmption . Vinallr The Rolden ft T tfi Monitor," edited by Dr. Koud o A Ker.ui feil M .-i to my hands. 1 learned the Tnuh and ?.-■. í'lf jtffi?i J abuse had sapped my vitelily. 1 took Uk; Aw V -.. L, Method and was rurrtl. My {rieii'-U hink l SJki_ K ' wascared of ('onnumption. 1 time mnt Uim muny ■SCvZ yJmK. ' patiënte, all of whom were iimL 'fheir New ïl%rrji i Method Treatment supplies vigor, viUUity and "TÍ!' (Vi i 1 , BKi-OEE TKEATM'T. hood." AFTLB TBfiATMEKT. DrAnCRI Are yon a victim? Have jon lot !)? Are ron contemplating marntnUlln . riage? Hasyonr Bloxl been dib-i(r Ihup jon any weakneue? Our New Method Treatment will enre yon. What it l.att don tor othere it will do for you ouiiua GrTJjA.n.isr r:iBx t. nop jarrar 16 Years in Detroit. 160,003 Cured No Risk. Consultatlon Free. No matter who han trontcil :ou, write for an honeet opinión Free of charge. Chargee reafonable. Books Fríe - "lhu (lolden Monitor" (illuBtrated), on Dieeases of men. Inclose postage, 2 cDt. Sealed, ■NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WHITTüN CONSENT. PRIVATE No medicine sent C. O. No ñames on boxes or envelopet. EverythinB confidential. Question list and cost of Treatment. FREE. No. 148 SHELBY ST. DETROIT, MICH,


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