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Other News Of The Revolt

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MADKTD, April 8. - The Cuban Home Rulo party luis issued u manifestó condeiñning the rebelliou in Cuba, expiessiug loyalty to Spain, and proiïering asslstance tu orusb the ï-isiny. The latest official dispatches nceived here declare that the ïebellion' is exaggerated by the luctil authonties in Cuba, inasmueh as it is coufined' to uiulattos and negroes who havo failed to extend their operations beyond the easern province. Ktv WEST, FU., April .- It 9 believed at Havana that an attempt was made by rebel sympathizers to blow up the 8t. John posvder magazine, part of the fortreHS Cabana, almost ia the shadow of Castillo del Morro, rihortly af ter 9 p. m. the piclceis abuut the powder magazine heaid or saw a party of about flttoen approachiugoüutiously. The picketg shouted tlie "alto quien vive." This was answered by a ïo'Uey of shots. Soldiere f rom the fortresí pursued the party, whlch fled. Another titïort was made early next momuif; it is saul to have resulted much the sauie as the lirst attaok. Jai ksonvillk, Vin., April 8.- A special to The Citizeu trom Birmingham, Ala., Baya afrenta of the Cuban revoliicionists in 3lrmingham, Moutgomery, Mobile and other points-are ecretly offeriug guoil wagea to able-bodied men tu join in a tUibusterlng expeditíon aoon tu start from Florida ïhé aj;ent at Birmingham desires to secure 800 men there, and it is reported that nearly that number have been BeourpU. ■


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News