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Mrs. Clay Greene is visiting friend in Detroit. Elmer E. Beal was in Chicago, Wed nesday, on business. C. H. Worden has gone to San Fran cisco, Cal., to visit his sons. Miss Almira Lovell. of Mint, is the guest of Miss Grace Taylor. Mrs. Susan Davis took a trip to Piuckney on her wheel last Tuesday. JVIrs. Gale and daughter, Miss Mande of Coldwater, are visiting in the city. Miss Inez Stocking has been visiting fiends in South Lyon for several days past. Miss Grace Haven has returned froin her visit with friends in Columbus Ohio. David Henning, of Chelsea, was in the city the latter part of last week and Sunday. Edward V. Hangsterfer is convalesoing from his recent severe attack oJ the grip. Rev. W. W. Wetmore preached in the Presbyterian church at Ypsilauti last Sunday. Rev. J. W. Bradshaw and wife were gnests of Mrs. E. M. Smith, of Jackfion, Monday. Mrs. L. J. Hallock, who has been visiting friends in Sebewaing, has returned home. Miss Esther Setzler, of Geddes ave., has been visiting friends in Cornnna the past week. Harry P. Stearns, assistant postmaster at Adrián, was an Ann Arbor visitor Thnrsday. Miss Jennie Dickey was the guest of Mrs. . S. W. Beakes over Snnday and went to Marshall, Tuesday. L. C. Goodrich and family have been entertaining C. L. Simmons, of Henderson, N. Y., during the week. Mrs. J. L. Babcock is Visiting relatives and friends at her old home in Waukesha, Wis., for a couple of weeks. Miss Helen Wiltsie, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. P. R. dePont, returned to Chicago, Weduesday ing. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Staebler celebrated tbe firsfc anniversary of their wedding on Thursday evening of last week. Clark C. Hawes, of the Arlignton hotel, has accepted theposition of night olerk at the new St. Charles hotel at Toledo. A. F. Martin and wife, former resideuts of this city, bnt now of Bay City, are the guests of Judge N. W. Cheever and family. Mrs. H. J. Lntber, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. John M. Wheeler for a week, retnrned to Medina, N. Y., Wednesday. Rev. Chr. Fr. Weiser, lit., '96, has been appointed professor of G-erman in the Detroit high school, to fill the place vacated by the death of Prof. Miller. Rev. T. W. Young, of the First Baptist chnrch, was in Chicago the first part of this week visiting the divinity school uf Chicago University on business. John McKeroher, of Flint, one of the snperintendents of the poor of Genesee connty, was in Ann Arbor last Friday to see a patiënt at the hospital, who was sent here by that county. Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Copeland will make a bicycle trip through parts of Engiand, Sootland, Ireland, Germany and Fr mee during the coming summer. They will leave early in July. Dr. J. B. Angelí will be one of the speakers ac the two days' session of the national arbitration conference whioh will begin in Washington, D. C, next Wednesday. Prof. E. F. Johnson will this evening deliver an address before the gradnating class of theVanWert, Ohio, high school, of which he was at one time superintendent. Charles Disbrow, of Ypsilanti, one of the condnetors on the motor line, will quit the street railway business this week, and enter the employ of the Hay & Todd Mfg. Co. in this oity. R. H. Soadin, of Webster, who has been in Florida for some months, is home on a Tisit. In a short time he expects to go to North Carolina, to spend the snmmer among the mountains in photographic work. Dr. D.A. MacLachlan, of Detroit, was in the city over Sunday. He drove his horse and buggy back to Detroit, Monday. The doctor still rnakes his regnlar trips to Ann Arbor on Tuesday and Saturday afternoons. Prof. G-ao. W. Patterson and little daughter spent Sunday in Adrián with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. ftowley. Mr. Patterson returned home Monday, but the little girl will remain with her grandparents for some time. Fred Showerman returned frons his eastern trip in the interest of the Hay & Todd Mfg. Co. last Friday. He had a most snecessful trip. Mr. and Mrs. Showerman are thinking of leaving Ann Arbor and taking up their residence in Ypsilanti. Rev. C. M Cobern and Dr. R. 8. Copeland leave for Cleveland, Ohio, Monday, where they will attend the meeting of the general conference of the Al. E. ohurctí'. The deliberations of the body will last through the entire month of May. Dr. Cobern is one of the ministerial delegates and Dr. Copeland one of the lay delegates from the Detroit conference. Karl E. Harriman, who for a year past has been doing theatrical and society work on the Toledo Commercial, is in the city visiting his parents. He ■will assist the Üniversity Comedy Club in its production on May ö of Sardon's comedy, "A Scrap of Paper." Mr. Harriman may enter co lege again uext fall andtake the English course in the literary department. Mra. Johu Koch entertained a party of 10 of her frieuds last Saturday even ing. Mrs. Martin, mother of Mrs. Berry who resides on Lincoln ave., returnec last Satuday froin New Zealand, wher she bas been visiting a daughter. - Times. John Harris, of Detroit, was a pleasant caller at the Argus office las Friday. Mr. Harris was foreman of th Conrier office for 12 years previous to 1877, since whioh time he has been with the Detroit Tribune.