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Col. Robert G. ÏDgersoll will leoture at the Grand opera house, Saturday, Nov. 21, on '-Man, Woman aud Cbild." Hon. Don M. Dickinson, of Detroit, will address the gold democrats and the gold repnblicans at the opera house tomorrow evening. A smashup on the Michigan Central at Dester Tuesday morning delayed the early train easü about three hours. Three freight cars were wrecked. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Granger will give a Hallowee'n dancing party at the academy tomorrow evening, to whioh they invite all their iriends and former pupils. On Friday evening of this week the Junior S. C. E. oí the Presbyterian church will give a Chafing-Dish Social in the church parlors from 7 to 10:30 o'clock. The Ligut Infantry oommittee on social entertainments for the winter is this week sending out invitations for the first dancing party to take place Nov. 11. The fire department was oalled out Saturday forenoon by a blaze at the rear of the State st. business blooks by which a fence and some rubbish were burned. At a meeting of the Üak Grove Club Tuesday evening it was resolved to offer the clubhouse and property of the club at Zukey Lake for sale to the highest bidder. The high school football team wiJl play the Detroit School for Boys eleven at Detroit tomorrow. The return game wil be played in Ann Arbor a week from tomorrow. Woik on the new I. O. O. F. hall in the Heuning block is progressing rapidly. The wood work will be completed this week. The Oddfellows hope to lave the opening of the roums about Tbanksgivi: .. A sensible :.iotber says she means to ;ive her daughter, who has finished a college oourse, a course in bakeology, Doilogy, roastology, stitchology and mendology before she will consider her education finished. Charles D. Haines, who put in the uotor line between Aun Arbor and Ypsilauti, is now stumping Michigan for 'souud money" in corupauy with Sprague, Waller, Thompson and others on a special train. Arthur Sweet fiuished nis job of drilling the holes in the rails of the motor line Friday afternoon last. The work was done with a machine of his own invention aud tbe 6,231 holes were drilled in 80 hours. Sunday nest is the day on which the irst electric car over the Ann Arbor & Ypsiiauti street railway will be run unless something nnforeseen occurs to )reveut it. Regnlar runs, however, will not begin on that day. Henry Humphrey, the Michigan reeiver of the Granite State Provident Association, bas filed an acoount with 'udge Persotr of the Ingham circuit ourt, showing that he has colected $5,016 aiid paid out f1,500 for exjenses. At tbe last meeting of the Ann ArDor school board the contract for buildug a janitor's house on the grounös of ;he fouith ward school was awarded to Juhn F. Lucas for $884. A boud of il, 200 was required for tbe satisfactory performance of the work. The Phi Delta Theta fraternity enertained Vice President Stevenson at dinner last eveuing at 6 o'olóok, -at heir house, No. 20 Forest ave. Mr. Stevenson is a member of the fraternity, having been initiated at Center College, Kentucky, in 1853. Here is a sample of thg foolish elec;ion bets that have been made. Two citizens of Hillsdale, one a republican and the other a democrat, have a very novel eletion wager. One or the other will roll a peauut around the court ïouse square with a tooth piek. If McKinley is elected the democrat will perform the tedions task and if Bryan is elected the republican will accom plish the job. Some time last week the olubbouses on Island Lake, at Hamburg Junction, were brokeu into by some mischievous party or parties. So far as known nothing of value was taken. At John Goetz's house a door was smashed in with an ax. At the Cornelian clubhouse eutry was effected by prying open one of the shntters and opening a window. A general destrueckn of oupboard locks, etc, was made. William H. Hatto died at his home, 67 Forest ave., Sunday, af ter a long and painful illness resnlting from a oancer, agod 4'J years. His wife and several cnildren survive him. The funeral services were held in St. An, drew's ohocrh, Tnesday afternoon, Rev. Henry Tatlock orh'ciatiug. Arbor Tent, No. 296, K. O. T. M., of which he was a member, had charge of the funeral. His remains were buried in Forest Hill cemetery. Dr. Srnith recently delivered a leoture on 'Time," in Ypsilanti. He said that only a few overgrown country towns like Detroit and Ann Arbor stuok to the so-called sun time. All the rest of the cities have followed the government's example and adopted standard time. He said that Mayor Pingree had accomplished a good deal for Detroit in the way of improved street car service, and that he hoped he would take hold of this matter of time. Jimmie Blithman is again in the toils. Ou Friday he went into Doty & Feiner's shoe store, with a little fellow, six years old as his companion. Blithman tried to get the boy to tap the till, but the child would not do it, thereupon Jimmie proceeded to do' one of his own slick acts in that line anc pretty soon a $10 bilí whioh bad been in the till was in the irrepressible's possession. Tbe yomiger boy confessec and now Jimmie will donbtless be sent over the road.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News