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A 40 honra' devotion will open in St. Mary's chnroh, Chelsea, Sunday, Dec. 13. Frank Gray, of Cone, has gone to Eostis, Fia., where he has au orange grove. The huckleberry bnshes in the ewamps north of Grass Lake are iu blossom. The ladies of the Manchester M. E. chnrch will hold a fair uext Friday and Saturday. Arthnr Lowery and family hava moved from tbeir farm in Bridgewater to Manchester. Grand Leotnrer Arthnr M. Clark will hold a Masonio school of instruction at Milan, Deo. 15. Suio people are kioking beoause sparrow huuters from tbe oity invade their door yards in pnrsnit of the little English birds. Five bodies of rrfatives of Charles M. Blaokmer have been removed from the Saline cemetery to the new Marble Park Grove cemetery at Milan. The pnpils of the Manchester high school will give a fiue play, which they are preparing, at the Arbeiter hall in that village, some time before Christmas. Mr. Thomas Ganxey, a former resident of Scio, now living in Grand Rapids, was married in that city Tuttsday of last week to Miss Maggie Jennings. Special evangelistio services have beeu held in the First Baptist churoh, Ypsilauti, every evening this week. The pastor waa assisted by Rev. Frank S. Arnold. Henry Lnndy, of Bnrton towuship, near Flint, shot a pure white owl the other day, the first ever seen in that local i ty It measnred 4 f eet 6 inohes from tip to tip. The remains of Thomas Congdon, formerly of Cbelsea, who died recently in St. Johns, aged 74 years, were bronsht to that village and interred Monday of last week. Clinton Ogden and Miss Mabel Blatchfürd, of Clinton, were thrown ont of a bnggy by a runaway hurse Thanksgiving Day and Ogden bad his leg broken in two places. Landlord Dexter went flshing yesterday and caugbt a pickerel weighing 8 onnces, consequently there was a fish dinner at the "Commercial" today. - Milan Leader. Who ate the fish? Mr. and Mrs. J. A. ünderwood, of Ypsilanti, celebrated the 18th anniversary of their wedded life snrronnded by between 20 and 30 of their rolatives and most intímate friends, last Saturday. H. D. Platt, of Pittsfield, is down on the program of the State Assooiation of Farmers' Clubs, wbioh u-eets as Lansiug next Tnesd -y aud Wednesday. His topio is "Effective work with the . legislature. " Henry Schoen, who works for a farmer between Milan and Ypsilanti, veas in the latter plaoe one day last week wheu he was knocked down by a man who, assisted by another one, robbed hirn of $4.25 aud four cigars. Chelsea Ladies of the Maccabees will hold a box social at the town hall on Wednesday evening next, Dec. 9. Boxes of choioe viands will be sold at the uniform prioe of 25 cents each. A pleasing program will be reudered and a general good time is antioipated. M. K, Guinou, of Dexter, who is now in his senior year at the Michigan College of Medicinfl and Surgery at Detroit, has been appointed to take full oharge of the dispensary of that institntion. The position is qnite an important one and is oonsideied a mark of honor to a student. At an early hour Thanksgiving morning fire was discovered in the Wallaoe blook, Saline, in E, H. Cressy's jewelry store and the store occnpied by Qeo. Ehnis. Coming as it did, wheo the people were all sleeping, it gave the fire a little better start after being discovered. The volunteer fire department and citizens lost no time, and tbe fiames were soon under control. The loss ie less than $400. The Saline Farmers' Club is in session today at the home of L. Joseuhans and sister. The subject nnder disenasion is "The success of a faftner dependa as innch ou his wife's as his own efforts." Mrs, S. R. Crittenden and Mrs. T. Josenhuns read papers, followed by Mrs. H. D Platt and Mrs. A. A. Wood. Each lady memoer epeaks on the affirmative and the gentlemen on the nesaMve side of the qnpstion. Miss Edna Smith gives a recitation. Wm HeDson, of Manchester, bas had his pension increased to $12 a montb. George E. Stokes, of Grand Ledge, has take the position of nodertaker for John Costello, of Dexter. The Dexfer street latnps bave been placed iu good coudition and the jeop!e of that village are again happy. The Drummer Boy of the Rapahannook will be at tbe opera house, Saline, on Monday evening nest. C. H. JDickinson will sbip a carloa 1 of bickory bolts, purchased at Bridgewater station, from that place to Ypsilanti. Mr. William Dnwner, of Chelsea, and Miss Cavanaugh, of Manchester, wero united iu marriage Weduesday of last week. Angnst Binder, of Saline, bas purchased the Buck prcperty just east of tbat village and will take possession April 1, 1897. Daniel F. Eeeves and John Gates, of Saline, bave bought the old foundry corner1, in that village, of E. W. Wallace and will take possessiou of it soon. Mark Roblón, of Manchester, got the gasoliue and kerosene in his big tanks mixed one day recently and bad to pump the mixture all ontand send it back to tbs refinery. Mr. Lee Draper and Miss Bertha Mead, both of York, were united in marriage by the Rev. M. L. Marvin at the Baptist parsonage, Saline, Weduesday afternoon of last week. Earl Nash was genteneed to 45 days in the county jail by Justice Childs, of Ypsilanti, last Saturday, for stealing a box of horse shoe nails from Mr. Tnoker last spring and selling tbem to John Lang. Carl Kellar, an early settler of Ypsilanti, died at his home in that city, Friday night, aged nearly 77 years. The funeral services were held Monday under the uspices of the Arbeiter Verein, of which he was a member Mrs. Caroline C. Mosher, relict of the late Asa W. Mosher, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Phebe K. Weaoh, afc Whittaker, Tuesday of last week, aged 80 years. Besides her daughter she leaves two sons, John B., of Augusta township, and William of Kalkaska. Cornelius Murphy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Murphy, of Ypsilanti, died in Humphrey, Neb., Friday, aged 40 years and !) montbs. His parenta and sister did not reaoh Hnmphrey until after he was dead. He was attended during his last illDess by another sister, Miss Nora Mnrphy. Special services were held in St. Marys' Catbolic churoh, Chelsea, on Thanskgiving Day." High mass was celobrated at 9 a. m. followed by tbe Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. The Litany of the Saints aud the prayer for the oivil and ecclesiastical authorities were also recited, and tbe "services closed by the singing of the Te Deum. Rev. C. A. Clark died at bis home, in Dexter, Monday uigbt, Nov. 23d, after a liugering illuess, aged 81 years. Mr. Clark was formeily pastor of the Baptist ohurch, Dexter, and einoe retiriug from the ministry had resided in that village. The funeral was held Thanksgiving Day morning, at the Baptist ohurch, Dexter. The sermón was preached by one of his most intímate friends, Dr. N. S. Burton, of Anu Arbor. Preston MoFalI, of Willis, went into James Abbott's store at Whittaker recently and as he was going in at the door a dog jumped ou him aud bit his leg. He asked Mr. Abbott if it was his dog and was told it was not. On stating that if he had bad a club he would bav6 knocked the animal's brains ont, Edward Snowball, who owned it, jumped up and hit McFall over the üead, knocking bim down. In Justice Childs' conrt, at Ypsilanti, Friday, Snowball paid $10.05 for his fistio accomplishments. George E. Roberts, of Ypsilanti town, bad two sheep stolen from him one day last week, aud laid oomplaint beore Justioe Childs, of Ypsilanti, against Wm. Dudley, alias Wm. Seytnour for the tbeft. Officers Craue and Ross drove to Snmpter to arrest the man, who seemed willing to accompany the offleers but asked to ba allowed to a;o into his house and get bis overcoat. His request was gianted and the miuute he opened the back door he ran through the house and out of the front door. The offleers took after him and were oblíged to sboot three times befort! he would halt and throw up bis hands. He was taken to Ypsilanti Saturday morning and, waiving examination, was bound over to the circuit court.