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r. Miles' Norvo Piasters for Ehoumatlsm. 1 lAP RITO For the most valuable f i AH EN I u contribución to the A t HMtali ■ W eratuvo of the world f I UIIUTPn sint-o theproilucli on of A ' WAM I Pil the Bibk-. The Grent f , ■■■!■■ ■ ■■■ Work of the üreut A ' Thinkers, Pamous Orators, Renowned Y l Scholars, Wise Writers md IN A 1 atohs of the ïutli Century. f In all the range of literature there is è not another book like THE PEOPLE'S BIBLEHISTORY In this book alone can be found the infori mation sougbt by every Hlble reader, " whether old or young, scholarly or uni lettered. Itis, indeed, a greatwork. . Recent dittcoveries in archieolopr have broufibt I the worlíí of today face to face vrith the men who lived, and acted, and wrote duriiiK the cnrly i perioda covered by Biblical Hittoriann. These " discoveries have resul ted in thetriumphnntvinl dication of the eacred volume f rom tho charceB f brouuht asainst it by opon foes and pretended friends. Every intelligent perfion will order the I book, as the matter contained in it is of vitnl " importnnce and cannot be foumt iu uny other book ou earth. . Write for descriptive and beautifully f illustrated pampñlet circular. Address , ' i THE HENRY O.SHEPARD CO. ) 212-214 MonroeSt. t-CHiCAGO. ) Estáte of Adeline C. Lockard. QTATEOP MICHIGAN, CÜÜNTT O of WAsnTENAW, 88. Ata sesMon of thf robttte Court for the Couuty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the Citv of Am Arbor, od Friday, the 18tb day of November, in he year one thousand eight hundred and ninetyix. Present. J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the mattwr ot the estáte ot Adfiine 0. Lockard, dt;ceaed. Onreadingand filincr the petition, duly vprified, ofArthur M Lockard prayiag that a certain instrument dow on file in tbw court, purport ng to beihelust will and testament of said deceasedr may he admitted to probate aud that tdministration ot'said estáte may be ranted to himself, the executor in said will named, or aome other euitable per?on. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the 14 h 'iay of December next, at teu o'clock in the forenoon, be atiüigncd for the hcariug of eaid petition, aud that the devise s legaiees and heirs at law cf aaid deceasod and uil other persona in terented iu í.aid estaie are required to uppear at :i stssiou of said C.urt, then to be holden at the Probate Officu in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause if any thcre be, why Ihe prayer of the petitioner should not be granted: And il is furtherorderedthat eaid petitionergive nottce to the peisom interesled in said estute of the peiidency ot aaic petition and the hearing thereof fy causingacopy of tbla order to be publiahed in the Ann Akbok ArGUS, a newHpaper printeJ and cironlatcd in said couuty, th ree ucceseive weekt previ oue to sau dav ot hearing. ' J. WILLARD BABBITT, [A true copy."] Judge of Probate Wm. G Doïy. Probate Register. Estáte of Anthony Burke. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COtTNTY OF Waahtennw, es. Ata session of the Probato Oourt tor the County of Washtetmw, holden at, the Probate Oriioe in the Citv of Aon Arbor, on Mondny, the lltth da of November, in the year one thousaud eight hundred and niuety-six. Present. J. Willard Babbitt, Judre of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Anthony Burke, (locciise i. Daniel W. Uarry, the admlnistrutor of said estáte, comes intocourtaud represente' bal he is now preparad to render hin fina! account i s sucb adminlBtrator. Thereupon it ib ordered that Tucday, the Sthdayoi' Deoomber, next, at luo'oloek ín the foronoon, be assitrned l'or examlnlDJT and ailowln(f such acooilDt, and thal the lieirs at liw oí said decased and all otlier perrons intcrested in eaid estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden al the Probate Office, in the City of Anu Arbor, in said 0 unty, and show uuuse if any thore be, why the said account should not be allowt'd. And it is furtber ordered that said administraior give notice to the pereons iuterested in sttid estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hcarinif tbereof, by causing a copy Of this order to be published in the Arm Ai bor Arpe, a newspaper printed and circulatinir in snid county, tbree eucceseive weeks previous to said day of' hearing. J. WILLAHD BABBITT, Judre of Probate. A true copy.l VVm.G. Uiity. Probate Kejfister. Estáte of Tobías Holmes. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY iO ol W'awhtcnaw, en. Ata session of the FroHat Court tot C unty of Washtermw, holdn at the Hroliate Oitice in the City oi Aiid Arlior, on WtdDHsday, the 25' h day oí NovcmbiT, m the year ouc tbuuwand elffhl huadred and nincly-six. l'resv" i J Willani üubbitt, Jude of Protmte. In tbc muttiT of t.he etatf oí Tobías Holmes, deceascd O'i readtne and filinF th(Tetnion, duly verified, oi Ida It. Holmes prayiog tbat a oertain fnsiru mem now on tiU in thU OOurt, ui po iirK to bc the Ihsi will üiid testament and codicil oí 8ftiddícea-ed, muy bu tuhiiiited to probate niul bhftt ulmini(trationofsaid est ai e may be gruniíil to GorgeJ. íreeD, W. Holmes, and Ellen.]. Holmes the executos in wind will uaimd or to somc othcr suiiable fifi-fon. Tlu-rfiipoM it is ordered tbat Monda y , the dst day Oi Te ember, tii-xt, at tn o'clock in the forenoon, hu aaskned for the beat LDg of said petjtïon, and tbat the devisees, légateos and heirö at luw of naid deceased, fiitd all uchej perautiB nieresied in dani estáte, ure requlréd to j-ppear at a seai-iou of aid court. i beo w be holden nt tbe Probate office, in the city of nu Arbor, i u suid comity, and show oitiise ii :uiv there bc ■ he prayerof tbepetitiwipr hould ""l be granttd, Aud ir is t'urihei ordered, thal said petitio ergive notice to the peranoa lutt-rwifd in naid estáte oí tbi pn (1 n'v f said pctition, &n tbc beartos tbereof, bj cauaing a oopy ot'tbiHonlei to be puhlivbed In tbc Ann Abb-ir viuurs, u newspaper printed and cir culating ín sald count . 'hree suocessive week previous to said dav 1 beoring J. WILLARD RAflRITT, (A truc eopy ) Judge oí Probate. Wii,LiAM G. Doty, Probate Kctrister.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News