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He cornos ! the Oomiueror's raarch begins; No blood His banner st tins; He comes to save tbc world f rom sins, And break tbe captivas chains ! - Tb poor, the siete and blind shall bless The l'rince ot' Peace und Righreousness, - J H. Carter. The Waterman gymnasium will be opeu during tbe vacation, afterDoous froto 2 to 4 o'clook. An iuventory of the city property was taken Monday agreeable to an order of tbe board of publio worka. The sale of reserved seat tickets for the May Festival will commence Satnrday, Jan. 9, at the School of Musio. AocordiDg to official reports the world's harvest of wheat for 1896 is 185,485,542 bushels lessthan the erop of 1895, A student in chemistry of the Chelsea high school describing a safety lamp said that "the wire enveloping the blaze was porons. " Miss Lucy K. Cale, of this city, will read a paper on "The caro of children's voices, " at the meeting of the state teachers' association, in Lansing, next week. Geo. Wahr, an Anu Arhor merchant has a two page ad in last week's Argu's. We favor arbitration, but that kind of a Wahr here would jast suit us. - Adrian Press. The total eatnings from Jan. 1 to Oct. 1 of Miobigan raliroads were $21,604,997. 71. au inorease of 2.31 per cent, or $498,464.73, oyer the corresponding period last year. Rev. E. D. Kelly delivered the sermón at the dedication of the new Catholic church at Watervliet, Wednesday of last week. The exercises were in charge of Fr. Baumgartner, of Detroit. The young people of the First M. E. chnrch are arranging for a Charaoter Party in the Sunday school room Tuesday eveniug, Jan 5. Each one wbo attends will be expected to represent Bome character of history or fiction. The Milan Leader wants country publishers to "ask their representatives in the Isgislatures to favor and support a roeasure making it a crime punishable by fine or imprisoument for a snbscriber to a newspaper to habitually lend his paper." A Lansing constable has called upon a woman 13 times to serve a snmmons, bnt she has never been at home. He has tried all sorts of fake dodges, but to no avail. The bill will soon be outlawed and if she can keep it up a wbile longer she will escape paying it. - Democrat. The apple erop this year amounted to about 200,000,000 barrels, in bushels more than the wheat erop. New York contributed 95,000,000 barrels, New England 40,000,000, Michigan 30,000,000. It is estimated that onehalf or more was wasted - allowed to rot on the gronnd One week frorn today and the new county officers will be sworn iu and take up their official residence at tbe court house for the next two years. The probate, county olerk's and register of deeds1 and proseoutiDg attorney's offices will have new oooupants and there will be a new depntyin the treasnrer's office. It is a fact that the feet of American woruen are growing largerl Devotion to athletio exeicises is the canse, and some one is daring euough to say that the dainty, delicate little Cinderella feet that find ampie loom in No. 1 and 2 slippers will be uuknown 20 years froin dow. Any exercise that keeps one on the feet for any great length of time will suiely broaden and flatten tbe foot, and a year'ssteady oourse in gymnasium will show a remarkable increase in the size of the feet. Ypsilanti is getting to be a great place for footpads and suoh like gentry according to the Washtenaw Evening Times, which says in speaking of the recent attempted sandbaggiug of B. C. Hayton, of tbatcity: "Nearly every night of late some crime of the aboye character has been attempted, but in the majority of cases the attempt has either failed or has resnlted in nothing very renumerative to the perpetrators. It is to t-e boped that whoever is doing the jobs will rnn np against a gua that will do effective work and posaibly the contagión of crime can be checked soruewhat." THE DAY AKTKK. Oh dear, it's so far lo next Christmus : beems long us forevor and more, 1 been cUQting the days over 'n' over, Inrea hundrod and sixty-1'our ! That a dredful lot to he wafting lo hanjf up your stockings, you see; Hut lomorrow- that's somethiug- there's Only three huodred and slxty-tlu-ee ! - Harper's ïroung Pcople. John H. StevensoD, of this city, has been granted a patent ou a pole sooket. The recent leap year party at the Waterman gymnasium, realized about $175, which goes towards the fond fov the women's buildiug. The jauitors of the different school buildings have been instrncted to fnmigate the buildings every Friday night until settled weather sets in. In future all requesta for excuses froru payment of tuition feês ac the oity schools, except such as plead lack of means, will have to be brcught before the full board of trustees. The 18 bank cierks in this city had a meeting Satutday uight, at which a plan for forming a club was thoroughly disoussed. It will in all probability result in the formation of one. Mrs. Wm. E. Stocking, of 85 E. Washington st, feil on the icy side■walk Saturday evening an-1 fractured ber right arm below the elbow. The fracture was reduced by Dr. Wessinger. The Royal Exohange Assurance Coinpany, of London, England, one of the oldest fire companies in the world bas been admitted to do business in Miohigan by Insurance Comrnissioner Uiddings. The dinner for the sewing school will be given Saturday, December 26. It is hoped that the friends of the school will remember this and seud donations of sandwiches, caki; candy, nuts and fruit before 2 o'clock on that day. The contract for furuishiug the city schools with five Webster's Iuternation al dictionarit s, mdexed, one Standard dictiouary, iKyilexed, and two Pictorial dictionaries. was awarded by the school board to Sneenan & Co., at 54.75 for the lot. James Miller, a tramp, 81 years of age, was sent to the county house Friday afternoon by the supervisor of Rollin township. He was sick when he arrived at the home and died a half hour later. The body will be sent to Adü Arbor. - Adrián Telegram. From 1835 to 1896 there have been made 22 goverument appropriations for Munroe Harbor, at the mouth of the beautiful JRiver Eaisin. A government enginer now advises against further apporpriations, the business of the harbor baving been so greatly lessened. At the begiuuing of the college year an extra laboratory fee of $3 was added to the expenses of the dental students. They prepared an indignant protest and deferred payment, but the building has aeen fitted np with eleotric lights and all complaints have been witbdrawn. - Times. Thirty-two of the publin sohool teachers have petitioned the board of education to take action tnwards the formation of a fund frorn which teachers may be pensioned. At tBe last meeting of tbe board this petition wasiead and the matter was laid over until the next regular meeting of the board. The ladies of the north side will today give a Cbristmas dinner in the Wall st. chapel from 12 m. to 6 p. m., after which au entertainment for the Sunday school children will oooupy the balance of the eveaing. The price of the dinner will be 25 cents and the proceeds will go towards the building fund of the new church. The annual holiday dancing party at Granger's academy will be given next Monday night froru 8:30 to 12 o'clock. It will be a hard times party and 49 cents per couple wil) be chnrged. All friends are invited and a good. time is assured. Come dressed as you please with the intention of having a picnic. Chequamegon mnsic. Contractor Collins' claims for extra work on the sewers in Districts Nos. 8 and 4, amounting to aboat $9,000 have heen disposed of by the board of public works. At the meeting of the board on Tbursday eveniug of last week, the item of $5,600 for house coDnections was tbrown out altogetber. Of the balance still lef t the board allowed $1,443 11 for work on lateral sewer district No. 3, and $178.78 on lateral sewer district No. 4. Pigs may be stubborn, but they have more sense than tbey get credit for. Over in Ann Arbor they placed a little pig in the show window of a ineat market. It took things cool until its gaze rested on the bologna and discovered how tbeir race was being imposed upon when it kicked up a terrible rumpns, even attracting the attention uf a poliueman who soon consoled it as only a policeman knows how. - Plymontb Mail. Mint Direotor Preston says tbe world's prodnction of gold in 1896 will reach at least $220,000,000. This output is unprecedented. It is over twice aa large as that of 1886, nearly equal to that of gold aud silver coinbined in that year, and rnany millions in excess of the entire prodnction of the yellow metal from the discovery of America in 1492 down to 1850, a period of three and a half centnries. Furthermore, the indioations all point to a steady increase in the world's produotion for years to come. On Saturday evening H. B. Dodsley, W. M. of Golden Rule Lodge, No. 159, F. & A. M., Prof. F. G. Novy, W. M. of Fraternity Lodge, A. A. Pearson, Claude Pierce, Titus F. Hutzel, Ralph C. McAllaster and Woodin went to Detroit to attend the snhool of instruetiou held by Grand Lecturer Arthur M. Clark aDd to witness the work of Palestino Lodge in the third degree of Masonry. They say that several new points were brought out by Palestino Lodge, but that as a whole the work of the Ann Aibni lodges is superior to it. The future is the present Atthis time of year, Fornow's the happy season- The buv aud buy is here. IL yon want to bny, exohange or rent good farm read C. M. Fellows' aderfcisement in tbis paper. Miss Edith E. Huddy slipped on the idewalk at the UuiverBity hospital ?nesday afteruoon and fractured her eft wrist. E. B. Ford, of Mooreville, died Monday moruing, aged 47 years, after n illnees of several mouths. His wife ud a sou survive bim. Supervisors A. ,7. Kitson, Con. Tuoiy aud Ed. Bal!, conimittee on oounty aildiugs, have beeu busy tho past few ays takiag inveutory of the property n the different county offices. P. W. Carpenter was appoiuted ity clerk of Ypsilanti at the imetiug f tbe comoruu conncil of tb at city last Vlonday evening, to fill the vacanoy aused by the resignatiou of George W. Cook. The fatm house of Heury Depew, in tie town of Pittsfield, was des-troyed by ire Weduesday afternoou. The loss vas 12,000 partinlly oovered by an inurauce of $1,300 in tbe Washtenaw Mutual. The remains of Mrs. Piank S-hmidt vhich have been in tbe vault at Forest 3ill oeinetery since Nov. 27, were :aken frum there Sunday afternoon and uried in a lot in tbat cemetery. Brief nneral services were held at the grave. Tho Delta Sisma Nu society of tbe 3igb School gave a party at Granger's caderoy Friday evening, at whicb 24 onples were present. The chaperones were Mrs. C. S. Millen, Mrs. Oeo. Li. Icore, Mrs. D. Zirnmerman, and Mrs. T. E. Travis. The Ann Arbor Railroad Co. has, íesides discontinning tbe transfer of astern freight at tiamburg and taking t to Durand, gone a step fnrther and has taken away the trausfer of ocal freight whioh will henceforth be one at Hamburg Juuction. The Modern Woodmen will hold a )nblic installation in the A. O. U. W. ïall on Monday eveniDg, Jan. 4. At ;hat time a camp of the Royal Neighors, the woman's society auxiliary to he Woodmen, will be organized by tffs. Hattie Lombard, of Grand Rapds. The Ypsilanti opera house will be opened on Dec. 81 by the Euterpe Concert Co., which will present "Sir Marmaduke." The opening night will be nade the great social event of the season. Ypsilanti is now provided wirh one of the finest equipped theaters in he state. The Young Woman's Christian Association keep open house New Year's Day. and invite all their friends to cali. Chis is one of the occasions when gentlemen are iuvited. Come and see wbat tho associatlou is like. A program bas been arrunged to take a few minutes of euch hour. The Brifcish governrnent has ordered 10,000 biceyles to be used by her mail oarriprs. Here iu Ann Arbor sorae peojle kioked becanse a carrier attempted ;o deliver mail by wfieel, and the postmaster had to put a stop to it. There suenas to ba a difiérenos of opinión on this subject. Now which is governed jy prejudice and which by a desire to give the best service? - Gourier. The trial of Omer Keff, a law student wbo is charged with forgery, in which he ohanged and rnutilated an abstract to a farm, by meaus of which be profited tn the extent of $1,000, commenced in thfi Elkhart, Ind., circnit conrt, Monday. The case has attracted much atteution. Neff haa been out on bail for uearly a year, during which time he had prosecuted his studies at the universiry.