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Ward Nomination

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The republicans of the city held interesting ward oancuses last 6vening with the work of tbe mnnioipal club very much in evidence. It isstated that the club bad 200 workers at the varions oaoouses, including both prohibitionists and gold deruooarts. In the first ward, Aid. Maynard, who was eleoted alderman ou the democratie ticket and Paul Snauble, one of our best known prohibitionists, are among the delegates to the republioau city oonvention. The sanie state of affairs is said to exist in sorne of the other wards. The mnnioipal olnb ruembeis are said to be ooogratulating themselves at their snecess in the caucases, although they have evidently slipped up on soiue of the uominations. It is generally uaderstood that the repnblioan city oonveution this evening will norninate Charles E. Hisoook for rnayor, both the municipal club and Sheriff Jndson sopporting him, in faot all the elements of the party combining. It is also nnderstood that Henry J. Brown will receive tbe nomiaation for president of the counoil. Glen V. Mills has do opposition for clerk and neither has Andrew E. Gibson for justioe. The nominación for assessor will probably be left open for Patrick O'Hearn. Tbe varions ward nominations were as follows: First ward - Aldermati, F. M. Hamiltou; supervisor, W. K. Childs; constable, Wm. Eldert. Second ward - Alderman, Charle3 Tessmer; snpervisor, John Feiner; constable, Fred J. Huhn. Third ward - Aldermau, George W. Sweet; supervisor, John J. Fischer; constable, Wm. Bowen. Fourth ward - Alderman, Frank S. Vandawarker; snpervisor, Herman Krapf ; constable, to be fiüed by ward oommittee. Fifth ward- Alderman, Wm. Shadford : snpfirivsor, John Shadford ; constable, Alvin Phelps. Sixth ward - Alderman, Emmett Coon ; supervisor, A. J. Kitson ; constable, Fred Cleaver. Seventh ward - Alderman, C. H. Cady ; supervisor, Ernest E. Eberbacn ; constable, John Yonng. Full delegations to the city couvention to be held this evening, weie chosen in each ward, most of them bfiing giveu to understand tbat Chas. E. Biscock will be an aoceptable nominee for the mayoralty, H. J. Brown for president of the council, and Glen V. Mills for oity clerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News