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Judge Yaple

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e foJlowing excellent eauoriai apd in the Lansing Review of which kr Wood is editor: is of the utmost importance that people of the state, regaidless of ■■, shonld have confidenoe in and act for the decisions and opinions ie Sopreme Court. In order to e and maintain this oonfidence and iet, the benoh should be as near oartisan as possible, as political [uasi-political questions are frefcly before it for decisión. Thereit is wise and best to have a bencb ffholly oomposed of members of lolitical party, as ours is at presThere is an opportanity this íg to elect Honorable Qeorge L. e, and thns break the present imous republioan make up of the wonld seem desirable froru every of view that Yapie shonld be id, provided always be is oomt to fill the position. Xo those inow him, there can be no ques)n this point. He is a man of oellent literaiy education aad a lawyer of marked ability. His bonur and bonesty íb conceded by all. He is now setving a term as Cirouit Judge of the fifteenth oircnit, composed of Branch and St. Joseph counties, and is therefore not without experience as a jndge; as a cironit judge he bas given general satisfaction, for he has brougbt to the performance of his dnties, legal learning, practical sense, care, indnstry, honesty and aboveand beyond, absolute fearlessness. He always had the courage to stand manfnlly by his conviotions, a very essential qualification for a good judge. His repntation as a statesman is establi6hed. He is. however, fully as able as a jorist. He has always lived at or near the village of Mendon, St. Joseph county, snrronnded by and in touch with the common, everyday people. Like Lincoln, he has never grown away froin the masses. If be is eleoted to the snpreme benob, he will be no respecter of persons. Tne ricb and tbe poor, the strong and the weak will stand before him on a oomHson level. The people of this state will not only honor themselves in tbe election of George L. Yaple, Jnstice of the Supreme Conrt, bnt will also make tbe court less partisan in its make up. "


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