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Henry Marsh, of Ann Albor, has been granted an original pensión. The circuit court jury was dismissed for the present term Friday morning. A. J. Kitson is building a large addition to Wm. Howard's home ou Geddes ave. Baoh & Butler have already on file 14 applioations from outside parties who desire to rent houses in Ann Arbor next fall. The demooratio ward canouses will be held this eveuing at 7:30 o'olook. The city convention will be held Monday evening. J. L. Chapmau & Co., the jewelers on E. Liberty st., will in the near future remove to 36 S. Main st. , Wm. Arnold's old stand. Mrs. SI. Adelle Hazlett, of Lacsing, will deliver the annual address on Memorial Day in this city before Welch Post, No. 13?, G. A. E. W. D. and P. K. Crocker, of Chicago, have purchased the Ypsilanti Commercial and will take possesion of the paper and business April 1. Remember, the Argus office is headquarters for printing township eleotion tickets. The best of paper, good work and lowest prices. Do not forget this when orderine your tickets. The boards of registration for the various wards of this city will meet nexi Tnesday, Marob 30, for the registration of new voters and voters who have chaüged their residenoe. The State Military Board has organized by eleotiug Gen. W. L. White, of Grand Bapids, president; Col. N. M. JRicbardsou, of Caro, secretary ; Col. H. A. Smith, of Grand Kapids, assistant seoretary. At the closiug session of the meeting of probate judges at Lausing, Thursday of last week, Judge H. Wirt Newkirk was appointeJ a rnember of the committee on needed legisljition. The next meeting of the assooiation will be held in Detroit in September, 1898. Mr. Beardsley, of Ann Arbor, was in town on the 18th looking np the broom business; jt'looks as if he was doing well, for he has got a new harness on bis three-year old colts; by next trip we will look for a new wagon.- Willis correspondent Milan Leader. Arbor Tent, No. 296, K. O. T. M., will give an Easter party at the Maccabee hall over the post offloe on Easter Monday, April 19. Attendance will be by invitation and the price of the tiokets will be öO cents per couple with 25 cents eaon for ladies. The Chequamegon orehestra will fnrnish the mnsio. John Chicken, Ypsilanti, is a tongh old rooster, physioally. Oue day last week he got it i-nto bis head that he wanted to set, but the gravity of the earth was too muoh for him aud before he oould gain his equilibrium his shoulder came in contact with the ground dislocating the left clavicle. - Plymouth Mail. "Whatishome without a newspaper?" asks an esohange. It is a place where old hats are stnffed into brokeu Windows; wbere the wive3 look like a bag of wool with a string around the center; where the hnsband has a tobaooo panorama painted on his shirt front, and the neglected children wipe their noses on their jacket sleeves. The Woman's Home Missionaiy Sociflty of the M. E. ohuroh will hold a basket sale in the lenture room of the chnroh this evening. A literary and mnsioal program will be given and refreshments served. The baskets are made by Indians in the Snperior district to whom the society sends annually boxes of clothing and other supplies. A way to teil bad eggs is to put them in a pail of water, and if they are good they will lay on their side ; if bad they will stand on their small endB, the large end always nppermost, unless they have been shaken considerably, when they will stand either end np. Therefore, a bad e-g can be told by how it rests in the water, always end up, never on its side. An egg that lies flat ia good to eat aud can be depended on. Detroit st. is the only street in tha city that ia not mud from end to end these days. The Salvation Army will give a supper on Wednesday next, Maroh 31, to the poor of the city. The next meeting of the Michigan Sohcolmasters' Clnb will be held in this city April 2 and 3. The Comedy Club will present "The Private Secietary" at the Ypsilanti opera honse this evening. There will be be a meeting of the White Sbield Society at Newberry hall this afternoon at 4 o'olock. An effoit is beiog rnade to largely inorease the merabership of the League of American Wheelinen in this city. Ex-President Harrison was made en honorary mernber of the legal fraternity of Delta Chi during his stay iu Ann Arbor. The Detroit Tribune says: "Now that the anti-saloon league is after the liquor dealers, students have taken to keeping beer at home." ' A forty hours' devotion will conimence at St. Thomas' Catholio church on Snnday. Several priests will assist Fr. Kelly in the servioes. A prohibitiou city convention to nomínate a city ticket has been called to meet in the court house on Monday evening next at 7 :30 o'clook. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John Hermann, of Summit st. , died Sunday and was buried in Porest Hill cemetery Monday afternoon. Prof. John B. De Motte of Bryn Mawr, Pa., is the next attraotion in the Y. M. C. A. lyceum course in his illustrated leoture, "The harp of the senses, or the secret of oharacter building." Twenty coaples went ont to Alfred Paul's in Pittsfiekl, Wednesday evening, and treatfd tiim to a surprise party in honor ■ f nis birthday. A merry time was enjoyed by all in spite of the uuddy roatïs. D. A. Tiuker has sold his stock of r ents' furnishing goods and fixtures at c ko. 9 S. Main st., and has rented the e itore to Henry W. Holcomb, of Detroit. Mr. Holcomb is spoken of as a stirring x snd snccessfnl business man. The State Normal contest closed ' l'uesday night and was decided in ' favor of A. H. Lnll, of the Olympic 3ooiety, and Albert Wood of the Athen( 3um. Tbey will represent the Normal ' n their debate with Albion college aext month. The great romantic new opera L 'Brian Boru" will be given at the ■ Girand opera house Thursday eveuing ' aext, April 1. This ia ono of the best ' attractions that has been offered to Anu ] Arbor theater goers this season and ' should be patronized accordingly. On Monday Pension Agent James : sent ont the first installment of obecks . to peusioners entitled to remittances frnm the Detroit office. The number ' sent ont was 37,604 and the amonnt ' was $1,389,326.01. The remainder, . about 8,000 obecks, were sent out ' day. Walter H. Dancer's house, 32 Spring st., was struck by the lightning during the storm on Monday morning. The ' bolt first struok the cbimney and ' tered the bricks over the yard. From tbe ohimney it desoendod to the roof in whioh it ruadd a big hole. No one was injnred. The Budson Gazette tells the following story on a well known minister of that city: " 'Well, tbe great fight is over,' remarked a citizen to oue of Hudson's best known preachers Wednesday evening. 'ïes,' retorted the gentleman of cloth, 'and they both ought to have been killed - how did it come out?' " Louis W. Peak, a colored man, stole two finger rings and a revolver from J. A. Gwinner's saloon the other day. He was arrested by Marshal Peterson and on Monday had his trial before Justice Pond, who sentenced hiru to three months in the Detroit house of correction after be had pleaded gnilty to the oharge. Wild geese, ducks, blackbirds and robins are all reported so soon this spring, bnt then it takes more than birds to make spring. - Ann Arbor Courier. An undiscovered bent pin on a sohool teacber's ohair invariably makea one though, and it is usually olosely followed by the bawl season. - Plymouth Mail. The executive oommittee of the Ann Arbor Cycle club had au important meeting at Harris hall Saturday evening and agreed upon a nurnber of plans for concertad action among wheelrnen during the coming season. The matters np for disoussion will be exploited at a masa meeting of wheelmen tn be callecl iü the near future. Meanwhile steps will be taken to increase the membership of the club. The fee is only 25 cents. Rev. Henry Tatlock, rector of St. Andrew's churoh, spoke before tbe Students' Christian Asaociation in Newberry hall, Sunday morning on the subject "The essentials of Christianity as held by the Protestant Episcopal church." He pictured the eaily beginning? of the Episcopal faitb, and traced its growth to the present status of the church. The liberality of tbe denomination was its ohief feature, he said. aud was in direct linewith the thought of the age and the inspiration of a great educational institution. On Priday afternoon the teaobers of the Fifth ward school, the Misses Goodale, Clinton and O'Hearu, invited the eduoational committee of the Humane Sooiety to attend tbe school and listen to a program of recitation, reading and singing aDd appropriate selectious telating to the bnmane treatmeut of all living creatures. The visitors were highly pleased with the exhibition and with the care thafT had been taken to impress these useful lessons on the minds of the young pnpils. The Ann Arbor Organ Co shipped a carload of organs to New Orleaus, La., on Tbursday. Densmore Crarner bas given bondR for a new trial in the case of Alicuael Brenaer vs. D. Cramer. J. T. Jacobs Camp, S. of V., will give a musical and literary entertainment in their hall nest Tuesday 'evening. Sewer Contractir Audrew Sbarp was admitted to bail Saturday jn the circnit court with Sharp and Oesterliu as suretiee. Abont $200 was cleared for the building fuud of the new St. Thomas' church by the reoent production of "The Colleen Bawn." There are Iá7 ladies and gentlemen taking the examination for school teachers' certiflcates at the court honse. Fully 90 per cent are ladies. Mr. A. E. Mummery, tbe E. Washington st. druggisfc, was married in Battle Creek yesterday to Miss Alice A. Coleman-Webb, of that city. The dedicatory exeicises of Starkweather hall, the new Students' Chiistian Assooiation building at Ypsilanti, are being held today. The old soldiers in the oounty who receive pensions are feeling in better spirits this week than they did last. They have got tbeir pension checks. The subject at the Y. M. C. A. meeting afternoon at 2 :45 o'clock, is "How to be saved." A solo will be given by Willis Juhnson. S. K. Scharlotte, president of the local ohapter of Xi Psi Phi, was in Colunïbus, Uhio, Saturday, at the institution of a new chapter of the fraternity. A very pleasant reception, attended mainly by university people, was given to Ex-President Harrison by the members of the Phi Delta Theta frateruity after the leoture Toesday evening The Maroh meeting of the board of egents was to have been held Wednes3ay, bnfc theie was not a qnorum jnt. The consideration of the budget i lad to be deferred anti! the next , ing, April 28. What a catastrophe it wonld have aeen had the high water in the Hurïn river floated off those slaughter aouses. - Conrier. And how the people it the north side wonld have rejoiced Sbereac if they had floated away. Sam Jones is said to valne his servi3es as an evangelist at $2,000 a month, jnd to deinand a gnarantee that the money will be paid before starting to bombard Satan's entrenchments with bis bombs. - Ex. Now, after that where is the man who said, "Salvation is f ree. " Iu his sermón on Snnday night last Rev. T. W. Young, of the first Baptist chnrcn, roasted the law makers of Nevada for allowing the Corbett-Pitzsimmons piize fight. to take place within ita borders and the newspapers for publishing such f uil accounts of it as they did. Philip Gruner died Wednesday at his home in Lima, at a very oíd age. For over forty yeais he bad been a resident of Lima towuship and was respected greatly by those who knew him. He was the father of Leonard Gruner, of this city. The funeral services are held this afternoon. A blaze in Gibson & Clark's photograph gallery iu the Savings Bank blnck at 1 o'clock Wednesday moruing called ont the fire department in a great hurry and the promptoess of the boys donbtless saved a bad fire. As it was the dark room and its contenta were destroyed, inoludiug two lonses, some deveioping trays, etc. The loss on the gallery is $200 and on the building about $100. B. H. Ames, '97, won the first testimonial io the oratorical contest to be held in Ann Arbor in May. Mr. Ames has been prominent iu college oratory beretofore, and has an excellent oratiou. C. S. Simons, '98, who won second place easily, also did exceedingly well. T. A. Borkible, '97 law, came third. Gov. Pingree awarded the testimoniáis, and was heartily oheered by the students several times during the eveuing. A Methodist minister in Lansing says that a young womau in his oongregation has admitted to him that since she has been in society she has had seventeen beaux, and has been kissed by fitfeen of them. And the preaoher asks: "What do you think of that?" - Chicago Times-Herald. We think the narnes of the two ehumps should be published as a warning to all others whu are inclined co shirk a duty. - Lansing Republican. Who are the two ehumps, the minister and the girl? Heinrich Lutz, a native of Wnrfcemberg, Gerniany, and who has been in this city about a year, died Priday, of heart disease, aged 26 years. He was flrst taken dowu with typhoid fever, but reoovered somewhat from it and expected to go out into one of the western states to tutor a oouple of young poeple in Latin and Greek and thua support hitnself whilst he regained bis health. On Thursday of last week, however, be suffered a relapse aud died the next day. His funeral servioes were held at the Bethlehem churoh Sunday afternoon, Rev. John Neumann officiating. The Ypsilanti Seuticiel very propeily deprécales the habit that people have of oriticizing the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Electric Railway Co. wheu any unforeseen accident occurs which ternporarily delays the motor ears. It says: "It is easy to find fanlt, and not difficult to injure the road. which as a convenieuoe to the public it could not readily dispense with. Ciroumstances uiay at times bring about such vexing disappoiuttnents, but the Sentinel ventures the assertion that tbe regret is not greater on the part of the public than on that of the mauagemeut, nor is unkind criticism deserved. " The heirs of the Charles Proohnow estáte have sold their several interests in the farm in Northfield to Albert Proohnow. The petition tor the probating of the wiJl of the late William G. Dancer, of Lima, was flled in the probate court Wednesday. Fred C. Arnold, of 25 W. Liberty st., celebrated his majority Wednesday evening among a cornpany of 25 of his young gentlemen friends. A very pleasant time was the resnlt. George Lanbengayer, of Lodi, paid a fine of 10 and costs to Justice Pond Tuesday night or being drnnk. He paid $5 and oosts for a similar offense a Hbort time ago and Justice Pond says it will be f20 and oosts next time. Weloh Post, G. A. R., the Women's Relief Corps, the Sons of Veterans and Uo. A., M. N. G., have been invited to worship at the First M. E. chnrch on the Snnday morning preceding Memorial Day. They will all accept the invitatioD. At the conncil meeting Tuesday night, Byron H. Coon and Sainuel Gregory were appointed to fill the vaoancies iu the board of registration in the Sixth ward, cansed by the absence of Aid. Cooon from the city and the iuability of Aid. Soule to attend. The tíermau Lutheau parsonage at Kapp's oorueis, Northfied, burned at 5 o'clook yesterday morning. Loss ou building $800 besides the honsehold furniture, which was entirely bnrned exoepting an organ. It was only partially insured. An eleotric car ran into the rear end of the "Fishermau Ely's" wagon ou Detroit st. , Wertnesday, breaking off the wheels and throwing the old man to the ground with great force. Ely claims that the motormau did not ring the bell and that he turned to cross the street not knowing the car was coming. On the other hand the motorman and passers-by state that the bell was rong aud the motorman tcied hard to stop the car.