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James Thorn, of Angosta, died Sunday, aged 70 years. Saline farmors are shipping their orop of apples held over from last fall. The water in Whitmore Lake is a foot higher thau it has heen for years. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Buck, of Saline, have gone to Tecumseh to reside. The Ypsilauti Lighfc GuardB will produce "The Shenandoah" about May lö. John S. Conaut, who lived near Dentón, died of oonsumption1 SuDday, aged 60 years. .The anunal meeting of the Washtenaw Baptist Association will be held iu Saline, May 15. Miss Mollie Briggs will teach the sprirjg term iu the Forbes district school, Saline. Orville Gorton's house in Waterloo was damaged by fire Monday uight of last week to the extent of $200. Mrs. Emily Cunningham, colored, died at her home in Ypsilanti, Wednesday of last week, aged 74 years. Rev. J. J. Donoher, S. J., of Detroit, officiated at St. Mary's Catbolic chnroh iu Gheisea, ou Suuday last. Nissly, the beu-raiser, of Saline, was elected village president. He was always a Incky rooster. - Adrián Press. The Ypsilanti common coudcü at its meeting last week decided to abandou tue tower system ot eleotrio lighting. Several rnembers of the Saline hive of L. O. T. M. were in Mooreville Weduesday of last week visiting the hive in that village. Mrs. H. Drake, of Sylvau, and Mr. F. JLowery, of Eaton Rapids, were married at the home of the bride by Jusrice Ed. Ward, on Sunday, April 4. Mr. Albert Reranant and Miss Ora B. Allyn were married at the residence of thfl bride's parents iu Chelsea, Wednesday of Jast week, by Rev, J. L. Nick6rson. Dexter has a cornet band in which there aie 18 ruetnbers and more to joiu. The Leader says "an effort will be inade to ruake it one of the best ronsioal organizations in this part of the state." Arthur Pierce, uf Chelsea, while at work at the stove works Mouday nigbt of last week, was struok in the face by a belt wbieh he was trying to put ou a revolving pulley, and was badly bruised about the chin and nose. Tbe demaud for the American incubators and broeders manufactmed by Qeo. J. Nissly, of Saline, has been greater thau ever of late audhe is keeping five and six mea bnsy building them, but still is behind with orders. Miss Edith Foster, who has successfully taught the school in District No. 6, Dexter, was at the close of the term preseuted by her scholars with a íiandsotne sonvenir spoon as a token of their appreciation of her efforts. The real estáte of the late E. P. Kellogg was sold at anction last Saturday by tbe administrator, R. C. Reeve. The resideuoe in the village was bought by George Alley, the shop by George Sly, and tbe 40 acres of land just south of the village by Nicholas Webber. - Dexter Leader. William Guenther died at his home in Saline township, Monday of last week, after only a few days' iJlness. The funeral held at tbe Lntherau church. Saline, the following Wednesday was largely attended. He was boro in Wurtemburg, Germany, February 7, 1843, and came to this country when a young man. John Hartman, of Saline, was returuing home election night and it was so dark that his norse feil against and went over tbe railing of the culverfc near J. H. Barr's eider mili, taking Hartman and the buggy to the bottorn of the embankment, a distance of 10 feet. Fortunately no serious damaga resulted. The ladies of Rush Hive, L. O. T. M., Grass Lake, gave a banqutit Friday evening, in honor of their finance keeper, Airs. Harriet Shaler, who has held tbat otïioe for sevoii years in succession. A program, consisting of music, instrumental and vocal, a welcome to tbe geullemeu by Mrs. John Askon, '"The Bops ii tne Hive," by Mrs. Dr. Cha wiek, aud a recitation by Mrs. Be ger was .Mven. Mrs. Fannie D.veJie male a linie speech and rs-iR t n Mrs b'baier with a tea set of H iviland chiua in behalf of the hive. Mauchestr farmers bave comtaencei sowing oats. Miss Clara McUornn'clc is teaohiDg the school iu District No. fi, Salem, this term. Dr. Smitb, of Whitniore Lake, is slowly iecovering from bis recent severa accideut. Sbarou boys have caugbt the "smugrang" craze and mauy bave bad their mustaches shaved off. Mis. L. .7. Cooper, of VVayne, has jast completed a pieced qnilt wbich ooutains 8,352 pieces. Samuel Tuoker, of Lima, has a 10 cent piece that he found in bis yard wbich is 72 years oíd. Mr. Walter Haines and Miss Mildred McMuIleu, of Ypsilanti, were married iu that city Wtjdnesday. One hundred and eighty-six Ypsilanti farmers are bringiug or sending milk to the butter factory. Richard Eichardson, of Ypsilanti towuship, has reDted George Bryaut's aud Win. Johuson's places in Augusta. They are making 500 pounds of obeese a day at the Manchester creamery dow and the deraaud for it exceeds the supply. Wta. Sohneiriug, of Freedom, bad three ribs brokeu and waa internally injured recently by a wagon passing over his chest. Mr. Pranklin C Hollis and Miss Ora Wheelook, of MilaD, were mar ried in Saline, Wednesday of last week, by Rev. Mr. Leith. The uame of Charles VV. Pullen has been sent to the post office department by Congressrnan Spalding as the next postmaster of Milan. The uinth Sunday school rally of the townships of Milan, Lyndon and Exeter vvill be held at the M. E. church, Milau, toruorrow. The machinery belonging to the sunken wooleu inill at Rawsonville has been removed to Northville. It took eight teams two days to finish the job. Mrs. John Gates, of Saline, was belpiag her husband shell corn the other day when her finger got caught in the machine aDd was badly lacerated. Satnrday week a team driven by John Renz, of Freedoru, ran away and he and his two boys were thrown from the wagon, the younger snstaining a fracture of an arm. Chas. Mohney, Jake L. SDyder, C. F. Morse, Prof. Dan Hiokey and others will give a boxing and wrestling entertainment in Arbeiter hall, Mauohester, in the near future. Salem Teut, K. O. T. M., will give a dramatio eotertainment in the near future. Tonight the tent gives a free social aud entertainment followed by a social hop at Stanbro's hall. The remaius of VVm. Ralston, whose early life was speut in Manchester, and who died in Missouri, aged 47 years, were brought to Mauohester Tueöday of last week for interiuent. John Martin, of Manchester, brought the remaios of his brother, with wbom he bad spent the winter, from Rcchester, N. Y., Tuesday of last week, and they were interred in the Iron Ureek cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Uphaus, of Sharon, celebrated the 30th anniversary of their wedding April 3 aruong a large ootnpany of relatives aod frieuds. They were presented with au elegant tea servioe. An eight-pouud pickerel had goften into a shallow spot on the river bottom near C. Middlebrook's house Snuday week, and one of his boys waded in and caught it in his hands. - Manches:er Enterpirse. John Feuerbaoiier, of Freedoin, oume very uear losing his buildings tbe other day by fire, whicb started iu hia baru and was extiugoished ouly after hard work. Sparks from his blacksmitb shop started the biaza. Mrs. Berg, of Bridgewater, who was oue of the viotirns of the hrntality of MoCart, LeFountain and Brooks, has aue to Riga to reside with her son-inlw. Her danghter, the other viotim, will live with Martin Stnith. üeorge Shier, a former resident of Ypsilanti, coinmitted suicide at his home iu Detroit, Tuesday night of last week, by takiug chloroform, as a resnit of despoudency caused by business reverses and the effects oí a severe attack of the grip. He was 65 years old. His remains were iuterred in Highlaud aemetery, Ypsilanti, on Friday morniog. For souie time there has beeu considerable dissatisfaotion in school district No. 9, Bridegwater, it claiming all the land ou the west side of the river, which has belonged to district No. 8. A special rneetiug was called Friday, April 2, and a vote was carried which gave it the land in qnestiou in spite of considerable opposition. An appeal ruay be made to the town board. Alvin Mead, a resident of Ypsilanti town since 1854, died quite suddenly at his home there on Thursday of last week, aged 75 years. It was only a few weeks ago that Mr. and Mrs. Mead oelebrated their golden wedding among their family and friends. His wife and three daughters, Mrs. John Biggs, Mrs. Mort. Crane and Mrs. Frank Sweet survive him. The funeral services held at his late home Sunday afternoou were largely attended. The Ypsilanti public schools will give au entertainment for the benefit of the library at the high school hall in that city uext Tuesday ev.ening. The program will cousist of two parts: First, stereopticon views of Crete and ancient aud modern Greece, and iu addition deqlaruations relating to Greece and ao essay un the Greek general, Ypsilauti, from whoiii the city is named. The secoud part will be a dramatized versión of Lougfellow's famous poem, "Miles Standish." The presbytery of Detroit will meel in Hilan, Monday aud Tuesday uext. There is a larger attendance at the Milau school this term thau at any time dnriag the year. Ypsilaati Chapter of the Easteru Star received niue applioations for membersliip Monday eveuing. Mr. Frank M. Daniels and Mrs. Carrie E. Spooner, both of Ypsilanti, vvere mariied on Monday eveniug. The funeral of the late James Duggan, of Augusta, was held at St. Johu's chnroh, Ypsilauti, on Monday morning. Mrs. Francés Duart, of Unadilla, died Wednesday morniug, April 7, aged 8-1 years. Deceased leaves two sons and five daughters. The remains were buried by the side of those of her hnsbaud, at Novi, Saturday. Rev. Mr. Aldrich, of Pontiac, has been tendered an unanimous cali by tbe Ypsilauti Congregatioual chnrch to become its permanent pastor. Mr. Aldrich has not yet signified what he wil] do in tbe matter. Mr. Giltrert Howe, of Pittsfield, and Mies May Platt, daughter of H. D. Platt, were married at tbe home of the bride's pareuts iu Pittsfield, Monday eveaing, by Rev. Robert K. Wharton, of Ypsilanti, in the presence of a company of near relatives aud friends. Charles Johnson of Ypsilanti, for assanlting and battering Wm. Crosby, cf the same place, by biting his lip last Friday evening, while Crosby was acting as peacemaker between Johnson and his wife, was fiued ü and costs for the ofïense by Justice Childs, on Monday. Star route mail service has been established from Cherry Hill, Wayne county, to Ypsilanti, seven miles and back, six times per week, by a schedule of not to exceed two hours running time each way, from May 10. The special mail service between these points will be discuntinued the same date. The Ypsilanti Ladies' Library Association has elected the following offlcers: President, Mrs. R. G. Boone; vice president, Mrs. F. A. Todd ; reoording secretary, Mrs. Julia Sherman ; corresponding secretary, Miss Wortley ; treasurer, Mrs. Hewitt; members of the board, Mesdamee Boone, Jaroes, Sherzer, Gardam and Miss Lambie. It was only a happenstance that the Presbyterian church was saved from destruotion by flre Sunday night week. The union service was held there, and just after the audience bad gone home, the sexton was preparing to go home, when one of the side lames exploded, setting fire to the cushions below wbich quickly blazed up and had it not been for Hflihprt Walbeker and the sexton, the ñames would have soon become